  • 是存在一个竞问题。
    I agree that it would create competition.
  • 文艺创作必须充分表现我们人民的优秀品质,赞美人民在革命和建设中、在同各种敌人和各种困难的斗中所取得的伟大胜利。
    Our literary and artistic creations must give expression to our people's outstanding qualities and celebrate their triumphs in revolution, in construction and in struggles against all kinds of enemies and hardships.
  • 媒体竞的手段,是不是必须牺牲媒体的公信力,靠专门揭疮疤,绘声绘影来刺激销量?
    To compete, must the credibility of the media be put on the line? Must we rely on exposing skeletons in the closet in graphic detail to boost sales?
  • 英俄战爆发后,她前往克里米亚。
    She went on to the Crimea when war broke out there between Britain and Russia.
  • 俄国和包括英格兰法国土耳其撒丁的民族群体在克里米亚的战;1853年到1856年。
    a war in Crimea between Russia and a group of nations including England France Turkey Sardinia; 1853-1856.
  • 在克里米亚战中,英、法两国与俄国作战。
    England and france fight against russia in the crimean war.
  • 实行的结果,打击了敌人利用法币的阴谋,缩小了伪钞的市场,强化了对敌经济斗的阵容,给了根据地经济建设以有力的保障。
    This has crippled the enemy's scheme of making use of the legal currency, restrained the market for the puppet currency, reinforced our position in the economic struggle with the enemy, and has fully guaranteed economic development in the base areas.
  • 但是如果一个农业国在农业发展上,就它在国外贸易影响下所能达到的发展限度来说,已经达到了顶点,或者是工业国输出工业品时,不愿意接受农业国的农产品作交换,或由于工业国在这个农业国市场上的有力竞,使后者的工业无法成长;在这样情况下,这个农业国的农业生产力就要发生陷于残缺状态的危险.
    If, however, the agricultural nation has already reached the culminating point of its agricultural development, as far as that can be attained by the influence of foreign commerce, or if the manufacturing nation refuses to take the products of the agricultural nation in exchange for its manufactured goods, and if nevertheless, owing to the successful competition of the manufacturing nation in the markets of the agricultural nation, no manufactures can spring up in the latter, in such a case the agricultural productive power of the agricultural nation is exposed to the danger of being crippled.
  • 那个小男孩成功地与残疾作斗的消息在报纸上刊登后,他赢得了全国人民的钦佩。
    The young boy's successful struggle with a crippling disease won the hearts of the whole country when his story was told in the newspapers.
  • 很多同志把原因推到战身上,说工商业者关门是被敌人抢劫了,很少有人觉得是自己搞糟了。
    Many comrades attributed the crippling of industry and commerce to the war, saying that industrialists and businessmen had stopped their operations because the enemy had looted them, and few comrades admitted they themselves had anything to do with it.
  • 资产者彼此间日益加剧的竞以及由此引起的商业危机,使工人的工资越来越不稳定;
    The growing competition among the bourgeois, and the resulting commercial crises, make the wages of the workers ever more fluctuating.
  • 目前的国际形势,是帝国主义战正向世界范围内扩大,由帝国主义战所造成的极端严重的政治危机和经济危机,将必然引起许多国家革命的爆发。
    Internationally the imperialist war is becoming worldwide and the extremely grave political and economic crises to which it has given rise will inevitably cause revolutions to break out in many countries.
  • 假定担任这一工作的十个工人并不住在一处,而是各居一国,那么由于战、运输方面发生的障碍、商业恐慌等等,他们之间的协作就不免要时常中断;
    Let us suppose e.g. that every one of these ten workmen lives in a different country; how often might their co-operation be interrupted by wars, interruptions of transport, commercial crises, &c.;
  • 在今天,是在由于资本主义的经济危机和政治危机已经一天一天把世界拖进第二次世界大战的时候;是在苏联已经到了由社会主义到共产主义的过渡期,有能力领导和援助全世界无产阶级和被压迫民族,反抗帝国主义战,打击资本主义反动的时候;是在各资本主义国家的无产阶级正在准备打倒资本主义、实现社会主义的时候;是在中国无产阶级、农民阶级、知识分子和其他小资产阶级在中国共产党的领导之下,已经形成了一个伟大的独立的政治力量的时候。
    This is a time when the economic and political crises of capitalism are dragging the world more and more deeply into the Second World War, when the Soviet Union has reached the period of transition from socialism to communism and is capable of leading and helping the proletariat and oppressed nations of the whole world in their fight against imperialist war and capitalist reaction, when the proletariat of the capitalist countries is preparing to overthrow capitalism and establish socialism, and when the proletariat, the peasantry, the intelligentsia and other sections of the petty bourgeoisie in China have become a mighty independent political force under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.
  • 批评是以激烈论的方式陈述出来的。
    criticism too polemically stated.
  • 吵的、坏脾气的人
    To find fault; criticize someone or something.
  •  第四、废除朋党资本主义,因为它给人一种假相,认为这些公司都是稳健、具竞力和享有盈余的公司。
    Fourth, abolish the phenomenon of crony capitalism because it creates the illusion of strong, competitive and profitable companies;
  • 局部战和武装冲突出现新的起伏,因民族、宗教、领土、资源等因素引发的冲突和战乱不断。
    Local wars and armed conflicts have increased again, with conflicts and turbulence caused by ethnic, religious, territorial, resources or other factors cropping up one after the other.
  • 我停止和她争论。
    I crossed the cudgels to her words.
  • 有一件非与某人论不可的事,非讲个明白不可,对某人有所不满
    Have a crow to pluck with sb.
  • 2002年世界小姐竞赛的获胜者是土耳其小姐,加冕仪式在伦敦举行,充满议的本界世界小姐竞赛终于结束了。
    And the winner is,Miss Turkey.The controversy-plagued Miss World 2002 competition is finally over with the crowning in London of this year's pageant victor.
  • 这个联盟经受了战的严峻考验。
    The alliance has been forged in the crucible of war.
  • 我们聚集在这里是为了加强和改进这个庞大的机构(即联合国——编者注),它是55年前在严峻的战中建立起来的。其目的是,这个机构能在法制必须盛行的新纪元中为人民做他们想要做的事。
    We are here to strengthen and adapt this great institution, forged 55 years ago in the crucible of war, so that it can do what people expect of it in the new era an era in which rule of law must prevail.
  • 之残酷使她十分反感。
    The cruelty of war made his gorge rise.
  • 的残酷使她感到厌恶。
    The cruelty of war made her stomach rise.
  • 英国国内开始取社会福利的运动。
    People in Britain began to crusade for social welfare.
  • 1189年到1192年由英国的理查德和法国国王领导的一次东侵,由于内部意见不和在外土上战,无法抵御宗教热情的联合力量而失败。
    a Crusade from 1189 to 1192 led by Richard I of England and the king of France that failed because an army torn by dissensions and fighting on foreign soil could not succeed against forces united by religious zeal.
  • 我们将经过游击战,积蓄力量,把自己造成为粉碎日本帝国主义的决定因素之一。
    Through guerrilla warfare, we shall build up our strength and turn ourselves into a decisive element in the crushing of Japanese imperialism.
  • 事件的关键;论的要点
    The crux of the matter; the crux of an argument.
  • 我认为这就是整个论点的关键所在了。
    I believe this is the crux of the whole argument.
  •  战中,有很充分的理由先敲定战略才谈结构和组织。
    There are many reasons why structure and organisation must follow the crystallisation of the strategy in war.
  • 毛泽东同志的事业和思想,都不只是他个人的事业和思想,同时是他的战友、是党、是人民的事业和思想,是半个多世纪中国人民革命斗经验的结晶。
    The cause and the thought of Comrade Mao Zedong are not his alone: they are likewise those of his comrades-in-arms, the Party and the people.His thought is the crystallization of the experience of the Chinese people's revolutionary struggle over half a century.