  • 哈夫洛克美国北卡罗来纳州东南一城市,位于费依特维尔东部。是加工棉和烟草的中心。人口20,268
    A city of southeast North Carolina east of Fayettesville. It processes cotton and tobacco. Population,20, 268.
  • 欧洲南部终年草本植物,有窄叶子和黄,黑色胡萝卜似的根部可食用。
    perennial south European herb having narrow entire leaves and solitary yellow flower heads and long black-skinned carrot-shaped edible roots.
  • 风暴过后, 樱全部落掉。
    The cherry trees cast all their blossoms after the storm.
  • 清单包括一个家俱底部的万向轮,一个饼乾切割器和一个水晶瓶。
    The list include a furniture caster, a biscuit cutter, and a crystal vase.
  • 在你油漆天板之前,先得先用灰泥把裂缝填塞起来。
    The caster in the ceiling have to plastered up before you can start painting.
  • 他寻找一个新工作已费了一些时间。
    He has been casting about for a new job for some time.
  • 用中国人常说的,鲁道夫就是“有心栽不开,无心栽柳柳成荫“,不过,除了天分,也在她后天的顽强拼搏啊!
    It was just like a Chi-nese saying goes "You plant the flowers intentionally they won't bloom, but if you throw that seed casually somewhere, a group of wil-low trees will grow out". However, besides talent, it also depended on her postnatal indomitable struggle.
  • 梓树一种通常落叶的梓属树木,尤指比格诺滕梓属或美丽梓属,原产美国,有轮生的心形叶子、绚丽的白色簇和细长的圆柱形豆荚
    Any of various, usually deciduous trees of the genus Catalpa, especially C. bignonioides or C. speciosa, native to the United States and having whorled, heart-shaped leaves, showy clusters of white flowers, and long, slender, cylindrical pods.
  • 为这只体重达120公斤的大猩猩进行麻醉费了一个半小时的时间,之后医生才能在它的角膜上打开切口,然后用超声波将白内障粉碎,镶入硅制镜片。
    It took an hour and a half for 120-kg Romina to be tranquilized, allowing the surgeon to make an incision through the cornea before breaking up the cataract with ultrasound and inserting the silicon lens.
  • 如果把这增加的收入在更多更大型的轿车、更宽大的房子上,在增加其他商品的消费上,就必然导致资源枯竭和污染。
    If this increased income is spent on more and larger automobiles, larger houses, and increased consumption of other material goods, the results could cause catastrophic resource exhaustion, and pollution.
  • 美国东部一种粗大的多年生草本植物,有白色;其叶传统上被印第安卡托巴部族人用来治疗烧伤。
    stout perennial herb of the eastern United States with whitish flowers; leaves traditionally used by Catawba indians to treat burns.
  • 东印度一种有刺乔木,两回羽状复叶,黄色,荚扁平;是黑儿茶的来源。
    East Indian spiny tree having twice-pinnate leaves and yellow flowers followed by flat pods; source of black catechu.
  • 茎或大复叶的冠如树干的一种热带蕨类;尤其常见于澳洲和新西兰;主要属于桫椤科和观音座莲舅科,也有部分属于水龙骨科。
    any of numerous usually tropical ferns having a woody trunklike stem or caudex and crown of large fronds; especially Australia and New Zealand; chiefly of the families Cyatheaceae and Marattiaceae but some from Polypodiaceae.
  • 那只开耳朵是他曾经当过职业拳击手的确凿标记。
    That cauliflower ear is a sure sign that he was once a professional boxer.
  • 再吃点菜花.
    Have some more cauliflower.
  • 请上一道菜炒肉片。
    Fried cauliflower with sliced pork, please.
  • 女招待:要豆角、青豆、胡萝卜还是椰菜。
    String beans, peas and carrots or cauliflower?
  • 你是完全知道我不喜欢吃菜的!
    You know damn well I don't like cauliflower!
  • 那么我要牛肉片炒椰菜。
    I'll have the fillet of beef then, with cauliflower.
  • 三名法一种包含有三部分的分类命名法,显示属、种和亚种或品种,例如芸苔属、蔬菜种、葡萄牙亚种椰菜
    A three-part taxonomic designation indicating genus, species, and subspecies or variety, such as Brassica oleracea botrytis, the cauliflower.
  • 警察正式告诫罪犯不要耍招。
    The policeman cautioned the prisoners not to play any tricks.'
  • 他花钱谨慎。
    He is cautious about spend money.
  • 轻骑兵成员类似的、军服哨的欧洲轻骑兵部队成员
    A member of any of similar, ornately uniformed European units of light cavalry.
  • 美洲茶一种鼠李属灌木或小树,原主要产于北美西部,因其装饰性叶子和开蓝色或白色朵的簇而常被广泛种植
    Any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus Ceanothus, native mostly to western North America and often cultivated for their ornamental foliage and showy clusters of usually blue or whitish flowers.
  • 把那些朵抛掷上去的那一阵子无休无止的狂欢大喜的劲儿,其源泉是在哪里呢?
    Where is the fountain that throws up these flowers in a ceaseless outbreak of ecstasy?
  • 只有暴发户才会喋喋不休地谈论这个或那个了他多少钱。
    Only a vulgarian talks ceaselessly about how much this or that cost him.
  • 我的卧室是一个天板很高的大房间。
    My bedroom is a large room with a high ceiling.
  • 板很低, 留神别碰头.
    Mind you don't bump your head on the low ceiling.
  • 我们头顶上的天板上吊著一盏灯.
    A lamp was suspended from the ceiling above us.
  • 这块天板带有刻镶板。
    This ceiling has a carved panel.
  • 要裱糊天板没有梯子可以说是办不到.
    Papering the ceiling proved next to impossible without a ladder.
  • 他的头让天板碰破了.
    He cracked his nut on the ceiling.