  • 此外,医院管理局不断提高各面的服务质素,并改善与其他健康医护服务机构之间的配合,朝着建立尽善尽美的健康医护制度的目标迈进,现已取得长足的进步。
    Furthermore, the Authority has made great strides in recent years towards achieving seamless health care system through continuous improvements in all aspects of their services as well as a better interface with other health care providers.
  • 并于1998年7月在北京共同举办了“材料保护控制和衡算的联合演示”(integrateddemonstrationofmaterialprotection,control,andaccountability)活动。
    In July 1998, the two sides jointly held the Integrated Demonstration of Material Protection, Control and Accountability in Beijing.
  • 电视纪录片清楚地描述了美国某些地的生活阴暗面——酗酒者、流浪乞丐及娼妓。
    The television documentary clearly described the seamy side of life in some places of America-with its alcoholics, tramps and prostitutes.
  • 他们往往满足于表面上的成绩,而不注意工作的实际效果,或者只看到工作中好的面,看不到工作中坏的面,或者只追求数量,不讲究质量。
    They often feel satisfied with superficial achievements and ignore the actual results of their work. They see only the bright side of their work, not the seamy side, or else they pursue quantity only and ignore quality.
  • 人员或货物进出一个国家的地,海港或空港。
    a place (seaport or airport) where people and merchandise can enter or leave a country.
  • 在其它措施面,我已经下令在机场加强安全,在主要港口增强海岸警卫队巡逻。
    Among other measures, I have directed additional security at our airports and increased Coast Guard patrols of major seaports.
  • 我们确切地知道,就是扬子江下游和南各港口,都已经包括在日本帝国主义的大陆政策之内。
    We definitely know that the lower Yangtse valley and our southern seaports are already included in the continental programme of Japanese imperialism.
  • 本世纪初,西尔斯·罗巴克用邮件征订的法卖房子,许多房子八十年来还是那么坚固适用。
    In the early part of this century, Sears Roebuck sold houses by mail-order. Many are still sturdy and habitable 80 years on.
  • 使用干涉的式探索或者询问。
    search or inquire in a meddlesome way.
  • 当猎头公司及其客户都清楚对的需求时,他们之间的协作关系也就得到了加强。
    The working relationship between the searcher and the clients is strengthened when each knows exactly what the other expects.
  • 警方搜查违禁品。
    The policeman made a search for contraband.
  • 有人打电话告诉他,警正在搜捕他。
    Someone telephoned him that the police was searching for him.
  • 演奏法像手风琴,通过挤压两端强迫空气通过簧片。
    played like an accordion by pushing its ends together to force air through the reeds.
  • 医生们正在寻找消灭癌症的医疗法。
    Doctors are searching for a cure that will wipe out cancer.
  • 探照灯把整个这块都照亮了。
    The searchlight lit up the whole area.
  • 白垩一种松软的解石粉块,caco3,含有不等量的硅石、石英、长石或其它矿物杂质,通常为灰白色或黄白色,从贝类化石中制得
    A soft, compact calcite, CaCO3, with varying amounts of silica, quartz, feldspar, or other mineral impurities, generally gray-white or yellow-white and derived chiefly from fossil seashells.
  • 唐计划了一项伸展海岸的法。
    Don devised a plan for reaching the seashore.
  • 为了在水中不发晕,为了能应付各种情况,我们在巢湖北部做了多面的准备,白天夜晚进行演习。
    In order for our troops to avoid becoming seasick and to be prepared for all circumstances, we performed maneuvers north of Chaohu Lake day and night.
  • 当着革命的形势已经改变的时候,革命的策略,革命的领导式,也必须跟着改变。
    When the revolutionary situation changes, revolutionary tactics and methods of leadership must change accordingly.
  • 交易价格在8。76-9。00美元之间,故请你报价。
    Business report at levels usd 8076-9.00 will invite your offer accordingly.
  • 因此,这个问题应该用这种法做。
    Accordingly, this question should be done by this method.
  • 合同规定,以装货时为最后检验标准,故我不负责任。
    Contract stipulate loading inspection final accordingly ourselves irresponsible.
  • 请参照我25日信函,交易已成,感谢贵公司的合作。
    Ours 25th business conclude accordingly thanks cooperation
  • 依照传统;以传统的式。
    according to tradition; in a traditional manner.
  • 根据配配制的物质。
    a substance prepared according to a formula.
  • 按照买方提出的标准
    According to the buyer's specifications.
  • 习惯的从一个地迁移到另一个地尤其是为了寻找季节性工作而迁移。
    habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work.
  • 所订的货是有季节性的,因此最好所有货物一次发运。
    The goods we ordered are seasonal goods, so it will be better to ship them all at one time.
  • 生物动力学有机物栽培和作物培养的一种法,需要考虑如行星作用和季节轮换等因素
    A method of organic gardening and crop cultivation in which certain factors, such as planetary and seasonal cycles, are considered.
  • 在南亚的有季节性的风;夏天从西南吹过来(带雨),冬天从东北吹过来。
    a seasonal wind in S Asia; blows from the SW (bringing rain) in summer and from the NE in winter.
  • 按照他们自己的式行事
    Acted according to their own lights.
  • 因我们订购的是季节性商品,贵务必于十月前装运,不然我们就赶不上季节了。
    Be sure to ship the goods before October as what we ordered are seasonal goods. Otherwise we will not be able to catch the season.