  • 因我们订购的是季节性商品,贵务必于十月前装运,不然我们就赶不上季节了。
    Be sure to ship the goods before October as what we ordered is seasonal goods. Otherwise we will not be able to catch the season.
  • 按照你方要求...
    According to your request...
  • 在现时敌人无力顾及和将来顾及也难周到的条件下,确定在现时广泛地发展平原的游击战争,并建立临时根据地的针,在将来准备坚持小部队的游击战争,至少坚持季候性的游击战争,并建立非固定的根据地的针,是完全必要的。
    As the enemy has no strength to spare now and will never be able to attend to everything even when he has the strength to spare, it is absolutely necessary for us to decide on the policy, for the present, of spreading guerrilla warfare far and wide and setting up temporary base areas in the plains and, for the future, of preparing to keep up guerrilla warfare by small units, if only seasonally, and of creating base areas which are not fixed.
  • 蒸发过的、调了味的肉汁立体。
    a cube of evaporated seasoned meat extract.
  • 与人的本性完全一致的地——托马斯·哈代。
    a place perfectly accordant with man's nature-Thomas Hardy.
  • 普通姜植物的有刺激性味道的根茎;生姜用作调味品,尤其在东烹调术中。
    pungent rhizome of the common ginger plant; used fresh as a seasoning especially in Oriental cookery.
  • 按你方的要求...
    In accordance with your wishes...
  • 我们有多少可坐的地
    How much seating room do we have?
  • 请贵注意,我们所报的价格是西雅图fas价而不是西雅图fob价。
    Your attention be draw to the fact that the price we quote be on a fas seattle basis instead of on a fob seattle basis.
  • 这是西雅图一所管制最严的学校,它以严格的课程要求而著称,是个"连哑童都聪明的"地
    It was Seattle's most exclusive school and was noted for its rigorous academic demands, a place where "even the dumb kids were smart."
  • 北京作为一座历史文化名城和现代化国际大都市,承办第29届奥林匹克运动会,将极大地促进东西文化交流与融合,丰富奥林匹克精神的内涵,并将有力地推动北京文化事业和产业的发展,促进市民思想道德素质和科学文化素质的提高。
    Beijing, as a modern metropolis famous for its rich history and culture, is to hold the 29th Olympic Games. This will greatly facilitate the exchange and confluence of Eastern and Western cultures, enrich the value of the Olympic spirit, promote the development of Beijing’s cultural industry, and stimulate the moral, technological and cultural accomplishments of Beijing’s citizens.
  • 第十二条 受风暴潮威胁的沿海地区的县级以上地人民政府,应当把防御风暴潮纳入本地区的防洪规划,加强海堤(海塘)、挡潮闸和沿海防护林等防御风暴潮工程体系建设,监督建筑物、构筑物的设计和施工符合防御风暴潮的需要。
    Article 12 Local people's governments at or above the county level in coastal areas which are threatened by storm tides should include the prevention of storm tides into the flood control planning within their respective areas, strengthen the construct ion of systems of anti--storm tides works including seawalls (sea dykes), tidewater gates and coastal shelter--forest, and supervise the design and construct ion of buildings and constructions that should meet the requirements for the prevention of storm tides.
  • 目前,海水资源开发采取以盐为主、盐化结合,积极发展海水综合利用的针,形成了盐业、盐化工业,以及海水直接利用和海水淡化等新兴产业。
    Some of China's new industries are associated with this aspect of marine resources development and exploitation: salt, salt chemicals, direct seawater utilization and seawater desalination.
  • 排水吨测量船舶排水量的单位,等于三十五立英尺,相当于一长吨海水的体积
    A unit for measuring the displacement of ships, equal to35 cubic feet, and supposed to equal the volume taken by a long ton of seawater.
  • 目前,已建立各种类型海洋自然保护区59个,总面积1.29万平公里,其中包括海湾保护区、海岛保护区、河口海岸保护区、珊瑚礁保护区、红树林保护区、海岸泻湖保护区、海洋自然历史遗址保护区、海草床保护区和湿地保护区等。
    At present 59 marine protected areas, covering gulfs, islands, estuaries, coasts, coral reefs, mangrove swamps, coastal lagoons, marine natural history sites, seaweed beds and wetlands, have been built, covering a total area of 12,900 sq km.
  • 罐头食品纸箱包装不仅可适合海运,而且很结实,能防止货物受损。
    Our cartons for canned food are not only seaworthy but also strong enough to protect the goods from possible damage.
  • 力的单位等于使质量为克的物体产生厘米(待查表)平秒的加速度所需的力。
    a unit of force equal to the force that imparts an acceleration of 1 cm/sec/sec to a mass of 1 gram.
  • 非技术性力的单位等于一磅的质点发生自由落体加速度(英尺每平秒)的力量。
    a nontechnical unit of force equal to the mass of 1 pound with an acceleration of free fall equal to 32 feet/sec/sec.
  • 在这一面,近几年来取得了明显成效。
    Remarkable accomplishments have been achieved in this regard in recent years.
  • 力的单位等于使一磅的质点发生英尺每平秒加速度的力;等于(待查表)牛顿。
    a unit of force equal to the force that imparts an acceleration of 1 foot/sec/sec to a mass of 1 pound; equal to 0.1382 newtons.
  • 力的单位等于使公斤质量的物体产生米(待查表)平秒的加速度所需的力;等于,达因。
    a unit of force equal to the force that imparts an acceleration of 1 m/sec/sec to a mass of 1 kilogram; equal to 100,000 dynes.
  • 他的妻子是使他在事业面卓有成就的推动力。
    His wife is the driving force behind his accomplishments.
  • 偏僻或隐蔽的地方
    A hidden or secluded spot.
  • 他在文学面成就不多。
    He made little proficiency in literary accomplishments.
  • 僻静的或幽静的地方
    A secluded or isolated place.
  • 幽深处某个偏远、隐秘或与世隔绝的地
    A remote, secret, or secluded place.
  • 僻静的住处一处可以独居的地;隐蔽的场所
    A place where one can live in seclusion; a retreat.
  • 修道院用于宗教隐居的地,尤指修道院或女修道院
    A place, especially a monastery or convent, devoted to religious seclusion.
  • 过去那种地的和民族的自给自足和闭关自守状态,被各民族的各面的互相往来和各面的互相依赖所代替了。
    In place of the old local and national seclusion and self-sufficiency, we have intercourse in every direction, universal inter-dependence of nations.
  • 多年前,由于从事人工受精的苏格兰科学家面临激烈的批评,他们把工作转为地下,在隐蔽的地继续实验,直至将这一技术完善。
    Years ago, Scottish scientists studying in vitro fertilization were subjected to such intense criticism that they took their work underground, continuing it in seclusion until they had the technology perfected.
  • 坚决地反对第二种针,反对第二套办法,避免第二个前途。
    let them steadfastly oppose the second policy, reject the second set of measures and avert the second perspective.
  • 所以我们的火力,应该主要地向着亡国论和妥协论面,而以次要的火力,反对空谈主义的速胜论。
    Therefore, our fire should be directed mainly against them and only secondarily against the idle chatter about quick victory.