  • (天主教和正教)接纳死者进入圣人教规的行为。
    (Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church) the act of admitting a deceased person into the canon of saints.
  • 久闻京精机光学厂生产的“佳能”照相机颇有名气。
    It has just come to our notice that the Japanese camera canon manufactured by seiki- kogaku, tokyo, is very popular.
  • 仪天主教会的属于或有关一种方基督教教派的,他与罗马天主教徒的教派交流,但保持他们自己的语言、礼拜式和教会法规的礼教习俗
    Of or relating to any of several Eastern Christian churches that are in communion with the Roman Catholic Church but retain their own languages, rites, and codes of canon law.
  • 在中国,又有半封建文化,这是反映半封建政治和半封建经济的西,凡属主张尊孔读经、提倡旧礼教旧思想、反对新文化新思想的人们,都是这类文化的代表。
    China also has a semi-feudal culture which reflects her semi-feudal politics and economy, and whose exponents include all those who advocate the worship of Confucius, the study of the Confucian canon, the old ethical code and the old ideas in opposition to the new culture and new ideas.
  • 福塞的第四次尝试是在1998年,当时来自澳大利亚北海岸的一场风暴撕裂了气球的罩蓬,结果他从29000英尺(9000米)的高空垂直掉进了太平洋的珊瑚海,万幸的是他并没有受伤,这次失败的尝试差点成了一次灾难。
    Fossett's fourth solo bid ended in near disaster in 1998, when a thunderstorm off Australia's northeastern coast shredded his canopy and sent him plummeting 29,000 feet (9,000 metres) into the Coral Sea. He was unhurt.
  • 无论是在报刊或电子传媒方面,这次活动都取得卓越成绩。这不但确立了香港的大都会地位,也为香港作为亚洲"广流行音乐"枢纽奠下基础。
    Results were exceptional in both print and electronic media and put Hong Kong firmly on the map as a cosmopolitan city and the 'Canto-pop' hub of Asia.
  • 广话,粤语中国广州城里或附近地区(旧名广)所讲的方言
    The dialect of Chinese spoken in and around Guangzhou(formerly Canton), China.
  • 是不是广省有代表性的西都能看到啊?
    Does it mean that we can see all of the typical articles of Canton?
  • 它现在被辟为广省民间工艺馆,陈列着各种工艺品。
    It's been labeled as the Folk Craft Exhibition Hall of Canton with various handicraft articles on display.
  • 在广及临省、香港、和中国大陆以外的其他地方所说的一种中国方言。
    the dialect of Chinese spoken in Canton and neighboring provinces and in Hong Kong and elsewhere outside China.
  • 新费城美国俄亥俄州中部偏北城市,位于坎顿南部。其制造业包括陶瓷和机械。人口15,698
    A city of northeast central Ohio south of Canton. Ceramics and machinery are among its manufactures. Population,15, 698.
  • 他后来做了广和武汉的国民政府主席,还是兼了第二军军长。
    Even when he became President of the National Government first in Canton and then in Wuhan, he was concurrently the commander of the Second Army.
  • 一八九五年清朝政府在中日战争中失败以后,孙中山依靠兴中会联络民间秘密团体会党的力量,在广组织过两次反对清朝统治的武装起义,即一八九五年的广州之役和一九○○年的惠州之役。
    With the support of the secret societies among the people, he staged two armed insurrections in Kwangtung Province against the Ching government after its defeat in the Sino-Japanese war in 1895, one at Canton in 1895 and the other at Huichow in 1900.
  • 所以广州产生过三天的城市民众政权,而海陆丰、湘、湘南、湘赣边界、湖北的黄安等地都有过农民的割据。
    This is why the people held political power for three days in the city of Canton and why independent regimes of peasants emerged in Haifeng and Lufeng, in eastern and southern Hunan, in the Hunan-Kiangsi border area and in Huangan, Hupeh Province.
  • 我试过广,湖南和四川菜,他们都颇为不同。
    I've tried Cantonese, Hunan and Szechwan food and they differ quite considerably.
  • 广东菜清淡适口。
    The Cantonese food is light.
  • 我会一点广东话。
    But I can speak some Cantonese.
  • 你是说讲广话比赛?
    Did you say the Cantonese-speaking contest?
  • 由鸡肉和嫩煎蔬菜做成的广菜。
    a Cantonese dish of chicken and sauted vegetables.
  • 广话把它叫做"nuomaigai(糯米鸡)"。
    It's called "nuo mai gai" in Cantonese.
  • 广菜和北京菜有什么不同呢?
    Is there any difference between Cantonese food and Beijing food?
  • 在供应广菜的餐馆里,我们一顿饭通常从喝汤开始。
    At a restaurant that serves Cantonese dishes, we usually start off with soup.
  • 如果我告诉你我能说广话,但是我说出来的广话却像江西话或是上海话,那么你就要笑话我。
    If I tell you I can speak Cantonese,but I speak Cantonese like people who speak Jiangxinese or Shanghainese,you're gonna laugh at me.
  • 在供应广菜的餐馆里,我们一顿饭通常从喝汤开始。
    At a restaurant that serves Cantonese (Guangzhou) dishes, we usually start off with soup.
  • 我想参加香港外国人讲广话比赛。
    I want to apply for the Cantonese-speaking contest for foreign residents in Hong Kong.
  • 我想尝一尝广菜,你能为我们推荐几道菜好吗?
    I think we shall try the Cantonese food. Can you recommend some dishes to us?
  • 本酒店主理粤菜,包括潮汕菜、江菜、大良菜以及客家菜。
    Yes, sir. Our restaurant mainly serves Cantonese cuisine, including Chaozhou, Shantou, Dongjiang River, Daliang and Hakka dishes.
  • 在墨尔本城北街道,可以看到成群结伙的讲广话甚至是北京土语的男女学生。
    In some downtown streets in Melbourne, Chinese students speaking Cantonese or even the Beijing dialect rubbed shoulders with locals.
  • 中国菜分成八大菜系,或者说八种风味。如广菜、北京菜、四川菜等等。
    It's divided into eight big cuisines, or say, eight styles, such as Cantonese food, Beijing food, Sichuan food, etc.
  • 中国菜分为四大菜系,它们是北京菜、广菜等、四川菜、上海菜。
    The Chinese food can be divided into four styles. They are Beijing style, Cantonese style, Sichuan style, Shanghai style.
  • 北京菜味重香浓,上海菜油腻,四川菜味浓而辣,这家餐馆以广菜而闻名。
    Beijing food is heavy and spicy. Shanghai food is oily. Sichuan food is strong and hot. This restaurant is famous for its Cantonese food.
  • 跟中国其它地方的菜式不同,烹制时多放蚝油、虾肉泥、话梅酱、沙爹酱、鲜鱼汁等广特产的调料。
    Different from other cuisine in China, some of the flavorings used in Cantonese cooking are oyster sauce, shrimp paste, plum sauce, satay sauce and fish extract.