  • 异想天开的放任于稀奇的日梦的
    Indulging in fanciful daydreams.
  • 白日梦;想入非非
    A daydream; a reverie.
  • 幻想,空想心理想象的虚幻的事,如日梦,通常满足心愿或心理的需要
    An imagined event or sequence of mental images, such as a daydream, usually fulfilling a wish or psychological need.
  • 当人们从工作中抽出一部分的时间开始做日梦时,常处于θ波状态。
    A person who has taken time off from a task and begins to daydream is often in a theta brainwave state.
  • 伴随着“日梦情”的成功,玛丽亚·凯丽已有3张专辑的销量分别达到800万张以上,成为有史以来第一位有此佳绩的女歌手。
    With the success of Daydream, Mariah Carey became the first female artist in history to have three studio albums, each selling in excess of eight million copies.
  • 真相大白。
    The truth has been brought into daylight.
  • 那辆汽车大天被人偷走了。
    The car was stolen in broad daylight.
  • 昼点灯并非节约良策。
    It is not good economy to burn daylight.
  • 我害怕白天出门。
    I’m afraid to go out in the daylight.
  • 夏天我们用电较少,因为昼较长。
    We use less electricity in summer because there's more daylight.
  • 这个问题我费了几小时才弄明
    I struggled with the problem for hour before I see daylight.
  • 一杯水竟要价50便士,简直是日抢劫。
    It’s daylight robbery to charge 50 pence for a cup of water.
  • 迷惑了数小时后,我最终弄明了,并找到了答案。
    After puzzling for hours I finally saw daylight and found the answer.
  • 约翰又解释了一遍,我总算明了。
    John explained it again, and at last I began to see daylight.
  • 昼在三月里开始变长。
    The days started to lengthen in March.
  • 白昼在变长。
    The days are lengthening.
  • 你最好天把功课做完。
    You'd better finish your work in daytime.
  • 日间任务;天穿的衣服
    Daytime tasks; daytime clothes.
  • 我们不能在天看到星星。
    We can't see stars in the daytime.
  • 有些动物白天不活动.
    Some animals are inactive during the daytime.
  • 我在白天睡不着觉。
    I cannot sleep in the daytime.
  • 天我们上学,但在晚上我们就玩耍。
    In the daytime, we go to school, but in the evenings we play.
  • 日间的工作;天的电视节目;天穿的衣服。
    a daytime job; daytime television; daytime clothes.
  • 他们在白天工作。
    They work in the daytime.
  • 男士天穿的正式礼服。
    formal dress for men during the daytime.
  • 这些花天里就闭合起来。
    These flowers close up in the daytime.
  • 天,他们搜,我们就藏。
    In the daytime we hid while they hunted.
  • 天几乎看不到猫头鹰。
    You hardly ever see owls in the daytime.
  • 天他和其他工人一道运[抬]石头。
    During the daytime he carried rocks with the other workers.
  • 那就是你在天看不到星星的原因。
    That is why you can't see the stars at daytime.
  • 天不看电视,对吗?
    You do not watch television in the daytime, do you?
  • 天为孩子们的夏令营提供休息和食物以及活动。
    a camp providing care and activities for children during the daytime.