  •  采矿作业不得擅自开采保安煤柱,不得采用可危及相邻煤矿生产安全的决水、爆破、贯通巷道等危险方法。
    No safety pillars shall be mined without authorization and no dangerous methods, such as water bursting, blasting and breaking through roadways, which may threaten the production safety of adjacent coal mines shall be adopted.
  • 直到不久前,(pci)性对多数服务器要求而言是足够的,但随着intel推出更快的芯片,目前在pci总线力与intel芯片之间出现了差距,新的芯片用比以前快得多的速度处理数据,而向它们输送数据的道路仍保持着慢速。
    Until recently, that performance has been adequate for most server requirements. But with Intel churning out faster chips, there's now a gap between the PCI bus' capabilities and Intel chips. New chips can process data much faster than before, but the roadways that deliver the data to them have remained slow.
  • 试图维修这辆旧车的困难在于,总要花大本钱才使它开得动。
    The trouble with trying to maintain an old car is that you're always pouring money down the drain to keep it roadworthy.
  • 预适应(性)类或群体的祖先演化而成的特性,可使其后代形成虽不同但具有适应性的功
    A characteristic evolved by an ancestral species or population that serves an adaptive though different function in a descendant species or population.
  • 把注意力对准它,就"逼使"你更具有反应力、更适应以及更灵活。
    By focusing on the competitive forces, you will be "forced" to be more responsive, adaptive and flexible.
  • 把注意力对准它,就“逼使”你更具有反应力、更适应以及更灵活。
    By focusing on the competitive forces, you will be "forced"to be more responsive, adaptive and flexible.
  • 如果你看故事片,那么你就得戴上特制的眼镜才看到立体影像——在这种情况下,戴的是液晶眼镜。这种液晶眼镜由一个接口与盒式录像机或30—cam连接。
    If you see feature films, you must wear special glasses to see the 3-D images - in this case, liquid- crystal. This glasses are connected by an adapter to the VCR or the 3D-CAM.....
  • 模拟狮子的吼叫。
    He can imitate a lion 's roar.
  • 几种吼叫的野生大型猫科动物。
    any of several large cats typically able to roar and living in the wild.
  • 狮子大吼是为了确立它的领地——它那如雷鸣般的吼声几公里外就听到。
    Lions roar to define their territory -- and the thundering sound can be heard from several kilometers away.
  • 只有对小学生们大吼大叫才控制课堂的老师是不称职的老师。
    It's a poor teacher who can only control the class by roaring at the pupils.
  • 比如,服务交换系统把服务器必须要处理的包的数量减到最小,只要可把主机处理功下放给服务器交换机或适配器。
    A server switching system, for example, minimizes the number of packets servers have to process and off-loads host-processing functions to the server switch or adapter whenever possible.
  • 通过把snmp(简单网管协议)的使用与台式管理接口相结合,应用程序就得到有关网络、服务器交换机、适配器和服务器的信息。
    By combining the use of SNMP and the Desktop Management Interface, applications can obtain information on the network, server switches, adapter and servers.
  • 烤制这种优质产品时,必须小心翼翼,茶叶上的湿气在蒸发时,火候必须逐渐减小,一次只烤150克。
    Meticulous care is required in roasting this high quality product As the moisture in the leaves evaporates , the fire must be gradually lowered, only 150 gram are roasted at a time.
  • 通过把输入的包放入供应用访问的存储器位置上,适配器就减轻服务器的数据副本操作。
    By depositing coming packets into memory locations aligned for application access, the adapter can relieve the server of data copy operations.
  • 烘烤后才食用的肾形的坚果。
    kidney-shaped nut edible only when roasted.
  • 通过安装一个以太网交换机,用户就拥有10兆位/秒专用带宽的工作站,而无须更换网卡。
    By installing an Ethernet switch, users can provide stations with dedicated 10M bit/sec bandwidth without changing network adapter cards.
  • 本设备仅通过澳大利亚允许的终端转换器与电讯服务相连。
    This equipment can be connected to a telecommunication service only by an austel- permit terminal adapter.
  • 当连续接收到包时,高速服务器适配器够强化主机中断。
    A high-speed server adapter must be able to consolidate host interrupts when packs are received continuously.
  • 化的适配器够把cpu处理密集的功从主机协议栈下放到适配器硬件上。
    An intelligent adapter can off-load CPU-intensive functions from the host protocol stack to the adapter hardware.
  • 她的随和天性使她与任何人相处。
    Her facile nature adapted herself to any company.
  • 那时的旅客都很警惕,从不轻易对人推心置腹,因为路上的人谁都可是强盗或者跟强盗有勾结。
    In those days, travellers were very shy of being confidential on short notice, for anybody on the road might be a robber or in league with robbers.
  • 能够或适于震动的
    Capable of or adapted to vibratory motion.
  • 适应的,适应性强的够适应的或够被适应的
    Capable of adapting or of being adapted.
  • 适于步行的,具步行足的适于步行的或具有适于步行的足的。用于不飞的鸟类
    Adapted for walking or having limbs adapted for walking. Used of flightless birds.
  • 她的随和的天性使她与任何人相处。
    Her facile nature adapted itself to any company.
  • 香草够掩饰大蒜的味道。
    The herb disguises the garlic taste; We disguised our faces before robbing the bank.
  • 你不控告斯蒂芬打劫银行,他整晚都在我家。
    You can’t accuse Stephen of robbing the bank. He was round at my house all evening.
  • 这些标志的含义显而易见,不过为了帮助那些可还看不懂的思想懒汉们,特地在每个角色的袍子下摆上绣了几个大黑字:锦缎袍子下摆上的字样是:“我名为贵族”;丝绸袍子下摆上:“我名为教士”;毛料袍子下摆上:“我名为商品”;帆布袍子下摆上:“我名为耕作”。
    and for the benefit of such sluggish capacities as might have failed to penetrate the transparency of these attributes, on the hem of the brocade robe was embroidered in enormous black letters, “I am Nobility,” on the silk one “I am Clergy,” on the woollen one “I am Commerce,” on the linen one “I am Labour.
  • "罗伯特这么大了,已经照顾自己了。"
    Robert's old enough to look after himself.
  • 由于北极狐对寒冷有极好的适应力,并且该地区存在着多种食物来源,因而它们够广泛地分布在环境严峻的北极地区。
    The wide distribution of this fox in the severe arctic environment is due to its excellent adaptation to cold and to a wide variety of foods.
  • 讲座完了以后,罗伯茨够回答很多问题,因为他的知识非常渊博。
    Dr Roberts was able to answer a lot of questions after the lecture because he had so much knowledge at his fingertips.