  • 毒品一种化学物质,如麻醉剂或迷幻剂,影响中枢神经系统,导致行为的改变并易吸食成瘾
    A chemical substance, such as a narcotic or hallucinogen, that affects the central nervous system, causing changes in behavior and often addiction.
  • 因此,低风险的资产组合不必仅仅包括具有很小风险的独立的资产,有时一个人可以在一项资产组合中通过增加某些抵消别的资产风险的高风险资产来减小整个投资组合的风险。
    Hence a low-risk portfolio need not contain only assets that individually have little risk; sometimes one reduces the risking of a portfolio by adding some high-risk assets that offset the risks of other assets in it.
  • 然而,并非所有的风险都投保,要投保的风险必须满足特定的要求。
    All risks, however, are not insurable. A risk must meet certain requirements to be insurable.
  • 储蓄不分担经济风险吗?
    Can savings share economic risk?
  • 尚不肯定的,带风险的,碰运气的
    not certain; which carry a risk
  • 这可有危险,但我们无论如何要冒险一试。
    It may be risky but we'll chance it anyhow.
  • 这是一项受到批评的冒险战略,因为这可招致潜在对手和恐怖分子实施对抗措施--也许是全面的太空战争。
    It's a risky approach, with its share of critics, because it invites countermeasures from potential adversaries and terrorists -- and possibly all-out war in space.
  • 如果在此期间,中国的财政无意中组成了一种危险或不稳定的结构,中国可首先在环境仍旧良好的情况下受益。
    If during this time China's finances are unwittingly structured in a risky or unstable way, the country may at first benefit, as conditions remain favourable.
  • 规律性动作重塑心态。”
    The ritual activity recalibrates the mind.
  • 大学、家长和学生沉徊于伪装的优秀成绩,因而不大可放弃它。
    Addicted to counterfeit excellence, colleges, parents and students are unlikely to give it up.
  • 相对安静的奥地利人称除夕为“烟夜”。他们会像举行仪式般地用焚香和圣水来熏洒房子和仓库,这样做他们就心满意足了。
    More sedate Austrians call New Year' s Eve "smoke night," and content themselves with ritually purifying homes and storehouses with incense and holy water.
  • 没有竞争对手赶上他。
    No rival could stay with him.
  • 两雄不并立(一山难容二虎)。
    A great man cannot brook a rival.
  • 说到美,没有哪个城市与威尼斯竞争。
    No city can rival Venice in beauty.
  • 轮船在速度上不与飞机竞争。
    Ships can not rival aircraft for speed.
  • 一旦你变得经验老到,找出真正的古董,你就是一个古董迷了。
    Once you get your eye in and can spot a genuine antique, you're an addict.
  • 如果你了解一下的话,你就发现在这儿工作的人中间有着很大竞争性。
    There is quite a lot of rivalry between the people who work here, if you get the picture.
  • 以后整整一个多世纪,密密麻麻的房屋就在这盆子里互相挤压,堆积,像水在水库里那样不断上涨,因而开始向高空发展,楼上加楼,层层叠叠,宛如液流受压,不停向上喷射,争先恐后,看谁有耐把脑袋瓜伸得比别人高,好多呼吸点空气。
    For the period of more than a century,the houses press upon each other, accumulate, and raise their level in this basin, like water in a reservoir. They begin to deepen; they pile story upon story; they mount upon each other; they gush forth at the top, like all laterally compressed growth, and there is a rivalry as to which shall thrust its head above its neighbors, for the sake of getting a little air.
  • 掺杂物,杂质使原物降低成色、纯度的添加物
    Something added that lowers value or purity.
  • 在新界北部,最重要的防洪工程莫过于治理深圳河计划,这计划将会改善梧桐河及双鱼河等主要河流下游的排洪力。
    In the NNT, the most critical flood mitigation project is the Shenzhen River Regulation Project which will improve the downstream outlet for many major waterways in the area, such as the Indus and Beas rivers.
  • 比方说,一名加州的少数民族学生按原先的照顾少数民族学生的政策可被加州大学的伯克利分校录取,而现在却只进入里弗赛得分校,而后者是一所较容易考进的差一些的大学。
    For instance, a minority student in California who would have been admitted to Berkeley under the old system may now end up at Riverside, a less selective college.
  • 够被添加或添加于其他事物中。
    capable of being added or added to.
  • 他往土里掺了些沙子以提高渗水性
    He added sand to the soil to make it more porous.
  • 只有全身心投入到工作上她才忘记烦恼。
    Only by riveting her attention on her word could she forget her worries.
  • 利用mpeg-2的复杂压缩技术,在管理和确保atm网上的大的、极快的视频流的一致性时,供应商忍受技术的不足之处。
    Using MPEG-2's sophisticated compression techniques, providers can alleviate technical roadblocks when managing and ensuring the integrity of large, super-fast video streams over ATM.
  • 这些系统基本上是基于tcp/ip,并与实现方法有关,它们实施安全路障并为管理人员提供对下列问题的答案:
    Primarily these systems are TCP/IP based and, depending on the implementation, can enforce security roadblocks as well as provide administrators with answers to the following questions:
  • 在冬天不能通行的路
    Roads impracticable in winter.
  • 由于没带多功插头,我这台吹风机在法国无法使用
    My hair - drier will not work here in France, because I have not brought my adaptor plug.
  • 由于没带多功插头,我这台吹风机在法国无法使用。
    My hair- drier will not work here in France, because I have not bring my adaptor plug.
  • 通行的道路;不克服的问题
    Impassable roads; impassable problems.
  • adsl(不对称数字用户线)、sdsl(对称数字用户线)、hdsl(高位速率数字用户线)、vdsl(极高速数字用户线)和radsl(速率自适应数字用户线)都使用了与网卡类似的智装置,它们装在单根双绞铜线的两端,以在几百到18000英尺的距离范围内在铜线上提供极高的传输速度。
    ADSL, symmetrical DSL (SDSL), high-bit-rate DSL (HDSL), very high DSL (VDSL), and rate adaptive DSL (RADSL) use intelligent devices similar to network cards at each end of a single twisted-pair copper wire circuit to deliver very high speeds over copper wire for distances ranging from hundreds of feet to 18,000 feet.
  • adsl自适应速率调制解调器,通过使数据传输速率适应电话线的容量,提供从每个住处或业务电话线上得到最好的性
    By fitting the data rate to the phone line's capacity, an ADSL adaptive rate modem can provide the best performance possible from every residential or business telephone line.