  • 约翰几乎是白手起家的。
    It is said that John started his business on a shoestring.
  • ,亨利·福特是靠小本经营而起家的。
    It is said that Henry Ford started his business on a shoestring.
  • 对一个德国出生的犹太人来,这样青云直上,又有实权又有盛名,即使是在一个霍雷肖·阿尔杰比比皆是的国家里,也是无与伦比的。
    For a German-born Jew,it was a unique rise to power and fame even in a country where Horatio Algers abound.
  • 嫩绿的小麦闪耀着柔滑的光;‘亲爱的,’她温柔地
    the young wheat shone silkily; `Darling,' she said silkily.
  • 这次选举对共和党来决非易事。
    The election will be no shoo-in for the Republicants.
  • 一位意大利记者,走过去镇定地挡在了那群可怜无助的人身前,意思是,士兵们要杀他们的话,得先把他杀了。
    One journalist, an Italian, walked over and just calmly stood in front of the wretched men, implying that if the soldiers shot them, they would have to shoot him too.
  • 28岁对一个射击运动员来年龄并不算大。
    Twenty-eight is not an old age for a shooter.
  • 嗨,我听你当射手有一年多了。
    Hi,I heard that you've been a shooter for over one year.
  • 嗨,我听你当射手有一年多了。
    Hi, I heard that you've been a shooter for over one year.
  • 多佛大道对此人来就在多佛邮车的另一面。
    The Dover road lay, as to him, beyond the Dover mail, as it lumbered up Shooter's Hill.
  • 射杀不会话的动物的人不会有任何怜悯之心。
    A man who shoots dumb animals can't have any heart at all.
  • 恐怕我要这件衬衫的事。
    I am afraid I have a complaint abort the shirt.
  • “我尽量吧,”店主微笑着道。
    “I'll try,” the shopkeeper smiled.
  • 鞋店老板会他卖鞋靴用品,我们则他卖鞋子。
    A shopkeeper would say he sold footwear; we would say he sold shoes.
  • 我听海伦因冒充顾客进商店行窃已被警察拘留。
    I hear the police have run in Helen for shoplifting.
  • 米兰达因冒充顾客进商店行窃被抓住了,但她她是受人挑唆这样干的。
    Miranda was caught shoplifting, but she said that somebody put her up to it.
  • 莱昂内尔被指控冒充顾客进行商店行窃,但是据他自己所,他甚至从来没有去过那家商店。
    Lional was accused of shoplifting but by his account he has never even been in shop concerned.
  • 坚决不行!沃尔玛的购物者们,他们将一直拥护护士芭比和长发公主芭比的形象。
    Stick to playing nurse and Rapunzel, say Wal-Mart shoppers.
  • 但是四周都是大声笑的顾客和尖声喊叫的孩子,帕蒂没有听见通知。
    But amid the yakking shoppers and squealing children,Patty doesn't hear it.
  • 然而怀疑者仍然摇头,这个网站永不会赚大钱,尽管它成功地树立了值得信赖的品牌形象并且吸引了逾2千万之众的网上购物者。
    But skeptics continue to shake their heads, saying the site will never amount to much, despite its undeniable success in building a trusted brand that has lured more than 20 million shoppers.
  • 魏尔德,狄奥多尔·德怀特1803-1895美国废奴主义运动者。他的宣传小册子奴隶制度现状(1839年)激起了哈丽雅特·比彻·斯托创作了小汤姆叔叔的小屋
    American abolitionist whose pamphlet Slavery As It Is(1839) inspired Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin.
  • 史密斯先生失业后,他家的房子又着了火,幸亏及时扑灭,未造成重大损失。史密斯先生:“老天体恤不幸的人。”
    After Mr Smith lost his job, the Smith's house caught fire, but the fire was put out before much harm was done. Mr Smith said, "God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb."
  • 孙:我的意思是要非常短,比现在的还要短。
    I mean very short, shorter than it is now.
  • 的是“最短期间”,一不是最长,二不是较长,三也不是普通的短,而是“最短”。
    Again, "the shortest possible time";first, not the longest time, second, not a relatively long time, and third, not just a short time but "the shortest possible time".
  • 匆匆写出一篇短篇小
    Dash off a short story
  • 有人反驳,私有制一消灭,一切活动就会停止,懒惰之风就会兴起。
    It has been objected that upon the abolition of private property all work will cease, and universal laziness will overtake us.
  • 从这个意义上,共产党人可以把自己的理论概括为一句话:消灭私有制。
    In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.
  • 你应该直言不讳地出他的缺点。
    You should speak your mind about his shortcoming.
  • 斯托,哈里艾特(伊丽莎白)·比彻尔1811-1896美国作家,其反奴隶制小汤姆叔叔的小屋(1852年)具有巨大的政治影响力,促进了废奴运动发展
    American writer whose antislavery novel Uncle Tom's Cabin(1852) had great political influence and advanced the cause of abolition.
  • 我指出那方案的缺点,但他申辩各项计划尚未完成。
    I pointed out the shortcoming of the scheme, but he countered that the plan was not yet finished.
  • 再者,对age的研究是一个费时的缓慢过程:正如哈里斯所,目前还没有一个简便有效的方法来测出人体中age的含量,这个缺憾会使研究工作复杂化。
    Moreover, AGE-related research tends to be slow: Harris points out that there is no easy, well-validated way to measure AGE in the body, a shortcoming that complicates trials.
  • 在目前,党的上下级关系中的缺点,从总的方面来,主要地还是对于发扬下级组织的积极性创造性注意不足。
    At present the main shortcoming in the relations between higher and lower Party organizations as a whole is still that not enough attention is being paid to bringing into play the initiative and creativity of lower organizations.