  • 他的影子也没见到。
    I haven't seen hide nor hair of him.
  • 我近来他的影子也没有看到。
    I haven't seen hide or hair of him recently.
  • 当部落的男人们续几天围着树转圈、跳舞之后,他们将自己的肌肉刺穿。这是聚会中最惊心动魄的场面。
    Certainly the physical highlight of the event is the piercing of flesh, where the males of the tribe walk around a tree in circles and dance around the tree for days on end.
  • 里开会,战士可以批评长,这种民主妨碍不妨碍长统一指挥呢?
    At a company meeting, soldiers can criticize the company commander, but will this democracy not hinder his unified command?
  • 尾椎,荐骨四肢动物的接躯干与臀部的部分
    The body part of a four-footed animal that connects the hindquarters to the forequarters.
  • 铰链接铰链中关节销穿过去的那个地方
    The part of a hinge through which the pin passes.
  • 用金属或装饰性的铰链到门上的装置。
    a device (usually metal and ornamental) attached by a hinge to a door.
  • 马桶上的接的座位。
    the hinged seat on a toilet.
  • 可折合的双书写板一种古老的有两叶纹接的写字板
    An ancient writing tablet having two leaves hinged together.
  • 门上的一个窗户,人们用铰链把它和门楣在一起的。
    a window above a door and hinged to a transom.
  • 封住容器口的一种可以移动的盖子(与容器相或单独存在)。
    a movable cover (hinged or separate) for closing the opening of a container.
  • 折叠双画(或雕刻品)两个绘画或雕刻绞接在一起的作品
    A work consisting of two painted or carved panels that are hinged together.
  • 股骨与髋骨关节相
    The thighbone articulates with the bones of the hip.
  • 钱伯斯,(杰·戴维)惠特克1901-1961美国新闻记者,曾为共产党员,1948年在众议院非美国活动委员会承认牵到阿尔杰·希思
    American journalist and onetime member of the Communist Party who testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee(1948), where he implicated Alger Hiss.
  • 忙答道:“不,不是的,那个包有历史意义。”
    She replied: "No. No. No. This bag is a historic bag."
  • 当用户开始对响应速度有意见时,这些机构传统的做法是试图增加t-1线路和逆向多路复用internet访问接。
    When users begin to complain about response times, these organizations historically have tried using additional T-1 circuits and inverse multiplexing the Internet access connection.
  • 普罗文认识到,黑猩之所以不能发出一串的“呵呵呵”声音的原因,在于它们在呼气或吸气时无法发出一个以上的音节。
    Provine realized that the reason chimps cannot emit string of "ho ho ho's" is that they cannot make more than a single sound when they exhale or inhale.
  • “喂,喂!约翰·泰卜斯特。”“有,威尔·荷斯德,”酒店主人忙答道。
    "What, ho! John Tapster." "At hand, Vill Hostler," replied the man of the spigot.
  • 老板参观工厂时,董事会都仔细听取他的意见。
    When the owner visited the factory, even the hoard of directors hung on his lips to hear his opinion.
  • 那只小狗又向树枝发起了一串的冲锋,每一次都冲过了头,然后再后退老远,而且嘶声地狂吠着。最后,它在很远的地方蹲坐了下来,喘着气,舌头伸在嘴外,那双大眼睛也半闭上了。
    then the puppy began a series of short charges at the stick, running a very little way forwards each time and a long way back, and barking hoarsely all the while, till at last it sat down a good way off, panting, with its tongue hanging out of its mouth, and its great eyes half shut.
  • 曲棍球队在上个赛季赢得了一串的胜利。
    The hockey team had a string of victories last season.
  • 悬臂起重机提升和移动重物的机器,它由一个带有缆绳和滑轮的可移动的、并与一根由向上静止横梁的底座接的起重杆组成
    A machine for hoisting and moving heavy objects, consisting of a movable boom equipped with cables and pulleys and connected to the base of an upright stationary beam.
  • 绞车,起货机一种装有卷筒的固定的电动机驱动或手动的吊升机械,卷筒周围缠绕着与提升的重物相的绳索
    A stationary motor-driven or hand-powered hoisting machine having a drum around which is wound a rope or chain attached to the load being lifted.
  • 绳结将一段绳子纽结成两个相的洞眼,从中穿过钩子以用于提升物品的绳结
    A knot made by twisting a section of rope to form two adjacent eyes through which a hook is passed, used in hoisting.
  • 洪都拉斯也正尝试用各种方式将由大西洋沿岸的土著美洲人--加里福那人(加勒比印第安和非洲人的后裔)、生活在丛林中的墨斯奇陶印第安人等--所组成的居住区接起来。
    Honduras is developing a means of connecting the native American communities in the Atlantic coast from the Garifuna, descendents of the Carribean Indians and Africans, to the Miskito Indians in the jungle.
  • 他直言不讳地说了他兴该事件有牵
    He spoke honestly about his involvement in the affair.
  • 说真的,我现在累得眼睛都快睁不开了。
    Honestly, I've got to fight to keep my eyes open right now.
  • 帽雪衣带风帽的皮茄克;帽雪衣
    A heavy jacket with a hood; a parka.
  • 头上带着头斗篷或者头巾。
    having the head enclosed in a cowl or hood.
  • 他急于要完成一项任务而夜步行赶进城。
    Eager to fulfil a task, he hoofed it to town before the night was over.
  • 接到计算机网络的任何一台计算机。
    (computer science) any computer that is hooked up to a computer network.
  • 移动住房的煤气接装置
    A gas hookup for a mobile home.