  • 据动物园的工作人员介绍,这次的手术由国温彻斯特汉普郡皇家医院的外科医生詹尼·沃茨主刀,在欧洲,罗米纳是第一只接受这种手术的成年大猩猩。手术中,医生首先要去处一只眼睛里的白内障,然后在眼球内镶入一只硅制镜片。
    Ophthalmic surgeon Jenny Watts from the Royal Hampshire County Hospital in Winchester removed one cloudy cataract and replaced it with a silicon lens -- the first such operation performed on an adult gorilla in Europe, according to the zoo.
  • 他们的语晚会结局糟透了。
    Their English party turned out to be a catastrophe.
  • 1761年组织的保卫家乡的国志愿者骑兵队,后来并入本土防卫自卫队。
    a British volunteer cavalry force organized in 1761 for home defense later incorporated into the Territorial Army.
  • 义勇骑兵成立于1761年的一支国志愿骑兵队,保卫本国安全,后被并入本土军队
    A British volunteer cavalry force organized in1761 to serve as a home guard and later incorporated into the Territorial Army.
  • 国公众从来没有停止过嘲笑他。
    The British public has never ceased girding him.
  • 在日本侵占台湾期间,台湾同胞一直坚持勇不屈的斗争。
    Taiwan compatriots never ceased their dauntless struggle throughout the Japanese occupation.
  • 在饭店的院子旁矗立着一棵高尺的古老雪松,据说它就是那棵"智慧之树"。
    Beside the hotel yard stands a venerable 70ft cedar said to be the Tree of Knowledge.
  • 砍伐者确实留下了一棵100尺高的杉树,这棵树上有一个由科学家标着17号的鸟巢,还有一棵小树立在旁边。
    The loggers did leave a 100-foot cedar that held a nest designated by scientists No.17, and a younger tree alongside.
  • 清王朝把香港割让给了国。
    The Qing Dynasty ceded Hong Kong to Britain.
  • 清政府把中国的香港割让给国。
    The Qing government ceded China's Hong Kong to Britain.
  • 许多雄的名字为诗人所歌颂。
    The names of many heroes are celebrated by the poets.
  • 涅斯托尔特洛伊的一位雄,对希腊人来说是位著名的年高足智的顾问
    A hero celebrated as an elderly and wise counselor to the Greeks at Troy.
  • 在公元17世纪,国出现了一个叫做“妈妈的星期天”的节日。
    During the 1600's, England celebrated a day called "Mothering Sunday".
  • 于是国媒体开始发生变化,变得越来越为名人效应所驱动。
    "The British media is changing. It is becoming much more celebrity-driven.
  • 有关戴安娜的报道成为美国名人文化打进国的第一炮。
    "Diana was the spearhead of the American invasion of Britain, the celebrity culture," says Houston.
  • ☆让明星文化为你和孩子们发挥作用--了解他们当前心目中的雄人物是哪些。
    Make the celebrity culture work for you and them -- keep abreast of their current heroes.
  • 贝尔塔莱维亚区国以贝尔格莱夫广场为中心的上流住宅区,位于伦敦西南。它设立于19世纪20年代
    A fashionable residential district of southwest London, England, centered on Belgrave Square. It was laid out in the1820's.
  • ,世纪流行于国的哥特式建筑:特点是用直线,都铎式拱门和扇形屋顶。
    a Gothic style in 14th and 15th century England; characterized by vertical lines, a four-centered (Tudor) arch, fan vaulting.
  • 这本应该是充满乐趣的事情,但我国传统的语教学基本是以讲授语法和语言知识为中心。
    It should be a fun and interesting process. However, traditional Chinese English teaching is basically grammar and knowledge centered.
  • "1921年以来,她的生日一直是美全国医院周的中心内容,各医院都在这一周举办特别的展览、讨论会和宣传活动。
    Since 1921,her birthday has been the centerpiece of National Hospital Week,observed in British and American hospitals with special exhibitions,workshops,and publicity drives.
  • 这把尺有厘米和寸两种刻度
    This ruler has one scale in centimeter and another in inch
  • bb猎枪弹一种用于汽步枪的标准尺寸的铅弹,直径大小为四十分之七寸(0。44厘米)
    A standard size of lead pellet that measures'/40 of an inch(.44 centimeter) in diameter, and that is used in air rifles.
  • 独立派运动17世纪国的宗教独立运动
    The Independent movement in17th-century England.
  • 这看上去更像十八世纪的格兰。
    It looks more like the eighteenth-century England.
  • 独立派的属于或与17世纪国独立派教徒有关的
    Of or relating to the17th-century English Independents.
  • 在19世纪的国,强烈要求社会改革的一派人。
    urged social reform in 19th century England.
  • 对材料富有想象力的使用;另一个富有创造性的国牧师发明的针织机——刘易斯·穆菲德;独创的装置;具有创造性的气质倾向;独创的陶瓷制品。
    an imaginative use of material; the invention of the knitting frame by another ingenious English clergyman- Lewis Mumford; an ingenious device; had an inventive turn of mind; inventive ceramics.
  • 高高的;一些国士兵在正式场合穿戴。
    tall; worn by some British soldiers on ceremonial occasions.
  • 这场比赛格兰要输,这是肯定的!
    England will lose the match,that's a certainty!
  • 这场比赛格兰要输--这是肯定的!
    England will lose the match that's a certainty!
  • 她有语专长程度的证书。
    She have a certificate of proficiency in English.
  • 同函奉寄面额为100.55镑的证实发票一式三份及提单与保险单。
    Enclose we hand you a certified invoice in triplicate amount to £100.5.5. and insurance policy.