  • 树长出很多枝。
    The trees send forth many branches.
  • 凡是有理智的人,谁都不会让那麽小的孩子独自门。
    No one in their right senses would let a small child go out alone.
  • 他们察觉出要有事了.
    They sensed that there was something in the wind.
  • 烟雾探测器已向我们发火警警报.
    Smoke sensors warned us of the fire.
  • 请务必把这些包裹立即寄
    Please see that these parcels are sent off at once.
  • 你的求职申请书寄去了吗?
    Have you sent in your application for the job?
  • 于感情上的原因做某事
    do sth. for sentimental reasons
  • 警官要求这个陌生人示通行证。
    A sergeant asked the stranger to show his pass.
  • 那个士官大声发命令.
    The sergeant barked (out) an order.
  • 但儿孙们的厄运始终使他们忧郁寡欢。有一天卡德摩斯哀呼道:“既然众神对一条蛇的生命如此看重,我倒不如就是一条蛇吧。”话刚口他就开始变形了。
    But the misfortunes of their children still weighed upon their minds; And one day Cadmus exclaimed, "If a serpent's life is so dear to the gods, I would I were myself a serpent." No sooner had he uttered the words than he began to change his form.
  • 餐厅里端来的食物对许多人来说量是太多了。
    Servings in restaurants are too large for many people.
  • "一天下午,她乘坐小船从海岸发,遇到了一场暴风雨。"
    One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm.
  • 他们分别得了同一结论.
    They had all severally reached the same conclusion.
  • "要求苛严的教师已经国了,你可以完全放心了。"
    The severe teacher has gone abroad; You can breathe freely again.
  • 弓箭手向空中射利箭。
    The archers sent their shafts through the air.
  • 对牢房彻底搜查以查隐藏的武器
    a shakedown of prison cells to uncover hidden weapons
  • 他演莎士比亚戏剧无其右.
    He has no superior as a Shakespearian actor.
  • 非经管理员同意, 读者不准把书带图书馆。
    No reader shall remove a book from the library without consent of the librarian.
  • 这辆车了什么故障?她发动不起来了。
    What's wrong with the car? She won't start.
  • 她把他解雇时, 流了鳄鱼的眼泪(假装难过).
    She shed crocodile tears (ie pretended to be sorry) when she dismissed him from his job.
  • 牧羊人发去找走失的羊.
    The shepherd set out to look for the sheep that had wandered (away).
  • 他的肘从衬衫的破袖子中露
    His elbow was poking through his torn shin sleeve.
  • 当我听到你事后我很震惊。
    I was shocked when I heard about your accident.
  • 他说的话太让人难堪--真无法再说口.
    His remarks were quite shocking unrepeatable, in fact.
  • 云开了, 太阳出来了.
    The clouds parted and the sun shone (out).
  • 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长新枝。
    Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back.
  • 蛇突然伸出舌头。
    The snake shot its tongue out.
  • 他一路开枪,逃监狱。
    He shot his way out of prison.
  • 当铃声响了时,他飞快地跑学校。
    He shot out of school when the bell rang.
  • 我出去疯狂地购物。
    I went out on a shopping spree.
  • 尽管下雨,我还是去买东西了。
    I went shopping in spite of the rain.
  • 他向目标射了几发子弹.
    He fired several shots (at the target).