  • (药理学)在可溶的药中加定量的水来熬药汁。
    (pharmacology) the extraction by boiling of water-soluble drug substances.
  • 过滤通过渗透液体使可溶解的或其他成分分离
    To remove soluble or other constituents from by the action of a percolating liquid.
  • 这是唯一想得的切实可行的解决办法。
    This is the only practicable solution imaginable.
  • 吉姆,你能帮我解这道题吗?
    Jim, will you help me solve this problem?
  • 其一是一个成年动物的体组织被用来制造另一个活生生的动物。
    One is the fact that a somatic tissue from an adult has been used to produce a live animal.
  • 它好象是种生物,具有一种说不的阴森森的主动能力。
    It seems as though it were a being, possessed of I know not what sombre initiative;
  • 要是你每星期能存点儿钱,咱们就可以外度假了。
    If you save some money each week, we can go on holiday.
  • 我相信他总有一天会现原形的。
    I believe that he will show his true colors someday.
  • “有朝一日”和“某一天”这样的字眼正从我的常用词汇中淡
    "Someday" and “one of these days" are losing their grip on my vocabulary.
  • 不知怎么搞的,似乎始终没有现适当的机会。
    Somehow the right chance never seemed to present itself.
  • 这个警察无论如何总算从这人身上逼了点信息。
    The policeman screwed the information out of him somehow
  • 有人把她叫出去了。
    Someone called her out.
  • 他从屋顶上滑下,翻了两个筋斗,又脚平安落地,只是有些晃动。“可惜你不能随时按要求做这个动作。”他的妻子说。
    He slipped from the roof, double-somersaulted and landed, safe but shaken, on his feet. "It's a pity you can't do that to order." said his wife.
  • 她从一起火灾之类的事故中救了三个孩子。
    She rescued three children from a fire or something.
  • 某物范围的或是挂在某物上方的那种东西。
    something that extends beyond or hangs over something else.
  • 有一次还是出事了。
    But then something happened.
  • 希望我们有朝一日能重逢;有朝一日所有的事情都不得不结束;稍后一些时间会把它印来。
    let's get together sometime; everything has to end sometime; It was to be printed sometime later.
  • 小心他什么时候把你也给掷去了。
    then mind that he throws you out sometime.
  • 他的新作将在下个月某个时候版。
    His new book is coming out sometime next month.
  • 他的新作将在下个月某个时候版。
    His new book will come out sometime next month.
  • 请原谅,我得去一下。
    Excuse me I've got to go somewhere.
  • 一次比较好的奏鸣曲演
    Gave only a fair performance of the sonata.
  • 郑求助于开发最新的索娜塔轿车模型的元老金相权。
    Chung turned to Kim Sang Kwon, a veteran who developed the latest model of the Sonata sedan.
  • 关于乡村爱情歌曲我要提注意的一点是,乡村爱情歌曲谈及爱情主题的方式不同于流行音乐。
    One thing I want to notice about country love song is that country love songs deal with the subject of love in a different way than popular music.
  • 大群现的小歌鸟,以飞行的昆虫为食。
    any of a large group of small songbirds that feed on insects taken on the wing.
  • 抒情诗的表达内心思想和感情的一种诗的或与之有关的,常以诗歌的风格或形式
    Of or relating to a category of poetry that expresses subjective thoughts and feelings, often in a songlike style or form.
  • 她最近版的书论述14行诗。
    Her latest book discourses upon sonnets.
  • 那是我的两个儿子. 你能猜哪个大吗?
    There go my two sons. Can you guess which is the elder?
  • 诺亚就同他的妻子、儿子儿媳们从方舟上走来。
    So Noah came out with his sons, his wife, and his sons' wives.
  • 很快地魏特逊被投约克球而局。
    Soon Watson was yorked.
  • 发越早,到那里就越早。
    The sooner you start off, the sooner you will get there.
  • 发出煤烟色,脱色
    To give off soot or color.