  • 汽车一旦厂在街上行驶,将会吸进空气,排有毒的气体,再次增加空气中的烟尘。
    Once they are out on the street, the cars will take in air and replace it with poisonous gases. Again, more smoke and soot.
  • 说实在的,这倒是一十分美妙的佳作,即使今天看来,我们只要略做调整,仍可照样演
    Sooth to say, it was a very fine work which, it seems to us, might well be turned to account even now with a few modifications.
  • 杰作皆于毫不拘谨、毫无意念去取悦于人、仅为抚慰自己的烦忧之时。
    Pleasing best when unconfined, when to please is least designed, soothing but their cares to rest.
  • 她用一块布抹去溢的牛奶。
    She sopped up the spilt milk with a cloth.
  • 随便翻开一本家居杂志,看看他们是如何用花营造精致而不俗的外观。
    Open up any home magazine to see how flowers are used to achieve a sophisticated look.
  • 本港近年来的庞大贸易总额及高质素口产品,是本港商贸佳绩的明证。
    Hong Kong's success is reflected in the volume of its total trade and the sophistication of its exports in recent years.
  • 本港的贸易总额庞大,在世界贸易体系排名占先,口货品质素精良,这些都是本港商贸佳绩的最好明证。
    Hong Kong's success is reflected in the volume of its total trade, its global ranking as a trading entity and sophistication of its exports in recent years.
  • 你的演给我们留下了深刻的印象。我们不知道你竟有一副这么美妙的女高音噪子!
    We were both quite impressed. We had no idea you had such a beautiful soprano voice!
  • 从冷冻室拿来的威克德绝对是美味的果汁冰糕。
    In the freezer, it becomes a nice sorbet, he said.
  • 悲伤的感到或表现悲痛的;伤心的
    Feeling or expressing sorrow or grief; sorrowful.
  • 小心不出大错。
    Better safe than sorry.
  • 把某物从其他的里面分来。
    sorting one thing from others.
  • 至少,要把几年前就该丢弃的东西理来,现在例是容易一些了。
    At least sorting out the things she should have discarded years ago was now being made easier for her.
  • 多数挖掘工具需要采用平面文件格式的数据,以便开始筛选数据,所以数据被提取来并放进平面文本文件中,然后挖掘过程才能开始。
    Most mining tools need to have data in a flat file format in order to start sorting through it, so the data is extracted and put in a flat text file.Then the mining process can begin.
  • 他们什么坏事都干得来。
    They are capable of all sorts of wrongdoings.
  • 各种各样动听的计划给提了来。
    All sorts of fine-sounding schemes were brought forward.
  • 我一转身,他就做各种恶作剧。
    He did all sorts of mischief immediately my back was turned.
  • 声,听听各人的意见,不要忙表态。
    Keep a calm sough…, hear every man's counsel, and keep your own.
  • 当教授拿考试小册子的时候学生们都要呻吟;旧的。
    The students groaned when the professor got out the exam booklets; The ancient door soughed when opened.
  • 用科学方法探索遏制这种疾病的有效手段
    Science sought an effective method of containing the disease.
  • 我不知道“灵魂”在基督教神学里是什么时候发明来的,可是这“灵魂”变成一种东西,而不是一种机会,变成一种本质,而不是一种状态;它把人类和没有灵魂可以拯救的禽兽明确地分别了。
    When the "soul" was invented in the history of Christian theology I am not aware, but this "soul" became a something rather than a function, an entity rather than a condition, and it sharply separated man from the animals, which have no souls worth saving.
  • 演出缺乏深情。
    The performance was lacking in soul.
  • 声音不能在真空中传播可能是一件好事。因为这样我们就只能限于听到地球上发的声音。
    It is probably a good thing that sound can not travel through a vacuum, for we are thus limited to earth-made sounds.
  • 一种爆炸的声音。
    make an explosive sound.
  • 你已探听他的看法吗?
    Have you sounded him out?
  • 闹铃闹钟发响声的机械装置
    The sounding mechanism of an alarm clock.
  • 士兵报数时不得错。
    The men must not make any mistakes while sounding off.
  • 号角声响狩猎时为鼓动猎狗冲而用角吹的声音
    The sounding of a horn to encourage hounds during a hunt.
  • 说到底,关键是我们共产党内部要搞好,不事,就可以放心睡大觉。
    In the final analysis, we must manage Party affairs in such a way as to prevent trouble. Then we can sleep soundly.
  • 八十年代初按“自筹资金、自愿结合、自主经营、自负盈亏”原则兴起并迅速发展壮大的科技型中小企业,一直呈现良好的发展态势,近年来其各项主要经济指标每年均以30%-60%的速度增长。
    The technology-based SMEs, which sprang up in 1980s on the basis of "self financing, voluntary integration, independent management and sole responsibility for profits and losses", have been expanding rapidly and soundly, and their major economic indicators in recent years have been increasing at an annual rate of 30-60%.
  • 马文对于这家公司是否可靠有怀疑,所以决定趁早退
    Marvin had doubts about the soundness of the company, so he decided to pull out before it was too late.
  • 我们会提证据,你可以借此透过实验得到自己的实据,并且同时自己找到这两个问题的答案。
    We shall offer proof of the soundness of some of the more important statements made in this book-or at least we shall offer evidence through which you may secure your own proof through experimentation, and in doing so, we shall answer both of these questions.