  • 烟幕把天板熏黑了。
    The smoke blackened the ceiling; The ceiling blackened.
  • 天花板在漏。
    The ceiling is leaking.
  • 板被建设成拱形。
    The ceiling was groined.
  • 他不愿意把天板上刷上油漆。
    he hated painting the ceiling.
  • 摸到天板,站在桌上。
    Touch the ceiling, by stand.
  • 板要是塌下来怎么办?
    What if the ceiling caves in?
  • 一盏灯悬吊于天板。
    A lamp swung from the ceiling.
  • 冬天板上有只蜘蛛。
    A spider was on the ceiling.
  • 板上吊着几盏大吊灯。
    Big lights hung from the ceiling.
  • 有比一般的高的天板。
    having a higher than normal ceiling.
  • 具有比一般的低的天板。
    having a lower than normal ceiling.
  • 他几能碰得到天板。
    He can almost touch the ceiling.
  • 测量了天花板的高度
    Measured the height of the ceiling.
  • 有几个苍蝇在天板上。
    A few flies are on the ceiling.
  • 要摸天花板很难。
    It is difficult to touch the ceiling.
  • 几盏枝形吊灯从天板悬吊下来。
    Some chandeliers are suspended from the ceiling.
  • 那盏灯吊在天板上。
    That lamp is hung on the ceiling.
  • 那盏漂亮的技形吊灯悬吊在天板上。
    The beautiful chandelier depends from the ceiling.
  • 板上吊着几盏大吊灯。
    There hung big lights from the ceiling.
  • 灯吊在天花板上。
    The lamp was suspended from the ceiling.
  • 灯是吊在天板上的。
    The light was suspended from the ceiling.
  • 他们把灯悬挂在天板上。
    They suspended the lamps from the ceiling.
  • 装天花板,盖天花板
    To provide or cover with a ceiling.
  • 你看见天板上的苍蝇了吗?
    Do you see the flies on the ceiling?
  • 约翰个子高能摸到天板。
    John is tall enough to reach the ceiling.
  • 把天板涂上灰泥要很长时间吗?
    Will it take long to plaster the ceiling?
  • 板或圆屋顶上的一块凹陷的装饰性的板。
    an ornamental sunken panel in a ceiling or dome.
  • 窗帘从天板一直垂到地板上
    Curtains that go from the ceiling to the floor.
  • 装有天板,特别是内面的天板。
    provided with a ceiling especially the overhead interior surface.
  • 当心你的头别碰上那低矮的天板。
    Take care of your head on that low ceiling.
  • 板上贴了许多酒类商标。
    The ceiling is pasted with labels of liquor brand.
  • 别吵了,否则天板就要给你们吵下来了。
    Cheese it, or you'll have the ceiling down.