  • 园内各种药用植物,于一九八七年种植,新温室于一九九三年建成,吸引不少游人。
    The medicinal plant collection, established in 1987, and a new greenhouse built in 1993 have generated much interest.
  • 年内,当局修订或制定了有关加油站、石油气加气站、电力供应、电话服务和绿化计划的规划标准与准
    During the year, planning standards and guidelines for petrol filling stations, liquefied petroleum gas filling stations, electricity supply, telephone service and greening were revised or in the process of formulation.
  • 因写仙女故事而出名的格瑞母兄弟中的哥哥;也是描述日尔曼语言变革的格瑞母规的作者(1785-1863)。
    the older of the two Grimm brothers remembered best for their fairy stories; also author of Grimm's Law describing consonant changes in Germanic languages (1785-1863).
  • 有人喜欢横握(球拍),另的运动员喜欢直握(拍)。
    Some people prefer the shake-hands grip. Other prefer the penhold grip.
  • 传统华校生抱怨年轻人不懂唐诗宋词,传统英校生怪他们不懂莎士比亚。
    The Chinese-educated complain that young people know nothing about poetry from the ancient Tang and Song dynasty while the English-educated gripe about them not knowing the works of Shakespeare.
  • 在马里兰州附近有一条看不见的线横穿国土:南边,人们认为玉米糁对生命极其重要;北边,人们认为它不利于消化而禁止食用。
    Starting somewhere around Maryland an invisible line crosses the country: below it grits are considered essential for life, while above it they're banned as being unfit for human consumption.
  • 我们原上已同意了,因此现在我们可以讨论细节问题了。
    We are agreed in principle so let's now discuss the nitty gritty.
  • 我们马上来着手解决最根本的问题:如果你单身并在寻觅你的另一半,你应该知道约会的规对每个人而言都已经改变了。
    Let's get right down to the nitty-gritty: If you're single and want to find your other half, you should know that the rules of the dating game have changed for everyone.
  • ”但梵蒂冈人士称此举是“荒唐”的,英格兰教会也表示“完全反对”克隆人,并参与了抗议活动。
    " But the Vatican labelled his work " grotesque" and the Church of England joined the protests, stating that it was " totally opposed" to human cloning.
  • 我不知道这位年轻律师在法庭上表现如何,但起码他熟知这类案例的原
    I don't know how well this young lawyer performs in court, but at least he's well grounded in the principles of such cases.
  • 至于党内的主观主义的批评,不要证据的乱说,或互相猜忌,往往酿成党内的无原纠纷,破坏党的组织。
    As for subjective criticism, loose and groundless talk or suspiciousness, such practices inside the Party often breed unprincipled disputes and undermine the Party organization.
  • 他们表现出色,黄华东和黄力平获男子全能比赛前两名。乔娅和关义青获女子全能冠亚军。
    They did very well,Huand Huadong and Huang Liping came first and second in the men's overall events while Qiao Ya and Guan Yiqing led the women's.
  • 他们表现出色,黄华东和黄力平获男子全能比赛前两名。乔娅和关义青获女子全能冠亚军。
    They did very well, Huand Huadong and Huang Liping came first and second in the men's overall events while Qiao Ya and Guan Yiqing led the women's.
  • 保证满意否则退钱。
    Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.
  • 这是游击战争战略原的最中心的问题。
    It is the key problem in the strategy of guerrilla warfare.
  • 指导适当行为的规或原理。
    a rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior.
  • 新规则指导两岸贸易
    new rules to guide cross-Straits trade.
  • 赵:你为听众选择歌曲的原是什么?
    Zhao:What's your guideline in choosing songs for your audience?
  • 作为指导或榜样的东西
    Something that serves as a guide or an example; a guideline.
  • 节水、节能是奥运设施建设和活动组织中的必要原,建设中将采用各种节水、节能建筑材料和设备。
    To be water and energy efficient constitutes the main guideline in the Olympic venue construction and activities. Water and energy efficient building materials and equipment will be selected for the venues.
  • 根据评价要求,确定了项目建设“以预防为主、保护优先、开发与保护并重”的原,以生态环境评价的结果指导设计、施工、环境管理。
    In light of the requirements of the appraisal, a guideline for the construction of the project was worked out, i.e., “giving priority to prevention and protection and attaching equal importance to both development and protection.” The result of the appraisal of the ecological environment was used to guide the designing and construction of the railway line and its environmental management.
  • 要坚持党对军队绝对领导的根本原,按照“政治合格、军事过硬、作风优良、纪律严明、保障有力”的总要求,以新时期军事战略方针为统揽,注重质量建设,实行科技强军、依法治军,努力把人民解放军建设成为一支强大的现代化、正规化革命军队。
    We should meet the general requirements of building the armed forces that are "qualified politically and competent militarily and has a fine style of work, strict discipline and adequate logistic support", and follow the military strategy for the new era as our overriding guideline. We should stress the quality of army- building and strengthen our armed forces by relying on science and technology and run the army according to law in an effort to build the People's Liberation Army (PLA) into a strong, modern and revolutionary regular army.
  • 基本原规定了处理违犯交通法规的规
    The guidelines lies down rules for dealing with traffic offence.
  • 国务大臣发布了开支的指导原
    The secretary of state issue guidelines for expenditure.
  • 检讨香港规划标准与准
    and reviewing the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines.
  • 国务卿可以发布支出的指导原
    The secretary of state can issue guidelines for expenditure.
  • 高等法院法官j。史密斯说他不是在为判刑规定指导原
    Smith J said he was not laying down guidelines for sentence.
  • 政府发布了涨工资和提高物价的提导原
    The government has issued guidelines on increase in wages and price.
  • 其他的应用程序,像omap和map是在tcap的规或指导原下构建的。
    Others, like OMAP and MAP are constructed within the rules or guidelines of TCAP.
  • 城规会亦就法定图所涵盖地区的发展申请公布指引。
    The board also promulgates guidelines for applications for developments in areas covered by statutory plans.
  • 《香港规划标准与准》是一份政府手册,就各类土地用途和设施制定数量、比例、位置和地盘规定的准
    The Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines is a government document of planning criteria and guidelines for determining the quantity, scale, location and site requirements of various land uses and facilities.
  • 如果我们做事非得有原的话,这大概就是我们最好的原了。
    If we have to have guidelines, that's probably as good a one as any.