  • 上个月在这里展土文物。
    Unearthed cultural relics was exhibited here last month.
  • 他脸上露出怒容。
    Anger showed in his face.
  • 那个男孩显示是个大有前途的足球运动员。
    The boy is showing great promise as a football player.
  • 新戏每隔一天上演。
    The new play is on the show on alternate days.
  • 今年物价没显多大变化。
    Prices have not shown much variation this year.
  • 当我们把那个敌特搜查来时,他吓得缩作一团。
    The enemy agent just shriveled up when we searched him out.
  • 她的嘴张开又闭上了,没有发声音。
    Her mouth opened and shut, but no sound came out.
  • 汽车把那个孩子撞了, 发一声可怕的闷响.
    The car hit the child with a sickening thud.
  • 我们可以用一个筛子把石头分离来。
    We can separate the stones out with a sieve.
  • 她用漏杓把水控出去.
    She drained the water out through a sieve.
  • 在约定的信号发时, 他们投入了战斗。
    They went into action at a given signal.
  • 许多伟大的发明使过去的一百五十年放异彩。
    Many great inventions signalize the last 150 years.
  • 他连自己的五分钟时间都不愿拿,证明他对这一个解决问题的方法不感兴趣,与前一段统计中不赞成这一同样用法的比率百分之九十三相比,没有什么大的差别
    His unwillingness to give five minutes of his time proves that he is disinterested in finding a solution to the problem, a proportion that is not significantly different from the93 percent who disapproved of the same usage in an earlier survey.
  • "修好了,"那修理工从车底下爬来说道,"我已经更换了你的消声器。"
    "Right as a trivet now, "said the mechanic as he crawled out from under the car."I've replaced your silencer.
  • 同样,机器能够检查病员的病因,并使之反应最新情况。
    Similarly, machines could be used to keep a check on a patient's health record and bring it up to date.
  • 她把这一理论讲得深入浅.
    What she said was a useful simplification of the theory.
  • 她装出端庄的样子。
    She simulated modesty.
  • 同时发的两声枪响听起来像一声。
    The two simultaneous shots sounded like one.
  • 三个二进制位或三个脉冲组成的一种组,通常按时间顺序现在一根导线上或同时现在三根导线上。
    A group of three bits or three pulses, usually in sequence on one wire or simultaneously on three wires.
  • 我们给她些压力她就会讲来。
    She'll sing if we put the pressure on.
  • 意大利统一的结果是现了一个国家,而 不是好几个王国。
    The unification of Italy resulted in a single country instead of several kingdoms.
  • 他终于露了他那邪恶的用心。
    He showed his sinister motive at last.
  • 船要沉了,我不得不发紧急求救信号。
    The ship is sinking, and I have to send a SOS.
  • 他抿了一口酒, 又吐了来.
    He took one sip of the wine and spat it out.
  • 喂! 出去!
    Get out, sir!
  • 以後妨碍了这一地点的进一步发展.
    That sale precludes further development on this site.
  • 那农民 地时挖一个人类的头颅骨.
    The farmer turned up a human skull while ploughing the field.
  • 他呼吸时胸部发轻微的响声.
    He has a slight wheeze in his chest.
  • 我向那条狗一喊, 它就溜去了.
    The dog slunk out when I shouted at him.
  • 我把桶掉在地上, 水都洒了来.
    I dropped the bucket, and water slopped out (of it).
  • 汽车滑路面, 打著滚翻下坡去.
    The car skidded off the road and rolled over and over down the slope.
  • 如果你把硬币放进这台机器的一个投币口,邮票就会从另一个口里来。
    If you put a coin in the slot of this machine, stamps come out of another slot.