  • méng luó de mín
    Denizens of Monte Carlo.
  • zàn tíng xiāo shòu
    Moratorium on Sales of Home Ownership Scheme Flats
  • zhèng zài 'èr líng líng nián jiǔ yuè xuān zàn tíng xiāo shòu lèi zhù zhì suǒ dān wèizhí zhì 'èr líng líng 'èr nián liù yuè wéi zhǐ
    In September 2001, the Government announced a moratorium on the sales of all subsidised home ownership flats until the end of June 2002.
  • gēn xiān shēng liǎo wèi yīng guó rén bìng zài lún dūn dìng xià lái
    Mr Morgan married an English woman and took up his residence in London.
  • měi guó zhōuzài nián yóu · yáng shuài lǐng de mén jiào zài zhù
    a state in the western United States; settled in 1847 by Mormons led by Brigham Young.
  • lín cóng zǎo dào wǎn kāi zhe shōu yīn
    The people next door play their radio from morning till night.
  • luò zhù huò mín
    a native or inhabitant of Morocco.
  • bòbò'ěr běi fēi chéng yuán guó zhī zhù yào mín wéi lín rén huò cóng luò āi de yóu luò
    A member of a North African, primarily Moslem people living in settled or nomadic tribes from Morocco to Egypt.
  • shǔ huò guān mín de
    of or relating to the residents of Moscow.
  • guī fáng zài lán jiào guó jiā xìng jiā tíng chéng yuán zhù de fáng huò fáng de fēn
    A house or a section of a house reserved for women members of a Moslem household.
  • háo rén zhù zài běi 'ěr nán de zhù yào xìn fèng lán jiào de mín de chéng yuán
    A member of a predominantly Moslem people inhabiting northern Nigeria and southern Niger.
  • rén zhù zài tǎn zhōng guó xīn jiāng wéi 'ěr fēn de yóu de lán jiào
    A member of a pastoral Moslem people inhabiting Kazakhstan and parts of Xinjiang Uygur in China.
  • rén lín mín zhōng de zhù yào zhī zhù zài dōng fēi cóng suǒ dào sāng de yán hǎi dǎo shàng
    A member of a predominantly Moslem people inhabiting the coast and islands of eastern Africa from Somalia to Mozambique.
  • fēn shì qún de zhù cháo huáng fēng
    mostly social nest-building wasps.
  • ào shā gāo yuán mín de cái chǎn shì gǒu
    An Ozarkian's wealth is mostly dogs.
  • shí hòu zhèng huó yuè zài jiàn zhù hángyè duì shuō jiàn suǒ chē guǎn shèn zhì shì jiā fàn diàn huì jiàn zào suǒ jiā gèng kùn nán
    I was active in the construction business at the time, so I mentioned to her that erecting a motel, or even a hotel, was no more difficult than building a home.
  • shí 'èr shén zhù zài 'ào lín shān 12 zhù yào shén zhī
    One of the12 major gods and goddesses inhabiting Mount Olympus.
  • bān jiā de rén jiā luàn zāo duī zài xīn fáng de shì
    The movers piled the furniture helter-skelter in the living room of the new house.
  • jǐn zài mǒu yuán zhōu zhōng zhù
    she moves in certain circles only.
  • sāng běn rén huò mín
    a native or inhabitant of Mozambique.
  • shǐ rén de shì shì de
    Mrs Smith's living-room is large.
  • gōng zuò xiāng dāng kùn nándàn rán yìng guò liǎo
    The work was difficult, but he managed somehow to muddle through.
  • yào suí zhe jīng zhǎn duàn zēng jiā chéng xiāng mín shōu tuò kuān xiāo fèi lǐng yōu huà xiāo fèi jié gòumǎn rén men duō yàng huà de zhì wén huà qiú
    As the economy develops, we should increase the income of urban and rural residents, expand the scope of their consumption and optimize the consumption structure so as to meet the people's multifarious material and cultural needs.
  • yīn xīn jiā zuò wéi zhōu de zhòng yào zhōng xīnzuò wéi duō yuán zhǒng de xīn xīng guó jiā yǐn yōu xiù de rén cái lái xīn jiā jìn xíng yán gōng zuò dìng shì fēi cháng zhòng yào de wèn
    Singapore is an important hub in Asia and a multiracial country. How it can attract Asian talent in science and technology to do research and to live in Singapore is a very important question indeed.
  • dōng fāng zhù shí xìn fèng lán jiào
    He embraced the Muslim religion when he went to live in the East.
  • gài rén zhù de tōng cháng yòng gài de fáng chuán tǒng kǒu cháo dōng
    A usually earth-covered Navajo dwelling traditionally built with the entrance facing east.
  • shì zuì zhòng yào de yuán yīn shì wēi ruǎn zài ie liú lǎn shàng miàn shì chǎng zhù dǎo wèi de fāng shì wèn qián netscape de liú lǎn zài shì chǎng shàng zhù dǎo wèi
    But the key element involved the way in which Microsoft forced its Internet Explorer (IE) browser to leadership in a market, which had been dominated by Netscape's Navigator.
  • zhēn derén men zài yuàn tuì xiū de shí hòu shì néng tuì debìng qiě zài yīnggāi tuì xiū de shí hòu shì kěn tuì defǎn zhīrén mendōu nài tuì xiū de shēng huóshèn zhì zài lǎo bìng zhī zhōng yào yǐn de shí hòu jiù hǎo xiàng yòu xiē chéng de lǎo tóu 'ér yàngzǒng yào zuò zài jiē mén kǒusuī rán zhè zhǒng bàn shǐ rén jiā kàn lǎo nián
    Nay, retire men cannot, when they would; neither will they, when it were reason: but are impatient of privateness, even in age, and sickness, which require the shadow: like old townsmen,that will be still sitting at their street door, though thereby they offer age to scorn.
  • fāng de rén de běn rén huò mín
    A native or inhabitant of Nazareth.
  • huò rénde shǔ huò guān huò mín de
    Of or relating to Nazareth or its inhabitants.
  • guó cuì huà hòu , zài dìng xià lái
    With Germany -fied, he settled in Paris.
  • wèi dōng běi yìn de 'ā bāng de zhù huò zhě mín
    native or inhabitant of the state of Assam in NE India.