  • 他说了一些粗话。
    A stream of abuse came from his lips.
  • 最近港元的外汇市场及股票期货市场出现了大量的投机活动,政府注意到,这炒卖活动有明显的关连,不单只对货币市场造成混乱,而且还扯高息口,妨碍了本港经济能够顺利地调整,令普罗大众蒙受损失。
    Over the past week there have been massive speculative activities in the Hong Kong dollar market and the stock and futures markets. We have been keeping a watchful eye on these activities, and have come to the firm conclusion that there has been an abundantly clear linkage between the currency play and the play in the stock and futures markets. They have brought along instability to the Hong Kong dollar market and artificially forced up the interest rate. Such destabilizing activities disrupt the course of our economic adjustment.
  • 也就是说,艺术把诸如爱、丧失、生命起源和终结等等问题的普遍现象产牛的模糊的刺激、矛盾的情感、瞬间的印象加以集中提炼并形式化,艺术使我们能够淋漓尽致地打对和感受到这印象。
    that is to say, it brings into sharp focus and gives form to shadowy promptings, conflicting emotions, and half-glimpsed impressions of universal situations such as love, loss, questions of life's origins and end, and so forth, and it allows us to see and feel these impressions clearly and intently.
  • 可疑的怪人;后排一人喝倒彩
    A shady character; catcalls from some character in the back row.
  • 过了一会儿,我们在一白杨树下面找到了一个遮阴的地方。
    After a while, we find a shady place under some poplar trees.
  • 关于这次事故有可疑之处;直到一可疑的交易;明显可疑的举止;暗中的交易;她动机可疑;可疑的行为。
    there was something fishy about the accident; up to some funny business; some definitely queer goings-on; a shady deal; her motives were suspect; suspicious behavior.
  • 作了间接的但合法的调查;间接侮辱;无疑的,他们的脑子里有间接的目的;尽管他的方法是曲折的,但并不是不诚实的;公认的可疑、不诚实的家伙。
    making indirect but legitimate inquiries; an indirect insult; doubtless they had some indirect purpose in mind; though his methods are indirect they are not dishonest; known as a shady indirect fellow.
  • 男孩子到一废弃的矿坑去探险(如旧锡矿的竖坑中)。
    The boys went exploring in some disused workings, eg the shafts of an old tin mine.
  • 干了那么工作以后我累极了。
    I'm shagged out after all that work.
  • 干完那活儿后,她都累倒了。
    She's shagged out after all that work.
  • 干了那么工作以后我累极了。
    I am shagged out after all that work.
  • 太空中有大量氧和氢,这太空资源可以合成水;
    with abundant cosmic sources of hydrogen and oxygen to make water;
  • 经济学家蔑视他们的其他社会学科的同事;傲慢的贵族;他傲慢的态度令人讨厌;大摇大摆地走;傲慢的违反礼节;他母亲以一种傲慢的态度看着我的衣着;毛发蓬松的傲慢的骆驼;比平时更傲慢的态度-w.l.斯若尔。
    some economists are disdainful of their colleagues in other social disciplines; haughty aristocrats; his lordly manners were offensive; walked with a prideful swagger; very sniffy about breaches of etiquette; his mother eyed my clothes with a supercilious air; shaggy supercilious camels; a more swaggering mood than usual- W.L.Shirer.
  • 他死缠着这郊游的人,撵都撵不走。
    He imposed his company on the party and could not be shaken off.
  • 该委员会需要彻底改组,去除某不合格的成员。
    The committee needs to be shaken out to get rid of some unqualified members.
  • 一、这教师都具有爱心和耐心。
    1. All the inspiring teachers display an abundance of love and patience towards their students.
  • 一、这教师都具有爱心和耐心。
    1. All the inspiring teachers display an abundance of love and patience .
  • 这个理论由一模糊的数据所支撑,摇摇欲坠。
    this theory is rather shakily supported by some obscure data.
  • 他们的婚姻一开始就有不稳固。
    Their marriage got off to rather a shaky start.
  • 可是在五孙舍眼里,便是天仙化人似的,这么一来,那第四条的条约,就有靠不住了。
    But in the eyes of 5th Sun-she, she was the beautiful Celestial Fairy in human form. Given this situation, condition No. 4 became somewhat shaky.
  • 从逻辑而言,要求形成新的世界秩序听似正确,而且我真心实意地同意一观点,但是,考虑到世界上二百余个国家在发展和外交上有不同的议事日程,这种要求就显得荒谬了。
    Logically , calls for a New World Order sound valid , and I whole-heartedly agree with some points , but the absurdity arises when considering that the world's 200-odd nations have diverse agendas when it comes to development and diplomacy.
  • 《考克斯报告》出笼后,由于它过于离奇、荒谬,遭到了包括美国在内的一国家传媒和专家、学者的抨击。
    After it was released, the Cox Report has been criticized by the media as well as experts and scholars in some countries, including the United States, for its elements of fantasy and absurdity.
  • 只要这联想是考察这一问题的唯一媒介,我们现在认识到的显而易见的谬论就似乎是自明之理。
    So Long as those associations were the only medium through which the subject was looked at, what we now think so gross an absurdity seemed a truism.
  • 我该把这文件存档吗?
    Shall I file them?
  • 我要订一些吗?
    Shall I order some?
  • 他只是对于由此所产生的荒谬结论作了一掩饰,并没有使这种结论从真正的错误中解脱出来。
    he has thus merely somewhat varnished over the folly of its results, but not raised it out of its intrinsic absurdity.
  • 然而,谬论终归还是谬论,尽管我们发现了一表面原因使它看起来似乎有道理。
    An absurdity, however, does not cease to be an absurdity when we have discovered what were the appearances which made it plausible;
  • 对这荒谬的指控我们是不甘受辱的.
    We have no intention of lying down under these absurd allegations.
  • 不便之处几乎是没有办法避免的,而且如果希望一点不便也没有给对方造成,则通常会被认为是在佯装。
    Some inconvenience is almost inevitable,and the hope that no inconvenience whatever has been caused is usually recognized for the sham that it is.
  • 萨满教在一民族中仍然有较大影响。
    Shamanism still has considerable influence among some ethnic groups.
  • 大约从十八世纪起,基督教、天主教相继传入新疆,佛教、道教和萨满教也有了较大发展。这宗教的寺院、教堂遍布天山南北,有穆斯林甚至改信了基督教等其他宗教。
    Around the 18th century, Protestantism and Catholicism spread to Xinjiang, at a time when Buddhism, Taoism and Shamanism were flourishing in the region, and temples and churches of these religious faiths could be found everywhere in Xinjiang. Some Moslems even changed their faith to Christianity or other religions.
  • 知识在古人在外人是直接经验的东西,如果在古人外人直接经验时是符合于列宁所说的条件“科学的抽象”,是科学地反映了客观的事物,那末这知识是可靠的,否则就是不可靠的。
    To our ancestors and to foreigners, such knowledge was -- or is -- a matter of direct experience, and this knowledge is reliable if in the course of their direct experience the requirement of "scientific abstraction", spoken of by Lenin, was -- or is -- fulfilled and objective reality scientifically reflected, otherwise it is not reliable.