  • 他脸上现困惑不解的表情。
    His face wore a puzzled expression.
  • 他皱着眉显不解的样子。
    He/His face wore a puzzled frown.
  • 我研究其意义并把它翻译来。
    I puzzled it out and made a translation of it.
  • 为什么她竟会说这样一件事困惑着他。
    Why she shall have said such a thing puzzled him.
  • 为什么她竟会说这样一件事使他感到困惑。
    Why she should have said such a thing puzzled him.
  • 我仔细考虑了他的话,得结论:他的话是完全诚恳的。
    I puzzled over his words and concluded that he had meant every word he said.
  • 哦,我不抱任何希望!我永远无法猜这些无聊的谜!
    Oh, I give up! I can never do these stupid puzzles!
  • 大部分商店都不再售用易燃材料做的睡衣了。
    Pyjamas made from flammable material have been removed from most shop.
  • 属于、关于或显示固缩现象的。
    of or relating to or exhibiting pyknosis.
  • 因为气温很高,有大量空调售
    A large quantity of air-conditioners has been sold since the temperature is high.
  • 我无法帮助他们解决争论--他们得打个结果来.
    I can't help them to resolve their quarrel they must fight it out between them.
  • 孩子们颤悠悠地唱了一支歌.
    The children quavered out their little song.
  • 有人向部长提了工业计划问题。
    The minister was queried about his plans for the industry.
  • 他对老师的提问作了迅速的回答。
    He gave a quick answer to the teacher's question.
  • 他售了最新畅销小说的电影和电视版权, 现在单等坐收厚利了.
    Having sold the film and TV rights to his new best seller he's absolutely quids in.
  • 既然他不能赢得比赛,倒不如退
    Since he can't win the race, he may as well quit.
  • 这些引文自哪本书?
    Which book do these quotations come from?
  • 八条大道从广场呈辐射形伸展去。
    Eight roads radiate from the square.
  • 从火炉散发出来的热
    heat that radiates from a stove
  • 从她眼中流露来的快乐
    the happiness that radiates from her eyes
  • 火放出热。
    A fire radiates heat.
  • 所有的路都是从市中心辐射来的。
    All the roads radiate from the center of the town.
  • 散热器释放很多热量.
    The radiator is giving out a lot of heat.
  • 他们抽奖售威士忌以资助对癌症的研究。
    They raffled (off) a bottle of whisky to raise money for cancer research.
  • 该书提了许多重要问题(值得考虑).
    The book raises many important issues (for our consideration).
  • 他时常提一些奇怪的问题。
    He raises some strange questions now and again.
  • 你能把那一点指来,我感到很高兴。
    I'm glad you raised that point.
  • 我一看见冒烟就发警报。
    I raised the alarm as soon as I saw the smoke.
  • 不要把过去的事都翻来。
    Don't rake up the past.
  • 金属门猛一关上时发 光的响声.
    The metal door rang as it slammed shut.
  • 电话铃响时她正要门。
    She was about to walk out of the door when the telephone rang.
  • 叫到布莱克名字时,他走了列队。
    Black stepped out of the ranks when his name was called.