  • 流暢、容易的說話。
    unable to speak freely and easily.
  • 沒有車就不去鎮上;不獲得資金。
    unable to get to town without a car; unable to obtain funds.
  • “他當時已經根本不動筆了,先生。
    "He was unable to write, sir.
  • 致病的;不引起疾病的。
    not virulent; unable to produce disease.
  • 發音的,如某些動物
    Unable to vocalize, as certain animals.
  • 他不能出席會議。
    He was unable to attend the meeting.
  • 使不履行某一特定的任務。
    make unable to perform a certain action.
  • 他在會上提出的理論完全不可靠,因此是不接受的。
    The theory he put forward at the meeting was entirely at fault and was therefore unacceptable.
  • 我得說我覺得這是不接受的。
    I must say I find it unacceptable.
  • 依我看,這事不接受。
    This is unacceptable from my point of view.
  • 這位老師設法使那孩子感到羞愧而改掉那令人不忍受的行為。
    The teacher tried to shame the boy out of such unacceptable hehaviour.
  • 很抱歉,貴方訂單中規定的條款不為我方接受。
    We regret to say that the terms stipulated in your order are unacceptable to us.
  • 獵頭公司通過面試淘汰那些不胜任的人選,從而為客戶公司節省了時間和費用。
    Headhunters save a company time and money by interviewing candidates to screen out those who are unacceptable.
  • 倘若貴方以我方違背合同為由,取消貴方目前的訂購,我方是不接受的。
    Should you cancel your current order on the grounds of our breach of contract, it would be unacceptable.
  • 但如果你實踐你對我的許諾而由於你生性持重膽怯不願單身前往英國,就來信告訴我,那我就會設法回南非來迎接我的新娘。
    If, however, you feel you can keep your promise to me, but are of too timid and modest a journey to England unaccompanied, then write to me, and I will, by some means, return to fetch my bride."
  • 孫中山先生致力國民革命凡四十年還未完成的革命事業,在僅僅兩三年之內,獲得了巨大的成就,這就是廣東革命根據地的創立和北伐戰爭的勝利。
    In a mere two or three years, tremendous successes were achieved in the national revolution to which Dr. Sun Yat-sen had devoted forty years and which he had left unaccomplished; these successes were the establishment of the revolutionary base in Kwangtung and the victory of the Northern Expedition.
  • 由於缺乏有關銷毀問題的足夠證據一直是並且仍然是一個大量化學物質未被記錄在案的重要理由,這份夠用於采訪的人員名單顯得有用,並且表現出了實質性的合作。
    As the absence of adequate evidence of that destruction has been and remains an important reason why quantities of chemicals have been deemed "unaccounted for", the presentation of a list of persons who can be interviewed about the actions appears useful and pertains to cooperation on substance.
  • 但隨着歷史的發展,舊的勞動和社會保障體製已不適應經濟和社會發展的要求。
    However, with the progress of history, the old labor and social security system had become unadaptable to the requirements of economic and social development.
  • 第二,中國紅色政權首先發生和夠長期地存在的地方,不是那種並未經過民主革命影響的地方,例如四川、貴州、雲南及北方各省,而是在一九二六和一九二七兩年資産階級民主革命過程中工農兵士群衆曾經大大地起來過的地方,例如湖南、廣東、湖北、江西等剩
    Second, the regions where China's Red political power has first emerged and is able to last for a long time have not been those unaffected by the democratic revolution, such as Szechuan, Kweichow, Yunnan and the northern provinces, but regions such as the provinces of Hunan, Kwangtung, Hupeh and Kiangsi, where the masses of workers, peasants and soldiers rose in great numbers in the course of the bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1926 and 1927.
  • 他不獨立的坐起來。
    he could not rise unaided from a sitting position.
  • 光,可見光波長在4,000埃(紫外綫)或7,700埃(紅外綫)之間的電磁輻射,被人的普通肉眼看見
    Electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength in the range from about4, 000(violet) to about7, 700(red) angstroms and may be perceived by the normal unaided human eye.
  • 以不變更、不可改變的方式。
    in an unalterable and unchangeable manner.
  • 統一必以團结為基礎,團结必以進步為基礎;惟進步乃團结,惟團结乃統一,實為不易之定論。
    It is an unalterable truth that unification must be based on unity and unity in its turn must be based on progress, and that only progress can bring unity and only unity can bring unification.
  • 如果可選擇的話,我認為這些旅行就是我有可並願意選擇的一種生活的調劑。在這種旅行生活中,所有的事都是確定而簡單的(不是不睏難而是不復雜),完成任務是明確無誤的,其回報不僅是充分的而且是明顯的。
    I think of these trips as my alternate life, what I would choose if such a choice were possible, in which all tasks are well defined and simple (not as opposed to difficult but as opposed to complicated), their completion unambiguous and their rewards not just ample but palpable.
  • 上級不是天天看到的,下級也不是天天看到的,同級的領導成員之間彼此是最熟悉的。這樣做,對於同級裏面討論問題,取得一致意見,作出决定,也是很重要的。
    Leading members of the same Party committee see each other much more often than their superiors and subordinates, which makes it convenient for them to discuss matters, reach unanimity and make decisions-this is most important.
  • 應該註意的是,至少在加利福尼亞州,frye規則也不需要“科學界內部觀點的完全一致”,根據加利福尼亞上訴法院的觀點,這種要求是“不可的”。
    It should be noted that, at least in California, the Frye rule does not require absolute "unanimity of views within the scientific community," which, according to the California Court of Appeals, would "demand the impossible."
  • 陪審團未達成意見一致的裁决。
    The jury are unable to reach a unanimous decision.
  • “七五”期間,工農業總産值的年增長率定在百分之七左右,這是政治局常委一致同意的,執行中可超過。
    It is projected that during the period of the plan the annual growth rate of the total value of industrial and agricultural output will be about 7 percent, a figure on which the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau has unanimously agreed, and which may be exceeded in practice.
  • 因為汽車發動不起來,我們不出去。不過一個好朋友從國外不告而至時,結果這倒成了一件好事。
    We couldn't go away because the car wouldn't start, but it turned out to be for the best when a good friend arrived from abroad unannounced.
  • 還有許多問題沒有解决,例如,我們的血液自動調節以適應水下的環境嗎?
    Many questions remain unanswered, for example, can our blood adjust itself to underwater surroundings?
  • 他還補充說,在辯論中,候選人不夠像在製作本黨競選廣告那樣包裝自己,而必須迅速對事先毫無準備的問題和批評做出回答。
    A candidate cannot package himself in debates the way he can in party advertisements but must be quick on his feet to respond to unanticipated questions and criticisms,he adds.
  • 挑選幫助你達到目標的人,是件必須小心謹慎的事,你可最後會發現,你原先挑選的人並不合適。你也可在一段時間之後發現,有些意料之外的事情必須找人來做。
    Choosing the people who will help you attain your goal must be done carefull.You may initially select some people who you later decide are not appropriate,and you may discover that there are unanticipated needs for knowledge that must be filled.