  • 电视播放了北京众在天安门广场欢庆的场面,镜头对准一位民警,记者睁眼说瞎话地硬说,那证明即使在欢庆时刻政府都不相信人民!
    The TV showed people in Beijing celebrating in Tian An Men and the camera focused on a single policeman,and the reporter had the cheek to say that was a proof the government did not trust the people even in the hour of jubilation!
  • 中学时代,她和一小伙伴去以色列旅行,更加深了她对犹太教的认识--对她未来职业的影响。
    In high school, she traveled with a group of peers to Israel, which provided her an even deeper link to Judaism-and to her future career.
  • 解决这类问题,步子一定要稳,要对众很好地进行引导,千万不能不负责任地许愿鼓动。
    In handling such matters, we must act judiciously and give good guidance to the masses;under no circumstances should we irresponsibly try to arouse their enthusiasm by making loose promises.
  • 后来我看见了灯光。就盘算着当我们车速慢下来接近人时,怎样才能打开门,把朱迪丝和莱拉推出车外。
    Then, seeing lights, I planned how I might open the door and push Judith and Leila out if we slowed down near people.
  • 吴作栋总理在今年的国庆众大会演说中呼吁国人学好华文,以便搭上中国的经济快车。
    In his National Day Rally speech this year, Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong urged Singaporeans to learn the Chinese language in order to hop onto the China economic juggernaut.
  • 以科技奥运为契机,以奥运科技需求为动力,进一步推进中关村科技园区和首都区域创新体系建设,促进高新技术产业的发展,向世界展示中国高新技术产业的水平。
    At this juncture of the Olympics, taking the requirements for the Olympic science and technology as a motive force, we shall further advance the construction of innovation system of Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park Zone and capital area, and promote the development of new/high-tech industrial colony and exhibit the level of Chinese new/high-tech industries to the world.
  • 排成纵队离开,走进了丛林。
    The elephants filed away into the jungle.
  • 二战中的一次战役;美军撤退到菲律宾岛并于1944年开始登陆莱特岛;日本第一次使用卡美卡兹战斗机。
    a battle in World War II; the return of US troops to the Philippines began with landings on Leyte Island in October 1944; first use of Kamikaze aircraft by the Japanese.
  • 东印度岛的一种木棉树,生产次于木棉的纤维。
    East Indian silk cotton tree yielding fibers inferior to kapok.
  • 凯伦瞪著大眼观看著一连串过往的人
    Karen watch the panorama of pass people with wide eyes.
  • 但是石头墙使这家农民的母牛不会加入到邻居的牛中去。
    But the stone walls keep the farmer's cows from joining his neighbor's cows.
  • 警察试图挡住人,不让他们靠近受伤的人。
    The police tried to keep the crowd back from the injured man.
  • 为了调查何时、何因导致哪方离开哪方,一生物行为学家和数学家对一种住在海边的肯特郡鸟进行了研究。
    To investigate what causes who to leave whom, and when, a group of animal behaviourists and mathematicians has been studying a shore dwelling bird called the Kentish plover.
  • 的人排列在人行道的边上看送葬的队伍。
    Crowds of people lined the kerb to see the funeral procession.
  • 众为这场足球赛而欢欣鼓舞。
    The crowd was keyed up for the football match.
  • 眼下人人追求目前的短暂利益,社会价值鼓励竞争,强调功利与效率,学校重视学业表现,在力求更快更新更好的大前提下,我们再回过头来说,我们也重视德智体美,有说服力吗?
    Instead, we see fast and immediate profits being sought after by all, social values keyed to competition, and utility and efficiency stressed in every pursuit.In education particularly, the top priority is given to young people's academic performance, with efforts put in constantly to make them work faster and faster, better and better.And under the circumstances, we claim that we believe in all-round education which values morality, physique, aesthetic feeling, and human interaction as well as intelligence of the educated. Can people be convinced?
  • 短尾一种西印度岛的短尾科小鸟,与翠鸟种属上相关,有多彩但主要是绿色的羽毛,喉部为亮红色
    Any of various small birds of the family Todidae, of the West Indies, related to the kingfisher and the motmot and having colorful, predominantly green plumage and a bright red throat.
  • 有共同图腾的有血缘关系的一人的信仰。
    belief in the kinship of a group of people with a common totem.
  • 他又开始以民主党选民的目标,依年龄、族裔、职业等等,进行一项大规模直接通信竞选。为了给他的形象增加活力,他到处奔走。众院的工作,除了非做不可的以外,一概搁置,以便致力于亲吻孩童和与众握手。
    He has also begun an extensive direct-mail campaign that is targeting Democratic voters by age, ethnicity and occupation, among other things. And to give life to his image, he pounds the pavement. He skips all but his most vital duties in the House to devote himself to baby kissing and pressing the flesh.
  • 这个勇士在敌中冲出了一条路。
    The knight hewed his way through the enemy.
  • 关系亲密的家庭;联系紧密的村庄;这人关系紧密。
    a close-knit family; close-knit little villages; the group was closely knit.
  • 人站在门外聊天。
    A knot of people stood talking outside the door.
  • 一群旁观者
    A knot of onlookers.
  • 在酒店外争论著的一小
    A knot of people arguing outside the pub
  • 在去年的国庆众大会上,吴作栋总理首次提出须培养华文文化精英(同时也培养精通马来语与印度语的文化精英):“我们必须设法在未来保有高水平的华文掌握能力……我们必须培育一批对中华文化遗产、历史、文学和艺术有渊博知识的核心分子。”
    The need to cultivate a Chinese elite (together with a Malay and Indian elite) was first mentioned in PM Goh's speech at the National Day Rally last year:"We must... find ways to sustain a high level of to reproduce a core group of Singaporeans who are steeped in and knowledgeable about the Chinese cultural heritage, history literature, and the arts."
  • 在这种情况下,广大劳动众当然毫无人权可言。
    Under such circumstances, the human rights of the majority of laboring people were out of the question.
  • 工人阶级必须依靠本阶级的众力量和全体劳动人民的众力量,才能实现自己的历史使命——解放自己,同时解放全体劳动人民。
    Only by relying on the strength of its own masses and that of all laboring people will the working class be able to fulfil its historic mission--that of emancipating itself and, at the same time, all laboring people.
  • 我国农民阶级和其他劳动众,同工人阶级紧密团结,是推动我国社会生产力发展的重要力量。
    The peasant class and other laboring people , closely united with the working class, constitute a major force that pushes the country's productive forces forward.
  • 这就是说,社会固定资产投资的大部分(77.5%)为国家和劳动众集体共同占有。
    That is to say, the bigger share (77.5 percent) of the social investment in fixed assets is owned by the state and the collectives of the laboring masses.
  • 通过全民所有制和劳动众集体所有制,使社会的主要生产资料为劳动人民共同占有。
    It guarantees that the major means of production in society are possessed by all the working people through the ownership by the whole people and the collective ownership by the laboring masses.
  • 共产党——这是工人阶级和劳动人民中先进分子的集合体,它对于人民众的伟大的领导作用,是不容怀疑的。
    The Communist Party is the collective body of the advanced elements among the working class and the laboring people, and there can be no doubt as to its great role in leading the masses.
  • 私营企业的合法财产同全民所有和劳动众集体所有的财产一样,受到法律保护,禁止侵犯、非法查封和没收。
    Like the properties of units under public ownership or collectively owned by the laboring people, the legitimate properties of private enterprises are under the protection of law and shall not be illegally seized, sealed up or confiscated.