  • 他心满了骄傲;他骄傲自大。
    Pride swelled his heart.
  • 得意,自大满骄傲或自负
    To fill with pride or conceit.
  • 虽然拖延的倾向是普遍的,但是人们应该分考虑到不必要的延误造成的有害影响。
    While the inclination to procrastinate is common , one must fully consider the detrimental impact of unnecessary delays.
  • 象这样一个有缺点的国家同一个分发展的国家对照时,在生产力上相差的决不仅仅是一半;同那个健全国家相形之下,它拥有的土地和人口也许相等,或者还远远超过,但就所能获致的物质财富来说,恐怕还不能及到那个国家的五分之一,或者甚至十分之一。
    A nation thus imperfect will not only be merely half as productive as a perfect nation, but with an equal or even with a much larger territory,with an equal or a much larger population, it will perhaps scarcely obtain a fifth, probably scarcely a tenth, part of that material wealth which a perfect nation is able to procure;
  • 拉皮条在性交易中当中间人或联系人;当拉皮条的人
    To act as a go-between or liaison in sexual intrigues; function as a procurer.
  • 有效的能产生或足以产生预定效果的;完全足的
    Producing or sufficient to produce a desired effect; fully adequate.
  • 根据牌照规定,两家电视台均须播放香港电台的节目,香港电台是公营机构,每周制作约10小时节目,以补商营电视台的节目。
    Both stations are required to broadcast programmes produced by the publicly-funded Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), which produces about 10 hours of programmes weekly to supplement the commercial TV stations' output.
  • 这两部电影都十分直白,对白低俗,而且斥着暴力镜头。
    Both movies are frank, verbally profane and violent.
  • 按照时间进度进行统筹规划,引进专业人才,组织志愿者,加强人才培训,构建多层次的人力资源配备体系,分保证奥运建设和服务所需的各种人才的及时到位。
    In accordance with the schedule, make overall planning, introduce professionals, mobilize volunteers, intensify training of prospective professionals, and establish multi-tiered system for providing human resources so as to ensure professionals of various types available in time for the construction and service of the Olympics.
  • 史密斯教授分阐述了这一论题。
    Professor Smith expanded on the topic.
  • 定义名次排队、利润率和时序功能的万能服务器的rolap扩,将使程序员的工作更为简单,并产生短小得多的程序,而这些程序更可能是无错误的。
    Universal Server ROLAP extensions that define functions for ranking, profitability and time series will make the programmer's job simpler and will result in much smaller programs that are more likely to be error-free.
  • 分显示了我们两国间的深厚友谊。
    This fully demonstrates the profound friendship existing between our two countries.
  • 无产阶级的队伍就是这样从居民的所有阶级中得到补的。
    Thus the proletariat is recruited from all classes of the population.
  • 第一次实验的结果满了希望.
    The results of the first experiments are very promising.
  • 过分夸赞的文章一篇通常写在书的封皮页上以促销的满夸张赞扬之词的文章
    A piece of writing, as on the jacket of a book, containing often exaggerated praise, used for promotional purposes.
  • 分证明, 是... 的分证明
    be full proof th...
  • 这回在湖南,尤其得到了分的证明。
    Now we have added proof, particularly in Hunan.
  • 进行分的宣传,他们什么都会相信。
    Pump enough propaganda in, and they'll believe anything.
  • 施以分的宣传,他们什么都会相信。
    Pump enough propaganda in, and they will believe anything.
  • 他发表了一篇满陈词滥调的文章。
    He delivered a long prose full of platitudes.
  • 这种家庭只是在资产阶级那里才以分发展的形式存在着,而无产者的被迫独居和公开的卖淫则是它的补
    In its completely developed form this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. But this state of things finds its complement in the practical absence of the family among the proletarians, and in public prostitution.
  • 提供分的保护免受大风和气候之害
    provide adequate protection from wind and weather
  • 抗议者们分发表了自己的看法,但他们的观点几乎没有能对那些沉默的大多数产生影响。
    The protesters make the most noise but their views have little o f no effect on the silent majority.
  • 为家庭提供足的生活费用
    provide liberally for one's family
  • 粮食充足。
    Provisions are plentiful.
  • 香港致力分利用香港市场的有利条件(例如具备较高的流动资金额、较广泛的研究范围、较接近内地市场),为寻求在内地以外地方上市的内地企业提供更佳的服务。
    Hong Kong is committed to making full use of the favourable conditions of the Hong Kong market, including higher liquidity, better research coverage, and closer proximity to the Mainland market to provide better services to Mainland enterprises seeking listing outside the Mainland.
  • 她不过是假内行罢了,实际上对艺术一窍不通.
    She's just a pseud; she knows nothing about art really.
  • 她为大赛作了分的心理准备
    She have really psyche herself up for the big match.
  • 一些精神病学家认为恋爱者的大脑中会产生一种叫笨乙胺的物质,就是这种物质使恋爱的人们有一种电的感觉。
    Some psychiatrists believe that a substance called phenylethylmine is produced in the brain when people are in love, and it gives them that charged up feeling.
  • 水坑里充满了水。
    The puddle is full of water.
  • 奇弗,约翰1912-1982美国作家,他的短篇小说和长篇小说以满幽默和热情的笔调描绘了美国郊区的生活。他因约翰·奇弗小说集于1978年获普利策奖
    American writer who depicted life in American suburbs with humor and compassion in his short stories and novels. He won a Pulitzer Prize for The Stories of John Cheever(1978).
  • 用空气满自行车轮胎的泵。
    small pump that fills bicycle tires with air.