  • 星期六下午在村子地上举行的板球赛.
    Saturday afternoon cricket on the village common.
  • 傍晚的天映满了深红色。
    The evening sky was suffused with crimson.
  • 西边的天发出紫红色的光辉。
    The western sky glowed with purple and crimson.
  • 民族危机和社会危机前深重。
    The national crisis and social crisis were unprecedentedly grave.
  • 时空交错
    time and space crisscross
  • 气受热膨胀;批评的影响正在扩大
    Air expands when heated. This critic's influence is expanding.
  • 在大厅里,我看到安妮坐在一条长沙发上,对着我勾手指,并指着她身旁的位置,示意我过去和她坐在一起。
    In the hall I saw Anne crook her finger at me and point to the empty place at her side on the divan.
  • 除了在香港航气象情报区内进行气象监测,和发出灾害性天气警告外,机?气象所也为离港航机提供飞行气象文件,包括目的地机场的天气预报,沿途危险性天气预报图,以及适用于巡航高度的风及温度预报数据。
    Besides keeping watch and warning of hazardous weather over the Hong Kong Flight Information Region, the AMO provides flight documentation to aircraft departing Hong Kong. This includes weather forecasts for destination aerodromes, prognostic charts of significant weather en route and forecast wind and temperature data appropriate to cruising levels.
  • 她的希望落空了。
    Her hopes crumbled to nothing.
  • 因为它非常容易和气中的氧气起反应,生成易碎的红色氧化铁。
    Because it reacts easily with oxygen in the air to produce crumbly red iron oxides.
  • 我压扁手中的啤酒罐。
    I crushed the empty beer can in my hand.
  • 中国在卫星回收、一箭多星、低温燃料火箭技术、捆绑火箭技术以及静止轨道卫星发射与测控等许多重要技术领域已跻身世界先进行列;在遥感卫星研制及其应用、通信卫星研制及其应用、载人飞船试验以及间微重力实验等方面均取得重大成果。
    Now, China ranks among the most advanced countries in the world in many important technological fields, such as satellite recovery, multi-satellite launch with a single rocket, rockets with cryogenic fuel, strap-on rockets, launch of geo-stationary satellites and TT Significant achievements have also been gained in the development and application of remote- sensing satellites and telecommunications satellites, and in manned spacecraft testing and space micro-gravity experiments.
  • 晶格位在晶格里由于缺少一个原子、一个离子或一个分子造成晶格
    A crystal defect caused by the absence of an atom, an ion, or a molecule in a crystal lattice.
  • 风化当氢化晶体暴露在气中时,晶体丧失水分而变成粉末的现象
    To become a powder by losing water of crystallization, as when a hydrated crystal is exposed to air.
  • 本公司生产的8或8。5立方英尺的冰箱,与旧型6立方英尺的装运体积大小相似,所占装运间不大。
    These 8 and 8.5 cubic feet refrigerator take no more shipping space than the old style 6 cubic feet model.
  • 我包里还很空。
    There is plenty of room in my bag.
  • 空地方很多嘛。
    There's plenty of room.
  • 我们主张呼吸新鲜气和参加足够的锻炼。
    We believe in taking in plenty of fresh air and getting plenty of exercise.
  • 在两幅图间多留些白。
    Leave plenty of whitespace between the illustrations.
  • 所以从文化上来说,我们必须使自己具备新的功能,而不是停留在陆军、海军、军和海军陆战队文化的思维模式中。
    So culturally, we have to get ourselves in this minkset of new functions and not stay in the mindset of the culrure of the Army,Navy, Air Force, and Marines.
  • 不但如此,我们还要大声疾呼和以身作则地把这些精神推广到全体人民、全体青少年中间去,使之成为中华人民共和国的精神文明的主要支柱,为世界上一切要求革命、要求进步的人们所向往,也为世界上许多精神虚、思想苦闷的人们所羡慕。
    But that is not all: we must call on members of the Party to foster this spirit among all our people, particularly our young people, through exemplary deeds, so that it becomes the main pillar of a culturally and ideologically advanced civilization in the People's Republic of China. Our country will then be looked up to by all revolutionary- and progressive-minded people in the world and admired by all who feel frustrated and suffer from spiritual emptiness for lack of purpose in their lives.
  • 你的文章太冗长了。把那些重复的,洞的话都删掉。
    Your article is too cumbersome. Lop off those repeated and empty words.
  • 他的文章太冗长了。让我们把那些重复的、洞的话都删掉吧。
    His article is too cumbersome. Let’s lop off those repeated and empty words.
  • 积雨云一种极其浓密的、垂直扩展的积云,其轮廓比较模糊,顶部覆有冰晶且向上伸入高,通常能产生大雨、雷暴或雹暴
    An extremely dense, vertically developed cumulus with a relatively hazy outline and a glaciated top extending to great heights, usually producing heavy rains, thunderstorms, or hailstorms.
  • 的食橱就是他贫穷的证明。
    The empty cupboard was a witness of his poverty.
  • 草药疗法的疗效;她那温柔的疗救之手;疗救手术;有山、有新鲜气的有益于健康的环境;有疗效的药剂;食疗。
    curative powers of herbal remedies; her gentle healing hand; remedial surgery; a sanative environment of mountains and fresh air; a therapeutic agent; therapeutic diets.
  • 这是电沙拉干燥器、电罐头起子、电皂液器、电气清新器、电卷发器、炒蛋器、电拔毛器的国土。
    This is the land of the elec-tric salad dryer, the electric can opener, the electric soap dispenser, the electric air freshener, the electric hair curler, the in-the-shell egg scrambler, and the electric tweezers.
  • 用于观察气流动的气球。
    used to observe air currents.
  • 悬挂在半中的雕塑品,它精巧的平衡部分在风吹的时候可以运动。
    a sculpture suspended in midair whose delicately balanced parts can be set in motion by air currents.
  • 如果数百万南非人民继续承受历史所造成的无家可归、饥饿、疾病和无知的折磨,我们的自由将依然是脆弱的,权利也只是一个壳。
    Our freedom will remain fragile and our rights empty shells if millions of South Africans continue to be cursed by the legacy of homelessness and hunger, ill-health and illiteracy.
  • (她说这话时,还试着行个屈膝礼,可是不成,你想想看,在中掉下来时行这样的屈膝礼,行吗,)“如果我这样问,人们一定会认为我是一个无知的小姑娘哩。
    (and she tried to curtsey as she spoke--fancy CURTSEYING as you're falling through the air! Do you think you could manage it?) `And what an ignorant little girl she'll think me for asking!
  • 流星在中画出了一道长长的弧线。
    The falling star described a long curve in the sky.