  • “如果不是因为罪犯…指挥官的消沉怠倦的行为…法西的荣誉或许能得到挽救”(约翰·娄斯罗普·莫特利)
    But for the criminal... languor which characterized that commander's movements... the honor of France might still have been saved?John Lothrop Motley).
  • 然而,也还是在维也纳,内尔和斯特劳斯,却作为乐队指挥和作曲者而发迹起家。
    However, it was also in Vienna that Lanner and Strauss made their fortunes as bandleaders and composers.
  • 后来施特劳斯与纳决裂,组成了自己的乐队,到20几岁时已在最大的几个露天花园演奏了。
    Strauss split with Lanner, formed his own group, and by his middle twenties was playing in the largest outdoor gardens.
  • 杰克逊美国密西根州中南部城市,位于兴市以南的格德河边。是一个工业、商业中心。人口37,446
    A city of south-central Michigan on the Grand River south of Lansing. It is an industrial and commercial center. Population,37, 446.
  • 大瀑布城美国密歇根州中西部城市,位于辛西北偏西方向的格德河畔。建于一个渥太华村庄的原址上,从19世纪中叶起成为家具制造中心。人口189,126
    A city of west-central Michigan on the Grand River west-northwest of Lansing. Built on the site of an Ottawa village, it has been a furniture-manufacturing center since the mid-1800's. Population,189, 126.
  • 拉普人居住在拉普的一大批具有游牧传统的人
    A member of a people of nomadic herding tradition inhabiting Lapland.
  • 从北到南,从拉普到奥斯陆和卑尔根,挪威人用时间向我们证明了:人类作为自然大家庭中最高级但也是最脆弱的一分子,能够与其他成员融洽地生活在一起。
    From north to south, from Lapland to Oslo and Bergen, Norwegian people has convinced us, with time, that human beings, as the most advanced yet most vulnerable in the grand family of nature, can live in harmony with all its other members.
  • 布鲁塞尔比利时首都和最大城市,位于比利时中部。官方使用双语制(法德斯语和法语)。1830年成为比利时的首都。人口2,395,000
    The capital and largest city of Belgium, in the central part of the country. Officially bilingual(Flemish and French), it became capital of Belgium in1830. Metropolitan area population, 2,395,000.
  • 自从我们上次去苏格,有五年了。
    Well, let's see. It's been about five years, since we went to Scotland lat.
  • 克最近经常与露西往来。
    Frank has taken up with Lucy lately.
  • 白俄罗斯,白俄罗斯波以东的欧洲东部地区,位于立陶宛和拉脱维亚以南,乌克以北。长久以来一直为波和俄国所争夺
    A region of eastern Europe east of Poland, south of Lithuania and Latvia, and north of the Ukraine. It was long disputed between Poland and Russia.
  • 他从哪里来的?;哪里来的盛宴?;从歌谣盛行、未有法律的社会中得来的短剧——德西·菲格森。
    whence did he come?; whence comes this splendid feast?; sketches the lawless society whence the ballads sprang-DeLancey Ferguson.
  • 此举其实是纽约城市大学社会心理学家斯坦利·米尔格姆、里奥纳德·别克曼和劳伦斯·伯克维兹所进行的实验的一部分,旨在发现此项行为会对路人产生怎样的影响。
    He did so as part of an experiment by City University of New York social psychologists Stanley Milgram, Leonard Bickman and Lawrence Berkowitz that was designed to find out what effect this action would have on passersby.
  • 地中海和亚洲地区的花,花淡玫瑰色、呈松弛的穗状。
    orchid of Mediterranean and Asia having a lax spike of bright rose-pink flowers.
  • plectorrhiza属的任何一种花,有缠结的根,茎铁丝状,花小、绿色、有香味,总状花序疏松。
    an orchid of the genus Plectorrhiza having tangled roots and long wiry stems bearing lax racemes of small fragrant green flowers.
  • 由於英格队以3比0领先, 最後的结果可能是英格队获胜[英格队可能成为优胜者].
    With England leading 3-0, the probable result is an England victory/England are the probable winners.
  • 勃利特属的任何一种花,具有假的鳞茎,笔直、无叶的总状花序,大的,紫色或粉红色的花。
    any of various orchids of the genus Bletia having pseudo-bulbs and erect leafless racemes of large purple or pink flowers.
  • 一种多叶的,具有芳香的黄色花的日光
    asphodel with leafy stem and fragrant yellow flowers.
  • 但她已转身离去,跌跌撞撞、匆匆忙忙地跑上楼梯,扑向那音乐和那个已忘记过去但无论在过去还是现在、无论是失忆前还是失忆后都把自己视为惟一的男人。她一边向上跑,一边哭泣着,大声喊着:"弗克,弗克,弗克!
    But she was gone, leaping, stumbling, hurrying, flying up the stairs toward the music and him who had forgotten, but who had known her for his in each of his two existences, and as she climbed up she sobbed, cried and sang:" Frank! Frank! Frank!"
  • 那么您今天是要去亚特大了。
    So you are leaving for Atlanta.
  • 认为阿里是穆罕默德的合法继承人,反对原来的三个哈里发的一支伊斯教中的成员。
    a member of the branch of Islam that regards Ali as the legitimate successor to Mohammed and rejects the first three caliphs.
  • 虾脊属任何一种艳丽的花,花白色、黄色或玫瑰色,叶宽,纵向折叠。
    any of various showy orchids of the genus Calanthe having white or yellow or rose-colored flowers and broad leaves folded lengthwise.
  • 展开部分,就章法而言,稍嫌长了些,空洞了些,除此之外倒也简单明了,难怪格古瓦在其心灵深处的真诚圣殿里,也为这出戏的简洁明晰赞赏不已。
    The exposition, perhaps somewhat lengthy and dry, but strictly according to prescribed rules, was simple, and Gringoire, in the inner sanctuary of his judgment, frankly admired its perspicuity.
  • 她的父亲利奥·布伦南是爱尔一支很受欢迎的表演乐队的队长,母亲是位业余音乐工作者。
    Her father,Leo Brennan,was the leader of a popular Irish show band;her mother was an amateur musician.
  • 委内瑞拉北部的属荷的位于小安地列斯群岛的一组小岛。
    a group of islands in the Lesser Antilles just north of Venezuela that are administered by The Netherlands.
  • 印度北部著名的花,花极大、浅蓝紫色至深蓝紫色。
    famous orchid of northern India having large pale to deep lilac-blue flowers.
  • 有时归入秋水仙科;一个种;加属的任何一种植物。
    sometimes placed in family Colchicaceae; one species: glory lily.
  • 有时归入铃科;假铃
    sometimes placed in family Convallariaceae: false lily of the valley.
  • 让家里充溢香苹果、香草、薰衣草或欧铃的香味。
    Fillingyour home with spiced apple, vanilla, lavender or lily of the valley scents.
  • 利德克兹牌乳酪象林堡软干酪的一种软质奶酪的商标名
    A trademark for a soft cheese resembling a mild Limburger.
  • 我知道近年斐济榄球队大受注目,夺去不少风头,但我肯定新西国家榄球队很快便会重登宝座,或许一九九九年就是新西国家榄球队的天下。
    I know Fiji have taken the limelight over the past few years but I am sure it won't be too long before we see the Kiwis back on the winner's podium. Maybe 1999 will be your year.
  • 安妮:校园环境也挺好,树木众多,有垂柳、有白杨、还有娇贵的玉、名贵的银杏......晚饭后,在花前月下散步别有一番韵味。
    Annie: Definitely. The environment of the university is quite good. The trees are clustered here and there with weeping willows,poplars,tender yulan and rare gingko. After supper, walking by the flowers and under the moon has a unique lingering charm.