  • 这样马马虎虎的工作习惯决不能生产优质产品来。
    Such slovenly work habits will never produce good products.
  • 医生叫我吸气然後(再)慢慢地呼.
    The doctor told me to breathe in and then breathe out (again) slowly.
  • 水从洞口流出。
    Water sluiced out of the hole.
  • 他喝汤时嘴唇发啧啧的声音.
    He was slurping (down) his soup.
  • 吃喝时别发这麽大的声音!
    Stop slurping!
  • 你得打扮一下再出门.
    You'll have to smarten (yourself) up a bit before going out.
  • 我闻得牛奶不新鲜。
    I could smell that the milk was not fresh.
  • 那条狗嗅远处有兔子.
    The dog smelt the rabbit a long way off.
  • 她看见我时露微笑。
    She smiled when she saw me.
  • 男女演员在演结束时微笑着招手示意。
    The actors and actresses smiled and waved at the conclusion of the performance.
  • 他突然装微笑的样子。
    He turned on a smile.
  • 他被那景色迷住了,于是停下来拿照相机。
    He was so smitten by(with) the view that he stopped and took out his camera.
  • 那人穿上罩衫,然后走了去。
    The man put on his smock and went out.
  • 偷偷把一封信带进[]监狱
    smuggle a letter into [out of] a prison
  • 他们从河里把溺水的那个人抢救来了。
    They snatched the drowning man from the river.
  • 如果我不迅速击,他们就会从我的手里抢走它。
    If I didn't act quickly, they'd snatch it right out of my hand.'"
  • 他突然取枪来射击。
    He snatched up his gun and fired.
  • 吼叫的声音或者带着吼叫的声音移动。
    make a snarling noise or move with a snarling noise.
  • 创新不仅仅只是设计更多的时髦产品,它还应包括如何令客户更满意、为客户提供更好的服务等方面。
    Innovation is about more than designing snazzy products. It's also about improving customer experiences and services.
  • 我们从后面溜出去。
    Let's sneak out the back way.
  • 我能把你偷偷地带去,别人了现不了。
    I can sneak you out without being noticed.
  • 他偷了钱後从房子里溜了去。
    He steal the money and sneak out of the house.
  • 他是怎么设法从房子里溜来的?
    How did he find a way to sneak out of the house?
  • 吉姆想悄悄溜大教室,但被教师看见了,并惩罚了他。
    Jim tried to sneak out of study hall but the teacher saw him and settled his hash.
  • 吉姆想从房间里溜去,但他父亲看到了,将他狠狠地揍了一顿。
    Jim tried to sneak out of the room but his father saw him and settled his hash.
  • 每次刘易斯在电视里现的时候,他总是设法巧妙地提到他最近的一本书。
    Every time Lewis appears on television, he finds a way to sneak in a mention of his latest book.
  • 她不买票就想混进场内看演,被当场捉住.
    She was caught sneaking into the show without paying.
  • 他回避记者,从後门溜去了
    He ducked the reporter by sneaking out the back door
  • 不一会儿,她听见窃贼渐渐地走近了,他的旅游鞋发吱吱的声音……听见她妹妹卧室的门打开时合叶发的嘎嘎声……还有刺耳的沉重的呼吸声,那可不是她自己的呼吸声!
    And in the next instant,she heard the squeak of the burglar's sneakers creeping closer.the whine of the hinges as her sister's bedroom door swung open...the rasp of heavy breathing that wasn't her own!
  • 人要忠实,不能卖朋友,这我懂。
    I know all about keeping the faith and not sneaking.
  • 他们创造了殷逃犯偷运这个国家的好办法。
    They have invented a new method for sneaking the escaped prisoners out of the country.
  • 在过去发展党的组织的工作中,虽然中央着重地提了“大胆发展而又不让一个坏分子侵入”的口号,但实际上是混进了许多投机分子和敌人的暗害分子。
    During the expansion of the Party's organizations, a good many careerists and enemy saboteurs did succeed in sneaking in despite the fact that the Central Committee stressed the slogan "Expand the Party boldly, but do not let a single undesirable in".