  • 我们永远不能脱离众。
    We should never isolate ourselves from the masses.
  • 否则我们就会脱离众。
    Otherwise we shall isolate ourselves from the masses.
  • 而在事实上,现在的所谓中央系中的极大部分人,都在动摇,我们的策略应是给以改过自新和生活之路,借以分化反动营垒,孤立最反动的分子,减少革命阻力,以便于我们迅速建立革命秩序和发动众。
    Actually, the overwhelming majority of the members of this central group are vacillating. We should, therefore, adopt tactics to allow them to turn over a new leaf and make a living, so as to split up the reactionary camp, isolate the most reactionary elements and weaken resistance to the revolution. By so doing, we shall soon be able to establish revolutionary order and mobilize the masses.
  • 党决不能姑息这样的人,而脱离广大的众。
    The Party will never tolerate such people at the risk of isolating itself from the masses.
  • 他们主动配合人民解放军平息叛乱,各地众纷纷组织自卫队、联防队、保畜队等自卫性组织,为平叛大军修路、运输、送信、引路、烧茶送水、站岗放哨、救治伤员,使叛乱分子陷于孤立。
    They took the initiative to help the PLA in putting down the rebellion. Various self-defense, joint-defense, livestock protection and other forms of joint-defense teams sprang up in various places to build roads, provide transport, dispatch mail, serve as guides, boil tea, send water, stand sentry and give first-aid to wounded PLA soldiers, effectively isolating the rebels.
  • 一群人涌到了街上。
    A crowd of people issued out into the street.
  • 党对众团体的政治领导,也不能直接下政治命令,而是经过党团去实现。
    The Party exercises political leadership over mass organizations through leading Party members' groups, not by issuing orders directly to them.
  • 这种紧张情绪很快感染了人中所有的人。
    The tension soon transmitted itself to all the members of the crowd.
  • 四党与群众团体
    IV Relationship Between the Party and Mass Organizations
  • 那儿有中国最大的寺高建筑,以其绝妙的布局、和谐的色彩、独到的工艺著称。
    It has the largest group of temple buildings in China. This building complex ix noted for is exquisite layout, harmonious color, and unique structure.
  • "街上挤满了人,汽车都无法通行。"
    "The crowds jammed the streets, and no cars could pass."
  • 奥比巫术非洲土著的一种宗教形式,在西印度岛某些地区的牙买加和热带美洲附近地区流行,与巫术有关
    A form of religious belief of African origin, practiced in some parts of the West Indies, Jamaica, and nearby tropical America, involving sorcery.
  • 交通完全被人阻塞了。
    The traffic was completely jammed bythe crowd.
  • 走廊上挤满了一的小学生。
    The corridors were jammed with hordes of school-children.
  • 人嘲笑落选的政客。
    The crowd jeered at the politicians who had failed in the election.
  • 他毫不畏惧地听著众的嘲笑.
    He listened to the jeers of the crowd without flinching.
  • 有人发现一男孩在那儿手淫。
    A group of boys were found jerking off there.
  • 年轻并快乐的时候;在这样的欢乐伴随下,诗人不得不快乐-沃兹沃斯;聚会上欢乐的人;欢乐的老圣徒尼克;快乐的老绅士;圣诞快乐;串串欢笑;欢乐的笑声。
    when hearts were young and gay; a poet could not but be gay, in such a jocund company- Wordsworth; the jolly crowd at the reunion; jolly old Saint Nick; a jovial old gentleman; have a merry Christmas; peals of merry laughter; a mirthful laugh.
  • 乔整天骑在马上看管牛
    Joe was riding herd during the day.
  • 刚一破晓就可以看见马路亡一的慢跑者,健身俱乐部和体育馆在大城市里到处都是。
    Jog-gers can be seen on the streets in droves soon after dawn, and health clubs and gyms dot the landscape of major cities.
  • 西列华岛西部的一个岛屿;由法国和荷兰共同管理控制。
    an island in the western Leeward_Islands; administered jointly by France and the Netherlands.
  • 从人群中挤过去
    jostle one's way through a crowd
  • 挤进了新体育场。
    The crowd jostled into the new stadium.
  • 新闻事业的群众性
    mass line in journalism
  • 他被一大记者子包围。
    He was surrounded by crowds of journalists.
  • 记者赶到了现场。
    A platoon of journalists arrived on the scene.
  • 一大记者跟在电影明星的汽车后面。
    A swarm of journalists followed the film star's car.
  • 代表覆盖同一主题的不同出版物的一记者。
    a group of journalists representing different publications who all cover the same topics.
  • 近20年来,全军共参加抢险救灾10万多次,出动官兵2300多万人次,机械车辆100多万台次,飞机、舰艇1.5万余架(艘)次,抢救遇险众1000多万人,抢运各类物资2亿多吨。
    Over the past two decades they have participated in emergency rescues and disaster reliefs on more than 100,000 occasions. They have mobilized more than 23 million men, and organized more than one million vehicle trips, and some 15,000 plane and ship journeys to save more than 10 million people and transport more than 200 million tons of materials out of perilous conditions.
  • 我们将无法从那人中穿过去,他们那里挤得水泄不通。
    We'll never get through that crowd of people; they are packed in there cheek and jowl.
  • 我们将无法从那人中穿过去,他们那里挤得水泄不通。
    We 'll never get through that crowd of people; they are packed in there cheek by jowl.
  • 你无法从那人中穿过去,他们那里挤得水泄不通。
    You will never get through that crowd of people; they are packed in there cheek by jowl.