  • 适度的取消;托付一个较低的位置。
    mild banishment; consignment to an inferior position.
  • 没过几天我回来了(因为我并不认为我的被撵是永远的),发现他们已经他取了名,叫“希刺克厉夫”。那原是他们一个夭折了的儿子的名字,从此这就算他的名,也算他的姓。
    On coming back a few days afterwards (for I did not consider my banishment perpetual) I found they had christened him `Heathcliff': it was the name of a son who died in childhood, and it has served him ever since, both for Christian and surname.
  • 给银行经理打电话。
    Call the bank manager.
  • [口]你需要多少钱,我借你。
    Let me be your banker.
  • 她父亲把她许配一位银行家。
    Her father betrothed her to a banker.
  • 这回让他给钱好了。
    Let him be the banker this time.
  • 不可撤消的信用证出口商品增加了银行的担保。
    An irrevocable L/C gives your exports the protection of a banker's guarantee.
  • 银行家的女儿想要嫁一个穷人,但是她父亲强烈反对。
    The banker’s daughter wanted to marry a poor boy, but her father set his face against it.
  • 帝国主义和中国反革命势力,曾经了他们以重大的损害,使他们中的很多人陷于失业、破产或半破产的境地。
    Imperialism and the Chinese counter-revolutionary forces have done them great harm, driving many into unemployment, bankruptcy or semi-bankruptcy.
  • 旗帜街道增添了色彩。
    The banner lent color to the streets.
  • 我已写一封抱怨信国家铁路部门,总得有人要支持提高服务标准。
    I've written a letter of complaint to State Rail; somebody has got to carry the banner for better standards of service.
  • 教堂予做某事的特别允许,如允许不登结婚预告结婚
    special permission to do something, grant by a church(such as permission to get marry without publishing banns)
  • 在洗礼时一个受洗时的名字。
    giving a Christian name at baptism.
  • 拒绝为婴儿洗礼而只信徒洗礼的新教派。
    a Protestant sect denying infant baptism and baptising only believers.
  • 大多数教堂婴儿洗礼但有些人坚持成年人洗礼。
    most churches baptize infants but some insist on adult baptism.
  • 通过跳舞诱使希律王她施洗约翰人头的女子。
    woman whose dancing beguiled Herod into giving her the head of John the Baptist.
  • 一条巴勒斯坦境内的河,流入死海;施洗约翰曾在约旦河耶稣施洗礼。
    a river in Palestine that empties into the Dead Sea; John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan.
  • 施浸礼用浸在水中的方式…施洗礼
    To baptize by submerging in water.
  • …洗礼在基督教教堂中某人洗礼
    To baptize into a Christian church.
  • 约翰回答说:“我是用水施洗礼,但有一位站在你们中间,是你们不认识的,就是那位比我来得晚却比我提升得早的人。我他解鞋带都不配。”既然是“连某人解鞋带都不配”,那自然就是“远不如某人”、“配不上某人”了。
    John answered them, saying, I baptize with water, but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not; He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose.
  • 她的头发被刺钢丝篱笆挂住了。
    Her hair got all tangled up in the barbed wire fence.
  • 那件夹克让铁丝网戳破了。
    The jacket was torn to shreds by the barbed wire.
  • 芭芭拉嫁一位衣冠禽兽。
    Barbara married an animal.
  • 很多年以前他曾经帮助国王打败过企图侵入这个国家的一群野蛮人,国王特地赐他这座雄伟的城堡以表示对他的感谢。
    Some years before, he had helped the king to drive away an invading force of barbarians, and this castle was a gift from the king to show his gratitude.
  • 只能全世界留下印尼是个“野蛮”、“惨无人道”的国家的坏印象。
    Nothing but the impression that Indonesia is a "barbaric" and "inhuman" country.
  • 她的头发让刺钢丝篱笆都挂住了。
    Her hair get all tangle up in the barbed wire fence.
  • 理发师我一个好的剪发。
    the barber gave him a good cut.
  • 尽管在西班牙联队失利realmadrid队,巴赛罗纳俱乐部队仍赢得了俱乐部杯和西班牙杯。
    Despite the defeat by Real Madrid in the Spanish league, Barcelona still won the Cup winners Cup and the Spanish cup.
  • 若你方经销我们的货物,我方愿予你相当大的优惠作为回报。
    If you promote our goods, we will give you a good discount as our part of the bargain.
  • 她和卖水果的人讨价还价,直到他把水果便宜地卖了她。
    She bargained with the trader till he sold her the fruit cheaply.
  • 最合算的廉价品在开卖的头一个钟头就抢购一空了。
    All the best bargains were snapped up in the first hour of the sale.
  • 道·琼斯红利策略道·琼斯红利策略是一整套购买便宜股票的系统。通过它所买到的股票都有很高的红利(分配股东的公司收入)。和收相比,它们出售的价格很低。
    The Dow Dividend Strategy The Dow Dividend Strategy is a system for buying bargains stocks with high dividends (company earnings distributed to shareholders ) that are selling at low prices compared to those earnings.