  • 把拥挤的监狱称作一个装满了被制的暴力的火药筒
    Referred to the crowded prison as a tinderbox of suppressed violence.
  • 不久,十九路军和福建人民政府在蒋介石的兵力迫下失败,此后蔡廷锴等人继续采取与共产党合作的立常
    The 19th Route Army and Fukien People's Government collapsed under the attacks of Chiang's troops. From then on, Tsai Ting-kai and others gradually moved towards a position of co-operation with the Communist Party.
  • 您能帮我检查一下胎吗?
    Would you check the tire pressure, too?
  • 在我的癌症重之下全家人都开始出现问题。
    The strain under which the family was living was already taking its toll.
  • 法国波尔多警方日前接报一件奇案:一名7岁的女孩被其兄墓碑上掉落的石十字架死。
    A 7-year-old French girl died after being crushed by a cross that fell from a tombstone as she and her family visited her brother's grave, police say.
  • 小时候,她觉得自己的声音听起来很滑稽。邻居的小孩们对此也无异议,他们挖苦她,以至她干脆不讲话。唱歌看起来根儿是不可能的事。
    When she was young,she thought that her voice sounded funny-- no arguments there from the neighborhood kids,who tormented her to the point where she simply stopped talking.
  • 通过在细丝上施加力的转矩测量小的力量的装置。
    designed to measure small forces by the torsion they exert on a thin wire.
  • 通过在细丝上施加力的转矩测量小的力量的装置。
    designed to measure small forces by the torsion they exert on a thin wire.
  • 以前用挤拇指来拷问的刑具。
    formerly used to torture by squeezing the thumbs.
  • 用来碎脚或腿的惩罚装置。
    an instrument of torture that is used to crush the foot and leg.
  • 克林顿一面赞美自由贸易,逼迫[缔约国]通过北美自由贸易协定,另一面则向日本及欧洲施,迫彼等接受更多美国货品。
    While Clinton touts the virtues of free trade [and is] pressing for passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement, he is turning up heat on Japan and the European Commission to accept more U. S. products.
  • 对于商人的投机行为,则利用公营商店及合作社的力量,加以抑。
    With regard to tradesmen's speculative activities, it made use of publicly run shops and co-operatives to restrain them.
  • 压倒一切困难
    trample all difficulties underfoot
  • 不论是在工作场所或家里,这门古老的学问,强调的是平衡、和谐以及安宁,也能协助他们克服现代生活的紧张和力。
    With its emphasis on achieving balance and harmony and peace and tranquility at home and at work, this time-honoured art relaxes their minds and helps them overcome stresses and strains of modern living.
  • 扩展器在某一给定范围的输入电内产生较大输出电的转换器
    A transducer designed for a given range of input voltages that produces a larger range of output voltages.
  • 抽水机一种用来提升、缩或输送液体的机械或装置
    A machine or device for raising, compressing, or transferring fluids.
  • 使…经过变器的转换
    To subject to the action of a transformer.
  • 我们能够很容易地懂得变器是什么。
    We can quite easily understand what a transformer is.
  • 请送一个变器到321房来……谢谢。
    Will you please send a transformer to Room 321?…Thank you.
  • 我与电力部联系,叫他们提供一个变器给您……
    I'll contact our Electricity Department and ask them to supply you with a transformer…
  • 有一个空气中心的升器;常用来在高频率中产生高电
    a step-up transformer with an air core; used to produce high voltages at high frequencies.
  • 这儿是电灯开关、衣柜和变器,还有一个电动剃须刀。
    Here is the light switch, the wardrobe and the transformer, there is a electric shaver.
  • 铁心包在线圈内或变器中的柔软铁条,用于提供道路和加强由线圈曲转产生的磁场
    A soft iron rod in a coil or transformer that provides a path for and intensifies the magnetic field produced by the windings.
  • 器其交变电的改变与初级线圈及其次级线圈的匝数成正比。
    An electric transformer changes the alternating voltage applied to it in proportion to the numbers of turns in its primary and secondary windings.
  • 成系列排列的变器;提供高电能源。
    a number of transformers in series; provides a high-voltage source.
  • 他们生产的变器由10至20000千伏安大小不等。
    The transformers they produce vary from the 10 kva to the 20000 kva models.
  • 在把山区电站的电输往城市和工业中心时,变器确实起着非常重要的作用。
    Transformers do play a very important part in transmitting electricity to cities and industrial centres from power stations far among the hills.
  • (电子学)指在正常状态下,数值恒定的电流、电或某些其他物理量的瞬态改变。
    (electronics) a sharp transient wave in the normal electrical state (or a series of such transients).
  • 或电流的短暂的变化。
    a transient variation in voltage or current.
  • 力高于周围的大气的瞬时气,如爆炸产生的冲击波
    A transient air pressure, such as the shock wave from an explosion, that is greater than the surrounding atmospheric pressure.
  • 水印制造过程中在纸上的半透明设计,纸张对光时可辨
    A translucent design impressed on paper during manufacture and visible when the paper is held to the light.
  • 超高压输电
    extra-high voltage power transmission