Chinese English Sentence:
  • 不要惊慌,他已无为力了。
    Don't be scared, he's just like a turtle on its back.
  • 指导教师会领他们复习考试中可出现的问题。
    The tutor will take them through likely examination questions.
  • 辅导,指导辅导者或指导的力或行为;指导或教导
    The capacity or activity of a tutor; instruction or teaching.
  • 梅布尔恳求她的私人教师要尽一切可帮她考及格。
    Mabel implored her tutor to do all that was possible to pull her through.
  • 当然,帮助功有时也解决不了你的问题,但这时你可以求助于其他帮助途径,如在线指导、技术支持电话,或者宿舍里那位一个星期都没离屋的技术内行。
    Granted,sometimes the help feature won't be able to answer your question,but that's when you turn to other sources of help e.g.,online tutorials,tech support lines,or that tech kid down the hall who hasn't left his room in a week.
  • 我们收看七个电视频道。
    We can get7 TV channels.
  • 习惯就是习惯,谁也不将其扔出窗外,只一步一步地引它下楼。(马克吐温)
    Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step a time.( Mark Twain)
  • 我想不得已时我们在12点到12:30之间见你。
    I suppose that at a push we could see you between twelve and twelve thirty.
  • 6个月前,垂暮之年的哈瓦失明了,必须靠别人的帮助才行走。
    Six months ago, in the twilight of her life, the old woman lost her sight and is no longer able to move without help.
  • 没有什么事使这对双胞胎兄弟吵起来。
    Nothing can set the twin brothers at variance.
  • 如果武器未击中猎物,猎人一拉绳子就可将武器收回,然后再迅速抛出。
    If the weapon missed the hunter's prey,he could pull it back by the twine and quickly try again.
  • 群众情绪转眼就发生变化。
    The mood of the crowd can change in the twinkling of an eye.
  • 让博比为你跑一躺邮局吧,这桩事他一眨眼功夫就办好的。
    Let Bobby run down to the post office for you: he can do it in the twinkling of an eye.
  • 这对孪生儿长得很像, 无人分辨出谁是谁.
    The twins are so alike that no one can distinguish one from the other.
  • 人们不把这对双胞胎区分开。
    people can't tell the twins apart.
  • 约翰因为担心工作在床上辗转反侧,整夜不入睡。
    John couldn't sleep and was twisting and turning in bed all night because he was worried about his job.
  • 两个妇人的口舌拆散两个家庭。
    The gossip of two women will destroy two house.
  • 而这两重革命任务的领导,都是担负在中国无产阶级的政党——中国共产党的双肩之上,离开了中国共产党的领导,任何革命都不成功。
    The leadership in this twofold revolutionary task devolves on the Chinese Communist Party, the party of the proletariat, without whose leadership no revolution can succeed.
  • 这个房地产巨头用欺骗的手法,以比市场价格低很多的价钱向该农夫购置了这块土地,他完全知道,他够轻而易举地售出此土地获取暴利。
    The property tycoon was double-dealing by offering the farmer much less than the market price for the land, knowing full well that he could easily sell it at a vast profit.
  • 这个房地产巨头用欺骗的手法,以比市场价格低很多的价钱向该农夫购置了这块土地,他完全知道,他够轻而易举地售出此土地获取暴利。
    The property tycoon was double-dealing by offering the farmer much less than the market price for the land, knowing full well that he could easily sell it at a vast profit.
  • "约翰,不见怪吧?"约翰笑了起来。"战友之间没有什么见怪的,"他一边回答,一边退了出去,沿着顶层的走廊避开了一个他认为随时都有可做蠢事的粗鲁家伙。
    "No offence, John? " And John laughed. "Not between old comrades in arms, " he said, and backed out and along the top corridor away form a tyke you couldn't trust as far as you could throw him.
  • “约翰,不见怪吧?”约翰笑了起来。“战友之间没有什么见怪的,”他一边回答,一边退了出去,沿着顶层的走廊避开了一个他认为随时都有可做蠢事的粗鲁家伙。
    "No offence, John?" And John laughed. "Not between old comrades in arms," he said, and backed out and along the top corridor away form a tyke you couldn't trust as far as you could throw him.
  • 他假如没有打字机,那末他就不够打那份报告了。
    He could not have typed that report if he had not had a typewriter.
  • 在排字技术中使用的一种机器,一次可以排一行字,而有的机器一次只排一个字符。
    In typesetting, a machine which can cast an entire line of type as compared with one casting a character at a time.
  • 很快地学会打字是可的。
    It's possible to learn typewriting very quickly.
  • 用一用这架打字机吗?
    May I be allowed to use this typewriter?
  • 推荐一些地道的川菜?
    Will you please recommend some dishes typically Sichuan?
  • 不可在五分钟内打完这封信。
    There is no typing up this letter within five minutes.
  • 那位新打字员表现出是不干的。
    The new typist proved himself to be useless.
  • 推荐希尔小姐说她是个好打字员吗?
    Can you recommend Miss Hill as a good typist?
  • 第六,在纳粹暴政被最后消灭之后,他们希望建立和平,使所有国家够在它们境内安然自存,并保障所有地方的所有人在免于恐惧和不虞匮乏的自由中,安度他们的一生;
    Sixth, after the final destruction of the Nazi tyranny, they hope to see established a peace which will afford to all nations the means of dwelling in safety within their own boundaries, and which will afford assurance that all the men in all the lands may live out their lives in freedom from fear and want;
  • 日寇和亲日派的计划即使实现,我们中国共产党和中国人民,不但有责任,而且自问有力,挺身出来收拾时局,决不让日寇和亲日派横行到底。
    Even if the Japanese aggressors and the pro-Japanese clique are able to succeed in their plots, we Chinese Communists and the people will never allow them to keep up their tyranny indefinitely; not only are we duty bound to step forward and take control of the situation, we are also confident of our ability to do so.