  • 共产国际世界上共产党的联合,由宁在1919年建立,1943年解散
    An association of Communist parties of the world, established in1919 by Lenin and dissolved in1943.
  • 宁亲自指导了这项工作。
    Lenin personally guided this work.
  • 列宁美学思想
    esthetic thought of V.I.Lenin
  • 列宁伦理思想
    moral thought of V.I.Lenin
  • 列宁哲学思想
    philosophical thought of V.I. Lenin
  • 大会一致通过了宁的报告。
    The Conference unanimously adopted Lenin's report.
  • 宁认为理论必须为实践服务。
    Lenin considered that theory should serve practice.
  • 宁亲自组织并指挥了这一斗争。
    Lenin himself organized and directed the struggle.
  • 宁对这次罢工立即作出反应。
    Lenin responded at once to the strike.
  • 你知道的,我们也研究宁和马克思。
    You know we studied Lenin and Marx.
  • 宁精心准备了这次代表大会。
    Lenin prepared with great care for the Congress.
  • 要像宁那样努力学习与工作。
    Study and work as hard as Lenin did.
  • 宁所说的这个真理,现在仍然有效。
    This truth enunciated by Lenin remains valid today.
  • 宁发展了马克思和恩格斯的思想。
    Lenin carried further the ideas of Marx and Engels.
  • 宁顽强地为维护马克思主义学说的纯洁性而战斗。
    Lenin fought stubbornly for the purity of Marxist theory.
  • 宁进一步发展了马克思宁主义的国家学说。
    Lenin further developed the Marxist doctrine of the state.
  • 宁找到了他的通行证并把它出示给卫兵。
    Lenin find his pass and show it to the guard.
  • 宁很关心国内科学的发展。
    Lenin was concerned for the development of the country's science.
  • 俄国革命爆发时宁在瑞士。
    Lenin was in Switzerland when the Russian Revolution broke out.
  • 宁获准离开俄国,前往瑞士。
    Lenin was successful in obtaining permission to leave for Switzerland.
  • 她引用一段宁的语录结束了她的演讲。
    She ended off her speech with a quotation from Lenin.
  • 追随马克思和宁主义。
    following the ideas of Marx expanded to include those of Lenin.
  • 宁号召多谈些经济,少谈些政治。
    Lenin called for more talk about economics and less about politics.
  • 宁强调创造历史的正是人民。
    Lenin stressed that it is precisely the people who create history.
  • 宁主义由宁发展的、有关无产阶级革命理论和实践的总称
    The theory and practice of proletarian revolution as developed by Lenin.
  •  这个问题,本来是马克思主义者特别是宁所早已解决了的。
    This problem was solved long ago by Marxists, especially by Lenin.
  • 宁的领导下,党捍卫了自己队伍的团结。
    Under Lenin's leadership, the party defended the unity of its ranks.
  • 建立在马克思和宁的著述上的一种共产主义。
    a form of communism based on the writings of Marx and Lenin.
  • 关于党的任务,宁认为必须修改党的纲领。
    As regards party tasks, Lenin considered it essential to change the programme.
  • 宁深入研究了马克思和恩格斯的著作。
    Lenin made a deep study of the works of Marx and Engels.
  • 他们眼中的热泪表明了他们对宁的热爱和忠诚。
    The tears in their eyes showed their love and loyalty to Lenin.
  • 中国邮局发行邮票纪念宁百年延辰。
    The Chinese Post Office issued some stamps commemorating the centenary of Lenin's birth.