  • "他们虽然已经水尽粮绝,但情绪都很好,并且深信他们很快就会来的。"
    "Though they are running out of food and drink, the men are cheerful and confident that they will get out soon."
  • 有人看到一个中年女性衣衫不整地从着火的房子里奔跑来。
    A middle-aged lady was seen rushing out of the burning house with her clothes in disarray.
  • 他们赶印出1000册书。
    They rushed out 1000 copies of the book.
  • 老虎穿过丛林弄飒飒的响声。
    The tiger rustled through the bushes.
  • 铰链生锈的门发吱嘎吱嘎的声使我感到很不舒服。
    The creaking of the door on rusty hinges jars on my ears.
  • 我决没想到要你做这样的牺牲。
    I would never dream of asking you to make such a sacrifice.
  • 他的父母为供他上学而作了牺牲。
    His parents made sacrifices to pay for his education.
  • 当看见陆地时,那水手发一声欢呼。
    When the land was seen, the sailor let out a whoop of joy.
  • 这种最新型号的洗衣机目前正在你们的商店中售。
    The latest model of this washer is now on sale in your shops.
  • 唾液是由口腔的唾液腺分泌来的.
    Saliva is secreted by glands in the mouth.
  • 我顺着进来的原路去了。
    I went out the same way (that) l'd got in.
  • 在你国之前,应该先寄给客户一些样品。
    You must send some sample to the customer before you go abroad.
  • 收集样品以供在博物馆展
    collection of samples for museum display
  • 他把花茎折断,汁液就流了来。
    The sap flowed out when he broke the stem of the flower.
  • 这设备收到了卫星发的信号.
    The equipment picked up the signal from the satellite.
  • 他看着他的工作,露满意的微笑。
    He looked at his work with a smile of satisfaction.
  • 我想, 事实上那是唯一令人满意的路。
    In fact, I'm sure that's the only satisfactory way out.
  • 茶溢出流到茶托里了.
    The tea slopped (over) into the saucer.
  • 我把动物从洪水中救来。
    I saved the animals from the flood.
  • 年青的警官以自己的生命为代价从大火中救了小女孩。
    "The young sergent saved the little girl from the fire, but at the cost of his own life. (喻)"
  • 存款俱乐部总是在圣诞节时及时将钱支
    The saving club always pays out into time for Christmas.
  • 他冒着生命危险把孩子从水里救了来。
    He ran the risk of losing his own life in saving the boy from drowning.
  • 她把全部存款取後离开了那个国家.
    She withdrew all her savings and left the country.
  • 这家饭店以饭菜美味而名。
    This restaurant is famous for its savory dishes.
  • 这家饭店以饭菜美味而名。
    This restaurant is famous for its savoury dishes.
  • 把你的想法说出来。
    Say what you think .
  • 想不到他竟然说这种话来。
    Fancy her saying a thing like that!
  • 我简直认不他来了。
    I could scarcely recognize him.
  • 他们把他吓得交了钥匙.
    They scared him into handing over the keys.
  • 在出事地点的人群
    a crowd at the scene of the accident
  • 在我们需要他的时候, 他现了。
    Came on the scene just when we needed him.
  • 日出是一幅美景。
    The sunrise was a beautiful scene.