  • 古巴第一次独立战争
    First Independence War of Cuba
  • 可是本田并不要从底特律比它大的竞对手那里学样。底特律的对手通常会把工人闲置一个星期或更久。本田也会减产,可是俄亥俄州的[本田车厂]工人仍继续工作,以较慢的进度装配轿车、跑车以及旅行车。
    But Honda will not take its cud from larger Detroit rivals, which customarily idle workers for a week or more, Honda production will be cut back, but workers in Ohio will stay on the job, assembling sedans, coupes and station wagons at a slower pace.
  • 他们的长期斗终于取得了胜利。
    Their long struggle finally culminated in success.
  • 人人都担心,这两国间的边境端将以一场战告终。
    Everyone feared that the boundary dispute between these two countries would culminate in a war.
  • 伊哥斯波塔米色雷斯南部一小河及古老城镇,位于现在的土耳其西部。公元前405年在此河口爆发了伯罗奔尼撒战的最后一战,在此战役中来山得以及斯巴达人击败了雅典舰队
    A small river and ancient town of southern Thrace in present-day western Turkey. The culminating battle of the Peloponnesian War, in which Lysander and the Spartans destroyed the Athenian fleet, took place at the mouth of the river in405 b.c.
  • 中国共产党自1921年诞生后,就在政治纲领中明确地提出,“推翻国际帝国主义的压迫,达到中华民族的完全独立”,“打倒军阀,统计表中国为真正民主共和国”,并领导人民进行了艰苦卓绝的斗,取得了民族民主革命的胜利。
    After its birth in 1921, the Communist Party of China set the clear-cut goal in its political program to "overthrow the oppression by international imperialism and achieve the complete independence of the Chinese nation" and to "overthrow the warlords and unite China into a real democratic republic".It led the people in an arduous struggle culminating in victory in the national democratic revolution.
  • 中国共产党自1921年诞生后,就在政治纲领中明确地提出,“推翻国际帝国主义的压迫,达到中华民族的完全独立”,“打倒军阀,统计表中国为真正民主共和国”,并领导人民进行了艰苦卓绝的斗,取得了民族民主革命的胜利。
    After its birth in 1921, the Communist Party of China set the clear-cut goal in its political program to "overthrow the oppression by international imperialism and achieve the complete independence of the Chinese nation" and to "overthrow the warlords and unite China into a real democratic republic"; it led the people in an arduous struggle culminating in victory in the national democratic revolution.
  • 加拿大雷连教宣布,该教计划克隆一个孩子;一名引起颇多议的科学家理查德·西得博士昨天再次提出他要克隆他的妻子。
    The Raelian religious cult in Canada has announced plans to clone a child, and controversial scientist Dr Richard Seed yesterday reiterated plans to clone his wife.
  • 我们需要在这方面协力取支持。
    We need to cultivate support in this direction.
  • 在任何时候任何情况下,全党同志都绝不能固步自封,绝不能畏惧艰险,必须紧紧团结全国各族人民,把我们伟大的祖国建设成为富强民主文明的社会主义现代化国家,取对人类作出新的更大的贡献!
    Under no circumstances should all comrades of the Party stand still and refuse to move forward, nor should they fear hardship and difficulties. All comrades must closely unite with the people of all ethnic groups in China and strive to build our great motherland into a strong, prosperous, democratic and culturally advanced modern socialist country so as to make new and even greater contributions to humanity.
  • 由此也就可知,从整个的抗日战看来,只有将正规战和游击战的战役和战斗的进攻战集合了很多,即从进攻战中打了很多的胜仗,才能达到战略防御之目的,最后战胜日本帝国主义。
    Thus it can also be seen that, if we take the War of Resistance as a whole, we can attain the aim of our strategic defensive and finally defeat Japanese imperialism only through the cumulative effect of many offensive campaigns and battles in both regular and guerrilla warfare, namely, through the cumulative effect of many victories in offensive actions.
  • 只有战役和战斗的速决战集合了很多,即是使得很多战役和战斗的进攻战都能因迅速解决战斗之故而取得了胜利,才能达到战略持久的目的,一方面取时间加强抗战力量,同时促进和等候国际形势的变动和敌人的内溃,以便举行战略反攻,驱逐日寇出中国。
    Only through the cumulative effect of many campaigns and battles of quick decision, namely, the cumulative effect of many victories achieved through quick decision in offensive campaigns and battles, can we attain our goal of strategic protractedness, which means gaining time to increase our capacity to resist while hastening or awaiting changes in the international situation and the internal collapse of the enemy, in order to be able to launch a strategic counter-offensive and drive the Japanese invaders out of China.
  • 历史积累下来的腐败现象,虽然很严重地阻碍着人民抗战力量增长的速度,减少了战的胜利,招致了战的损失,但是中国、日本和世界的大局,不容许中国人民不进步。
    Although the cumulative effects of long years of corruption are seriously retarding the growth of the people's strength to resist Japan, thus reducing the extent of our victories and causing us losses in the war, yet the over-all situation in China, in Japan and in the world is such that the Chinese people cannot but make progress.
  • 中国努力避免和制止战,努力用和平方式解决国际端和历史遗留问题。
    China spares no effort to avoid and curb war, and to solve international disputes and questions left over by history through peaceful means.
  • 按照现代战的特点,努力提高武器装备现代化建设的水平,改革和完善军队的体制编制,改进部队的训练和院校教育的内容与方法。
    In view of the characteristics of modern wars, no effort will be spared to improve the modernization level of weaponry, reform and perfect the army system and setup, and improve the training of troops and curricula and teaching methods of military academies.
  • 而且,新加坡大学生平时不是在赶作业,就是拼命取课外活动分数以便继续住宿舍。
    Moreover, university students here are either busy with school work or are busy accumulating sufficient points from their extra-curricular activities so as to continue their stay in the hostels.
  • 战争法规和惯例
    laws and customs of war
  • 面对竞对手们异常激烈的竞,要开发一种新产品是极其困难的。
    It is extremely difficult to launch a new product in the face of cutthroat competition from rival producers.
  •  鲍嘉生动地刻画了一个寄居在摩洛哥的侨民与褒曼之间一段动人的发生在战期间的浪漫故事。
    Bogart portrayed a cynical expatriate[2] in wartime Morocco with Bergman as his idealistic long-lasting love.
  • 顺化越南中部城市,临近南中国海,位于岘港市西北。为安南古城,可能建于公元3世纪,在越南战中几乎毁于战火。人口165,865
    A city of central Vietnam near the South China Sea northwest of Da Nang. An ancient Annamese city probably dating from the third century a.d., it was nearly destroyed during heavy fighting in the Vietnam War. Population,165, 865.
  • 在战中,每个人的生活都充满了危险。
    In war, life is full of danger for everyone.
  • 杰克船上的马达已经热到危险的程度,但他决定冒险,力取胜。
    The motor of Jack's boat was dangerously hot, but he decided to shoot the works and try to win the race.
  • 美国革命战中的一次战役;丹尼尔摩根统治下的美国人打败了英国。
    battle in the American Revolutionary War; Americans under Daniel Morgan defeated the British.
  • 她在敌後的英勇斗业迹现在已是传奇美谈.
    Her daring work behind the enemy lines is now legend.
  • 这个男孩不敢辩,赶紧出去了。
    The boy hastened out , not daring to argue.
  • 她在敌后的英勇斗业迹现在已是传奇美谈。
    Her daring work behind the enemy line is now legend.
  • 论影响了她的情绪。
    The argument darkened her mood.
  • 达尔文学说由达尔文和其他人改进的生物进化理论,指出所有物种生物体的起源和发展都是通过小的、遗传变异的自然选择来增加个体的能力,来竞、生存和再生
    A theory of biological evolution developed by Charles Darwin and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce.
  • 我要求国会宣布:由于日本在1941年12月7日星期日对我国无故进行卑鄙的袭击,美国同日本已经处于战状态。
    I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday December7,1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.
  • 我要求国会宣布:由于日本在1941年12月7日星期日对我国无故进行卑鄙的袭击,美国同日本已经处于战状态。
    I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday December 7, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.
  • 这种斗的时间,从鸦片战算起,已经整整一百年了;从辛亥革命算起,也有了差不多三十年了。
    This struggle has lasted a full hundred years if dated from the Opium War, and nearly thirty years if dated from the Revolution of 1911.
  • 为挽救民族的危亡和谋求自身的解放,中国妇女与全国人民一道,进行了长达一百多年的不屈不挠的斗,掀起了一次又一次的妇女解放运动。
    For national salvation and self emancipation, Chinese women, along with the entire nation, waged a dauntless struggle that lasted for over a century. They also launched a succession of movements for women's liberation.