  • 伯克和他的助手已经证实,观看一部有趣的电影,或者是听到一则令人捧腹的笑话而开怀大笑都能促使体有关压力的荷尔蒙含量得到有效控制并降低血压。
    Berk and others had already shown that actually watching a funny video, or just laughing at a joke, could make healthful changes in the levels of hormones involved in stress and lower blood pressure.
  • 索罗斯在柏林墙倒塌后一段时间向俄罗斯提供的援助曾一度超过美国政府的援助。他坚定地实施自己宣扬的观点。
    Soros, who at one stage after the fall of the Berlin Wall was providing more assistance to Russia than the US government, believes in practising what he preaches.
  • 这项年度调查根据各个城市的生活质量对215个城市进行了排名,其中瑞士的城市在"最适宜居住的城市"排名榜上占据了大多数席位。悉尼和日瓦并列第四,波恩排在第十位。
    Swiss cities dominated the list of 215 centres ranked according to quality of life, with Geneva tying Sydney for fourth place and Bern finishing 10th, in the annual survey by human resources consultancy William M.Mercer.
  • “伯纳德,”达特茅斯夫人说:“这位仁慈的夫人和我正在讨论我是否外柔刚。你的看法呢?”
    "Bernard," says Lady Darmouth, "this kind lady and I are just discussing whether I have an iron hand in a velvet glove. What do you think?"
  • 如果某些成员不授予广播组织上述权利,则应依照伯尔尼公约1971年文本,使对有关广播之容享有版权之人,有可能制止上述行为。
    Where Members do not grant such rights to broadcasting organizations, they shall provide owners of copyright in the subject matter of broadcasts with the possibility of preventing the above acts, subject to the provisions of the Berne Convention (1971).
  • 美国战(1864-65)中的最后一次战役;格兰特统率下的联军打败了李统率下的盟军。
    the final campaign of the American Civil War (1864-65); Union forces under Grant besieged and finally defeated Confederate forces under Lee.
  • 马奇补充说他对彩票和其他赌博“一直存有戒心”。可是他又说当初州彩票以及合法场外赌马都是“在我任”建制的。
    Marchi added that he has "always been wary" of lotteries and other gambling, but noted that both the original state lottery and legalized off-track betting were instituted "on my watch."
  • 要提防隐蔽的敌人,他们经常渗透到关键岗位企图从部破坏国家政体。
    Beware of the fifth column. They often infiltrate into key positions and seek to undermine the body politic from within.
  • 许多的人,对于苏联进兵波兰的问题,糊涂起来了。
    Many people in China are bewildered by the fact that Soviet troops have entered Poland.
  • 他转过身,向门廊顶头的玻璃门走去,隐隐感到一阵疚和困惑,就像我们与某个穿着破旧、面黄肌瘦、穷困潦倒的昔日好友或者同班同学擦肩而过时所体会到的那样。
    He turned and walked toward the glass doors at the lobby, feeling that faint guilt and bewilderment we experience when we by-pass some old friend or classmate who seems threadbare,or sick, or miserable in some other way.
  • 火在船身失去控制。
    Fire went beyond control belowdecks.
  • 29.香港拥有精良的电讯基建设施,与地关系独特,再加上港人通晓中英文两语,因此香港作为中国通向资讯世界的门户,可谓极具优势。
    29. With our excellent telecommunications infrastructure, our unique position vis-a-vis the Mainland and our bi-lingual language capability, Hong Kong has a strong competitive advantage in seeking to serve as an information gateway to the Mainland.
  • 在很长的历史时期,大家对于社会的历史只能限于片面的了解,这一方面是由于剥削阶级的偏见经常歪曲社会的历史,另方面,则由于生产规模的狭小,限制了人们的眼界。
    For a very long period in history, men were necessarily confined to a one-sided understanding of the history of society because, for one thing, the bias of the exploiting classes always distorted history and, for another, the small scale of production limited man's outlook.
  •  第九十七条著录事项变更费、实用新型专利检索报告费、中止程序请求费、强制许可请求费、强制许可使用费的裁决请求费、无效宣告请求费应当自提出请求之日起1个月,按照规定缴纳;
    Rule 97 The fee for a change in the bibliographic data, fee for establishing a search report on a utility model patent, fee for requesting suspension of the patent procedure, fee for requesting a compulsory license, fee for requesting adjudication on exploitation fee of a compulsory license and fee for requesting invalidation shall be paid as prescribed within one month from the date on which such request is filed.
  • 所以,让我们结束部间的争吵吧!再也不要去做同风车作战的蠢事了。
    So let us stop bickering within our ranks . stop tilting at windmills.
  • 电影院内禁止抽烟。
    Smoking is for bidden in cinema.
  • 完全有计划的战略退却,在形式上是被逼出此的,在容上是保存军力,待机破敌,是诱敌深入,准备反攻。
    In appearance a fully planned strategic retreat is made under compulsion, but in reality it is effected in order to conserve our strength and bide our time to defeat the enemy, to lure him in deep and prepare for our counter-offensive.
  • ,局方颁发了第四届香港中文文学双年奖。
    The fourth Hong Kong Biennial Awards for Chinese Literature was presented in the year.
  • 此外,日本和香港是亚洲区外国直接投资最大的来源;
    We are the two biggest financial centres in Asia.
  • 布里斯托尔动物园在一次声明说,罗米纳第二次白障手术的方案已经定下来了,这次手术之后,罗米纳的两只眼睛就都可以看见东西了。
    A second cataract operation was being planned to restore Romina's bilateral sight, the zoo said in a statement.
  • 台湾问题应该也完全可以通过两岸的协商,在一个中国的架构求得合理的解决。
    The Taiwan question should and entirely can be resolved judiciously through bilateral consultations and within the framework of one China.
  • 正中面的,正中面的(位于)把左右对称的动物分成左右两半的平面上(或附近)的;位于正中平面
    Of, relating to, or situated in or near the plane that divides a bilaterally symmetrical animal into right and left halves; mesial.
  • (食用)肝动物体分泌胆汁的器官,可用作食物
    The bile-secreting organ of an animal, used as food.
  • 片吸虫病片形吸虫科寄生肝蛭寄生体,尤指肝蛭寄生在肝和输胆管
    Infestation with parasitic flukes of the family Fasciolidae, especially infestation of the liver and bile ducts with the liver fluke.
  • 属于或与生物化学(包括在生物体的化学变化)有关。
    of or relating to biochemistry; involving chemical processes in living organisms.
  • 西雅图市华盛顿大学的生物工程学教授亨利·拉伊博士警告说:"脑肿瘤发展缓慢,十几年可能查不出来。
    "Brain tumors grow slowly and may not be detected for more than a decade," warns Henry Lai, Ph.D., professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington, in Seattle.
  • 重点发展电子信息、生物工程和新医药、光机电一体化、新材料、环保与资源综合利用五大行业,建设软件、微电子、电子及通讯、计算机及网络、新材料等高新技术产业基地,着力开发培育一批拥有自主知识产权的名牌高新技术产品,引进国外大公司和跨国公司的技术和资金,为科技奥运创造条件。
    Priorities will be given to the development of 5 industries including electronics and information, bioengineering and new medicine, optical, mechanical and electrical integration, new materials, and environment protection and multi-purpose utilization of resources. New and high technology bases will be built for the development of software, microelectronics, electronics and telecommunications, computer and networking, and new materials. Efforts will be made to develop a series of high technology products with self-owned intellectual property rights and introduce technology and capital from domestic and foreign corporations and multinationals, so as to provide strong technological support for the Olympic Games.
  • 宾西法尼亚大学生物伦理学中心的主任亚瑟·卡普兰认为,七年第一个克隆婴儿就会啼哭着来到这个世界。
    The first infant clone could come squalling into the world within seven years according to Arthur Caplan, director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania.
  •  迷你书虽小,但容却涉及几乎所有的时髦话题,名人传记、宠物、瘦身减肥等,可谓无所不包。
    Tiny as they are, the books have covered almost all the popular topics include celebrity biographies, pets and dieting.
  • 阅读人民行动党新人的履历,让人深信执政党有意通过党不同的意见,来发挥“协同效应”。
    Reading pages after pages of the new faces' biographies, one is actually convinced that the ruling party is actually working towards achieving synthesis by introducing elements of the anti-thesis.
  • 媒体没有对佛罗里达州大选的欺诈和腐败行为进行调查;找出匿名揭发此事的情提供者;弄清楚最高法院五位背信法官的历史背景——这些人对美国民主造成了致命伤害;相反,它沉默不语,就好像什么事也没有发生。
    Instead of diving into the fraud and corruption of the Florida election,ferreting out the Deep Throats,and combing through the biographies of the five treasonous Supreme Court justices who put the bullet through the heart of democracy in America,they shut up and behaved as if nothing was happening.
  • 其后10年中她很快学会了法语,在一系列的修道院中生活过,她的两位保护人和同龄人--埃凯夫人和苏格兰律师詹姆斯·伯特(后来的蒙博多勋爵)--还为她写了传记。
    She learned French rapidly over the next 10 years, lived in a series of convents, and her biography was written by two patrons and contemporaries: Madame Hequet and the Scottish lawyer James Burnett, later Lord Monboddo.