  • 如果没有传真机,你便不同时使用电话、上因特网和接收传真。
    Also, it allows you to wrok on your computer uninterruptedly.You can't be connected to the internet or on the phone and receive a fax at the same time.
  • 没有人够象不速之客那么使人不快。
    Nobody can be as unagreeable as an uninvited guest.
  • 用一种独特的口音说话;有筹集资金的独特力;文学中罕见的直白;独特的赴宴经历。
    spoke with a unique accent; had unique ability in raising funds; a frankness unique in literature; a unique dining experience.
  • 他是唯一够测定出这一化合物的性质的人。
    he could determine uniquely the properties of the compound.
  • 由于是大手笔投资,每一个房地产项目也都具有独特性,普通投资者因此不掉以轻心。
    The average investor needs to consider the sheer amount of the financial investment and the uniqueness of each property asset.
  • 其次,党团内部要有民主的讨论,但一经决定必须一致行动,不有个人的自由。
    Second, there should be democratic discussion within the group, but once a decision has been made, all the members should act in unison and no one shall be allowed to go his own way.
  • 有了党的团结,才有力量去团结广大群众。
    A united party will then be strong enough to unite with the masses.
  • 而要胜利,他们就必须在各种不同的情形下团结一切可的革命的阶级和阶层,组织革命的统一战线。
    In order to win, it must unite, according to varying circumstances, with all classes and strata that can take part in the revolution, and must organize a revolutionary united front.
  • 他们应能团结同学。
    They should be able to unite students.
  • 我们要团结尽可多的人。
    We must unite as many people as possible.
  • 我想可以。该工厂月生产力为5,000台。
    I should think so. This plant can turn out5,000 units per month.
  • o型血的人是万的献血者。
    people with type O blood are universal donors.
  • 的有无限的力、权力、权威或力量的;全
    Having unlimited or universal power, authority, or force; all-powerful.
  • unix操作系统可扩缩、可靠、性也好。
    The Unix operating system is scalable, reliable and performs well.
  • 如果unix和nt要避免成为java推动的世界中的小角色,它们必须继续在管理和性方面增加自身价值。
    Unix and NT will have to continue to add value in the areas of management and performance if they are to avoid becoming bit players in a Java-enabled world.
  • 看来,驱使网络计算机(即所谓的瘦客户机)获得成功的引擎,可是现在还用单色屏幕的数以百万计的ibm大型机和unix的终端用户。
    And the engine that could drive Network Computers, or so-called thin clients, to success may be the millions of IBM mainframe and Unix terminal users still staring at green screens.
  • 你怎么能那样无情?
    How can you be so unkind?
  • 你怎麽这麽不通人情,还自称是我的朋友
    How can you be so unkind and still call yourself my friend
  • 我们最不了解的领域可在于对这些潮流和对人类无法发现的新技术的反应。
    The areas where our ignorance is likely to be greatest may be in the reaction to these trends and to the unknowable discoveries of new technology.
  • 呼吸力呼吸的力,尤指用自然、不费劲的方式
    The capacity to breathe, especially in a natural and unlabored manner.
  • 有人辩护道只有针对非法袭击时才有自卫权。
    It is submitted that the right of self- defence can be available only against unlawful attack.
  • 这个非法政府没维持多久,政府头头的假门面很快就被完全揭下。
    The unlawful government did not last long and its leaders soon lost all their borrowed plumes.
  • 要打第三次世界大战,任何一个国家都没有力,只有两个超级大国才有资格发动。
    If there were to be a third world war, only the two superpowers would have the capacity to unleash it.
  • 他如果不努力学习, 就永远不考及格。
    Unless he studies hard, he will never pass the examination.
  • 不努力,岂能成功。
    One cannot succeed unless one works hard.
  • 洗衣机只有插上电源才运行。
    The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in.
  • 他们不大可来了,因为天气这样糟糕。
    They are unlikely to come since the weather is so bad.
  • 依我看,这太不可了。
    In my opinion, it's extremely unlikely.
  • 明天很有可能下雪。
    It's not unlikely to snow tomorrow.
  • 另外,这个方法不大可成功。
    Again, this option is unlikely to succeed.
  • 他不可让你下不来台。
    It's unlikely he will bet you down.
  • 人们渴望物价降低,但是不大可
    Price reductions are longed for, but unlikely.