  • 探照燈的光柱射入暗中.
    The beam of the searchlight pierced the darkness.
  • 昨天他們在公園開了個會。
    They had a clandestine meeting in the park yesterday.
  • 天漸漸了,我看不見字,無法再閱讀了。
    It was getting dark and I couldn't see to read.
  • 在這陰暗的地方她臉色黝
    Her face was dark in the shadowy place.
  • 這部電影拍成了白片。
    The film was shot in black and white.
  • 黑色服裝不顯髒。
    A dark suit will not show the dirt.
  • 黑襯衫不顯髒。
    A dark shirt will not show dirt.
  • 看事物的黑暗面
    to look on the dark side of things
  • 黑色是居喪的象徵。
    Black is a token of mourning.
  • 板上衹有一個名字,是誰的名字?
    There is a single name on the blackboard — whose is it?
  • 暗中有一隻手把我抓住,可真把我嚇了一大跳。
    I nearly jumped out of my skin when a hand grabbed me in the dark.
  • 很久以前,許多人作為奴隸被掠到美洲。
    A long time ago, many black people were taken to America as slaves.
  • 那個賊偷偷鑽進鬍同裏.
    The thief slunk down the dark alley.
  • 我希望它是色的,(或)白色的,或灰色的。
    I'd like it to be black, (or) white, or grey.
  • 我看天後能否讓他偷偷地溜進去。
    I'll see if I can sneak him in after dark.
  • 孩子們决定天後溜進去摘些蘋果。
    The boy decided to sneak in to pick some apples after dark.
  • 磯鷂科;磯鷂;鳥鷸;鷸;鷸類;杓鷸;尾豫;長嘴半蹼鷸。
    sandpiper family: sandpipers; woodcocks; snipes; tattlers; curlews; godwits; dowitchers.
  • 他還大膽地接拍了幫喜劇片《米奇的藍眼睛》,爾後他在影片《暴發戶》中扮演一名勢利的藝術商人,再就是引起轟動的《布裏奇特·瓊斯的日記》。
    Bravely, he took on the Mob-comedy Mickey Blue Eyes. Next, he was a snobby art-dealer in Small Time Crooks. Then came another huge hit with Bridget Jones's Diary.
  • 在一個漆的鼕夜,我從夢中醒來,眼前仿佛看到有一個雪人站在托盤上。
    One dark winter night I woke with a vision of a snowman on a tray.
  • 她順着暗的街道走去,顯出利落勻稱的身材,邁着端莊的女人的步子。
    She went, with her neat figure, and her sober womanly step, down the dark street.
  • 陰沉悲哀的音樂;暗色的衣服;鬱悶的心情。
    solemn and mournful music; a suit of somber black; a somber mood.
  • 一支孤燭照亮着暗的地窖。
    A solitary candle lightened the darkness of the cellar.
  • 居住在索馬裏一個又又高的民族的人。
    a member of a tall dark people inhabiting Somalia.
  • 美洲歌鳥;其雄鳥為色和桔黃色或黃色。
    American songbird; male is black and orange or yellow.
  • 多是熱帶的歌鳥;其雄鳥通常是鮮豔的橙色或色。
    mostly tropical songbird; the male is usually bright orange and black.
  • 烏鶇一種東半球鳴禽(烏鶇),其雄性為色,鳥嘴呈黃色
    An Old World songbird(Turdus merula), the male of which is black with a yellow bill.
  • 北美洲多種灰色的小歌鳥。
    any of various small gray-and-black songbirds of North America.
  • 一個廚房裏的小火爐就會把整個房子都熏
    One small fire in the kitchen will cover the whole house in soot.
  • 這房間被煙灰熏了。
    The room was blackened with smoke and soot.
  • 女兒渾身顫抖,從頭到腳滿是灰。
    She was shaking and covered from head to toe with soot.
  • 廚房裏衹有一個小火爐就把整個房子都熏
    One small fire in the kitchen covered the whole house in soot
  • 樂隊第一支公開發行的歌麯為由一傢知名唱片公司贊助的《消磨時光》,它先出現在電影《衣人》的配樂中。
    The group's first release under the auspices of a major label was the song “ Killing Time,” which appeared on the Men in Black soundtrack.