Chinese English Sentence:
  • 英语作为所有族群之间的共同语,地位无可置疑也没有改变,华人与华人家庭因此可要面对选择,在家庭成员之间或朋友之间到底是讲“英语还是华语”?(而不是同时使用英语与华语。)
    While the status of English as a common language among all ethnic communities remain unchallenged and unchanged, Chinese and Chinese families may still have to make a choice between "English or Mandarin" (and not both"English and Mandarin") such as among family members and between friends.
  • 英语作为所有族群之间的共同语,地位无可置疑也没有改变,华人与华人家庭因此可要面对选择,在家庭成员之间或朋友之间到底是讲“英语还是华语”?(而不是同时使用英语与华语)
    While the status of English as a common language among all ethnic communities remain unchallenged and unchanged, Chinese and Chinese families may still have to make a choice between "English or Mandarin" (and not both "English and Mandarin") such as among family members and between friends.
  • 量的总和在任何时保持不变。
    The sum of energy during any keeps unchangeably.
  • 要真正做到五十年不变,五十年以后也不变,就要大陆这个社会主义制度不变。
    To make sure the policy remains unchanged for 50 years and beyond, we must keep the socialist system on the mainland unchanged.
  • “但是,我们对待自己都不仁慈的时候,又怎么可善待他人?”(托马斯·布朗)
    "But how shall we expect charity towards others, when we are uncharitable to ourselves? ?Thomas Browne).
  • 我们不看着错误思想到处泛滥。
    We mustn't look on while wrong ideas spread unchecked.
  • 看来,氧基导致多次灌注的伤害和其他问题。
    Unchecked, oxygen radicals may cause reperfusion injuries and other problems.
  • 我们不看着错误思想到处泛滥。
    We must not look on while wrong ideas spread unchecked.
  • 很不洁净的可引发疾病的。
    so unclean as to be a likely cause of disease.
  • 使不清楚或不理解。
    make unclear or incomprehensible.
  • 他们是否得到访问监狱的邀请还不清楚,但实际上,他们就是从那里收到了死亡判决。
    It remains unclear whether they will get an invitation to the prison where, in effect, they received a death sentence.
  • 当两位候选人进行竞选时,结果可还有些把握,但第三者声明参加竞选时,情况就变得不明朗了。
    With two candidates standing for an election, the result seemed certain, but when a third threw his into the ring, everything became unclear.
  • 经过了多年的家族争斗这后,叔父们同意不究旧账,以便他们的子女够通婚。
    After years of family fighting, the uncles agreed to wipe off old scores so that their children could marry.
  • 在一台机器里的最重要的弹簧;发动整台机器。
    the most important spring in a mechanical device (especially a clock or watch); as it uncoils it drives the mechanism.
  • 因为可的危险或者麻烦而令人不适。
    uncomfortable because of possible danger or trouble.
  • 那种不舒服的感觉可是因为你自己的行为感到内疚而产生的。
    That uncomfortable feeling probably rises from you guilt about your action.
  • 罕见的鸟;在这几个月当中霜冻和洪水都是罕见的;做一个金额不凡的生意;对金钱的罕见嗜好;他将自己伟大的天赋都归于他母亲不凡的性格和力。
    uncommon birds; frost and floods are uncommon during these months; doing an uncommon amount of business; an uncommon liking for money; he owed his greatest debt to his mother's uncommon character and ability.
  • 六月里多么罕有的一天-j.r.洛厄尔;杰出的技;难得的幽默感;她的仁慈达到了罕有的程度。
    what is so rare as a day in June-J.R.Lowell; a rare skill; an uncommon sense of humor; she was kind to an uncommon degree.
  • 我本来希望你我在任何方面的意见都融洽一致,可是说起我们的两个小女儿,的确非常蠢;关于这一点,到目前为止,我不得不跟你抱着两样的见解。”
    I had hoped that our sentiments coincided in every particular, but I must so far differ from you as to think our two youngest daughters uncommonly foolish."
  •  二战结束后,日本经济瓦解,工业不堪一击,根本就不可和西方的商业巨无霸正面交锋。
    After World War II, the Japanese economy was in ruins, and its industries highly uncompetitive. It was simply not possible to compete head-on against the large Western business corporations.
  • 避免形成倒逼机制、欲罢不
    The uncompleted projects cannot drag on and on and require excessive investment.
  • 我正处在死亡的边缘……出此我必须完成我自己的丧曲,不让它半途而废”
    I am on the point of death……Thus I must finish funeral song; I must not it uncompleted.
  • 我不断地看见他,他请求我,劝导我,命令我工作……我知道时辰已到。我正处在死亡的边缘……因此我必须完成我自己的丧曲,不让它半途而废。
    I see him continually. He begs me, exhorts me, commands me to work… I know that the hour is striking. I am on the point of death… Thus I must finish my funeral song; I must not leave it uncompleted.
  • 最有效的税收刑事法应当简短并且够被相关人理解。
    The most effective criminal tax statutes are short, uncomplicated, and easily understood by all concerned individuals.
  • 不象ds1,不使ds0无条件退出服务。
    Unlike DS1s, you cannot do an unconditional remove on a DS0.
  • 在第1441号决议通过三个月后的今天,如果伊拉克立即与联合国监视、核查、视察委员会和国际原子机构进行“直接的、积极的和无条件的合作”,通过核查解除伊拉克武装的时间可仍然会很短。
    Today, three months after the adoption of resolution 1441 (2002), the period of disarmament through inspection could still be short, if "immediate, active and unconditional cooperation" with UNMOVIC and the IAEA were to be forthcoming.
  • 加入世贸组织将使中国够在世贸组织成员提供的多边、稳定、无条件的最惠国待遇原则下进行国际贸易和经济合作,为中国国民经济和对外经贸关系的发展营造有利的国际环境;
    Joining the WTO will enable China to conduct international trade and economic cooperation under the multilateral, stable and unconditional MFN principle provided by WTO members, thus cultivating a favorable international environment for the development of China's national economy and foreign economic and trade relations.
  • 我也负起责任,无条件支持新的当选总统,尽我所地帮助他团结美国人民,实现我国《独立宣言》中所标举的广袤视野,实现宪法中允诺和保障的一切。
    I also accept my responsibility,which I will discharge unconditionally,to honor the new president elect and do everything possible to help him bring Americans together in fulfillment of the great vision that our Declaration of Independence defines and that our constitution affirms and defends.
  • 没有认罪忏悔的人不得到原谅。
    the unconfessed cannot be forgiven.
  • 和信心是无敌的军队。
    Skill and confidence are an unconquered army.
  • 她现在失去知觉了,但过一会儿可会恢复知觉。
    She is unconscious now, but may come to in a little while.
  • 这甚至可有生物上的起源,因为女性不会或是不利用她们的体格形成威慑,而男性却可以,即使他们是无意识的。
    It might even be possible that this has a biological origin, because women don't or can't use their physical size as a threat, which men do, even if unconsciously.