  • 首届上海戏剧白玉兰表演艺术配角奖得主。上海市戏曲学校首届昆曲班毕业,工丑角。曾得丑华传浩、王传凇、周传沧等真传。
    Winner of the First Shanghai Drama Magnolia Minor Role Prize, Liu Yi Long is a graduator of Shanghai Traditional Opera School,mainly acts the buffoon, used to be given instructions by famous buffoons like Hua Chuan-Hao, Wang Chuan-Song and Zhou Chuan-Cang.
  • 甲壳纲最大的亚纲,包括多数知的海水、淡水和陆地的甲壳类动物;螃蟹;龙虾;小虾;木虱;海滩蝇。
    largest subclass of Crustacea including most of the well-known marine, freshwater, and terrestrial crustaceans: crabs; lobsters; shrimps; sow bugs; beach flies.
  • 代达罗斯著的艺术家和发明家,是迷宫的建造者
    A legendary artist and inventor, builder of the Labyrinth.
  • 在为我的一本烹饪书收集资料的过程中,我看到一位保加利亚妇女用巧克力和果仁制作出一种叫“garashtorte”的精美甜点。
    When researching for one of my cookbooks, I watched a Bulgarian woman make a spectacular chocolate and nut dessert called “ garash torte.”
  • 金柏林·尼兰德和她的宠物--一只叫"熊熊"的猎犬,正在一起同自己的满身赘肉作斗争。
    Kimberly Neiland and her dog,"Bear," are both fighting the battle of the bulge.
  • 它们为因特网穿上攻不破的防弹衣来为交易保存数字签和其他安全信息。
    They can hold digital signatures and other security information for bulletproof transactions on the Internet.
  • 自从电影《生死时速》问世以来,29岁的桑德拉.布洛克从一默默无闻的女演员一跃成为二号顶尖人物,她是为数不多的男女观众都喜爱的女演员之一。
    In the year since Speed came out, Sandra Bullock, 29, has catapulted from little-known actress to Next Big Thing. She is one of the rare actresses liked by both men and women.
  • 你的朋友都不过是无之辈.
    Your friends are all just a bunch of nobodies.
  • 恐怖分子劫特了11以色列运动员作为人质,时间长达21小时,由于政治谈判的最终失败,在当地的一个机场爆发了一场生死枪战,全世界上民眼睁睁地看着所发生的这一切,吓呆了。
    While the world looked on, transfixed, the terrorists held 11 Israeli athletes hostage for 21 tense hours until political bungling resulted in a deadly firefight at a local airport.
  •  英国一个给自己取代号为“小猪”的航天部工作人员将情报卖给“俄罗斯间谍”——而实际上“俄罗斯间谍”正是军情五处的情报人员,他因此被捕,面临14年的监禁。
    He''s definitely NOT James Bond - nor even Austin Powers. And now the world''s worst spy, codenamed Piglet, is facing 14 years in jail after bungling an attempt to sell secrets to the Russians.
  • 听到好消息,感到十分振奋。
    They are excitedly buoyant with good news.
  • 名望大,负担重。
    Great honour is great burden.
  • 党内犯官僚主义错误的同志,有些也是很努力的,所以有个新词叫“辛辛苦苦的官僚主义”。
    Some of the Party comrades who are guilty of bureaucratism also work very diligently, hence the new expression, "busy work bureaucratism".
  • 英国牛津大学的一些科学家和由英国食品工业中的超市巨头泰斯克以及麦当劳共同资助的一些农民共同制定了这项为"食用动物权力"的计划。
    The Food Animal Initiative combines scientists from Oxford University and farmers funded by British food industry giants supermarket Tesco and burger chain McDonalds UK.
  • 窃贼以机智瞒过警方而开溜。
    The burglar outwitted the police and got away.
  • 尼伯龙根之歌写于13世纪早期中古德国著史诗。以西格弗里特和勃艮第国王们的传奇为基础所写
    A Middle High German epic poem written in the early13th century and based on the legends of Siegfried and of the Burgundian kings.
  • 勃艮第以其美酒而闻
    Burgundy is celebrated for its fine wines.
  • 一个坟墓(通常用来埋葬著人物)。
    a burial vault (usually for some famous person).
  • 这名水手被海葬了。
    The sailor was buried at sea.
  • 伯克编的《贵族姓录》和1963年《人录》放在突出的地方。
    Prominent were Burke's Peerage and the 1963 Who's Who.
  • 但是,正当詹姆斯开始对自己的职责产生怀疑、并决定退出培训时,伯克委派给他一项特殊任务--去根除一"鼹鼠"(即长期潜伏的双重间谍)。
    But just when James starts to question his role and decides to wash out,Burke taps him for a special assignment to root out a mole.
  • 我就认识这么一对。丈夫身材魁梧,曾是一运动员,而她却是一位娇弱文静的小家碧玉,甚至不愿意出门上饭馆。
    I know of one couple: He is a burly ex-athlete. Meanwhile, his wife is petite, quiet and a complete homebody. She doesn't even go out to dinner.
  • 用于缅甸语地区,男子姓前的一种礼貌称呼
    Used as a courtesy title before the name of a man in a Burmese-speaking area.
  • 他热中于成名。
    He burns to win fame.
  • 由渣打银行基金捐助的助学金计划,也让100多缺乏照顾的少女有机会在未来3年内参与为期18天的课程。
    The bursary scheme donated by the Standard Chartered Foundation has given more than 100 disadvantaged young girls the opportunity to come on the 18-day courses in the next three years.
  • 布隆迪年独立后乌松布拉改为布琼布拉。
    Usumbura was renamed Bujumbura when Burundi became independent in 1962.
  • 布琼布拉布隆迪首都及其最大城市,位于该国的西部,坦噶尼喀湖岩边。最初叫作乌苏布拉,1962年布隆迪独立后重新命。人口229,980
    The capital and largest city of Burundi, in the western part of the country on Lake Tanganyika. Originally called Usumbura, it was renamed when Burundi became independent in1962. Population,229, 980.
  • 这辆巴士载着九十乘客。
    This bus carries 90 passengers.
  • 小布什提内阁成员后动身前往华府。
    Bush heads toWashington after more appointments.
  • 那个商人因行为卑鄙而恶远扬。
    The businessman is a proverb for meanness.
  • 他是我们镇里大鼎鼎的实业家。
    He is a big-time businessman in our town.
  • 一个生意人也该注意维护自己的声。
    A businessman shall also be careful to maintain his reputation.