  • 奇努克语部落说奇努克语的部落原居住在哥伦比亚河谷向东直到大峡谷,现在分布在美国华盛顿州部和俄勒冈州北部
    Any of various Chinookan-speaking peoples formerly inhabiting the Columbia River valley eastward to The Dalles and now located in southern Washington and northern Oregon.
  • 特威德河苏格兰东部的一条河,流约156公里(97英里),形成苏格兰与英格兰边界的一个部分。它向东流注入北海,富产大马哈鱼
    A river,156 km(97 mi) long, of southeast Scotland forming part of the Scottish-English border. It flows eastward to the North Sea and has rich salmon fisheries.
  • 发源于科罗拉多州北部的一条河流,向北流入怀俄明州,而后向东流经内布拉斯加州,于此汇入普拉特河。
    a river that rises in northern Colorado and flows northward into Wyoming and then eastward and southeastward through Nebraska where it joins the South Platte to form the Platte River.
  • 此时所有向西向之敌军主力,皆转旗向东,集中视线于黄陂,猛力并进,找我作战,取密集的大包围姿势接近了我军。
    At this point all the main enemy forces, which had been advancing westward and southward, turned eastward. Focusing on Huangpi, they converged at furious speed to seek battle and closed in on us in a major compact encirclement.
  • 二野主力则应迅速东进,接替三野留置部队的任务,担任歼灭芜湖地区之敌,并准备攻取京。
    The main force of the Second Field Army should march quickly eastward to take over the tasks unfulfilled by the troops left behind by the Third Field Army, wipe out the enemy troops in the Wuhu area, and prepare to attack and seize Nanjing.
  • 哒,起于塞北(古指长城以北地区),五世纪末东进塔里木盆地,攻月氏,建立政权,并越过帕米尔高原,曾一度控制疆部分地区。
    The Yeda, rising in the region north of the Great Wall, moved eastward to the Tarim Basin, attacked the Rouzhi in the south and set up a state in the late fifth century. They crossed the Pamirs, and once controlled part of southern Xinjiang.
  • 西蒙斯河流程约338公里(210英里)的英格兰河,向东流向北海宽湖三角湾。巨轮航运远至伦敦,它是该国主要商业水路。牛津以上上游部分通称为伊塞斯
    A river of southern England flowing about338 km(210 mi) eastward to a wide estuary on the North Sea. Navigable for large ships as far as London, it is the principal commercial waterway of the country. In its upper course above Oxford it is often called Isis.
  • 天体往运行时经过的交点。
    the point at which an orbit crosses the ecliptic plane going south.
  • 西藏的气候自东向西北由暖热湿润向寒冷干旱呈递次过渡,自然生态由森林、灌丛、草甸、草原到荒漠呈带状更迭。
    The climate in Tibet turns gradually from being warm and moist to cold and dry from its southeast toward its northwest. Ecologically, the changes are manifested in belts from forest, bush, meadow and steppe to desert.
  • (海洋学)在圣诞节期间由厄瓜多尔向流动的一支弱势暖流。
    (oceanography) a weak warm ocean current that flows S off the coast of Ecuador at Christmas time.
  • 马查拉厄瓜多尔西部一城市,位于瓜亚基尔以。是采金地区的加工中心。人口108,156
    A city of southwest Ecuador south of Guayaquil. It is a processing center in a gold-mining region. Population,108, 156.
  • 远离美洲的一个太平洋中的一群岛屿;厄瓜多尔所有;因其非凡的动物生命而闻名。
    a group of islands in the Pacific off South America; owned by Ecuador; known for unusual animal life.
  • 生活在更新世美洲的大型(大小相当于熊)贫齿类哺乳动物,现已灭绝。
    large (bear-sized) extinct edentate mammal of the Pleistocene in South America.
  • 犰狳一种杂食性的,掘河隐居的贫齿目哺乳动物(犰狳科),生于北美洲部和美洲,特征为全身有连续的,角质鳞片组成的盔甲状保护层
    Any of several omnivorous, burrowing, edentate mammals(family Dasypodidae), native to southern North America and South America and characterized by an armorlike covering consisting of jointed, bony plates.
  • 阿加西湖更新世冰川湖,湖区覆盖现在的美国明尼苏达州西北部,北达科他州东北部,曼尼托巴的部和安大略的西
    American educator who helped organize the predecessor of Radcliffe College(1879) and served as Radcliffe's first president(1894-1899).
  • 身体有发电器官的鳗形美淡水鱼。
    eel-shaped freshwater fish of South America having electric organs in its body.
  • 甄别越船民的工作,实际上已于一九九四年十月完成。
    Screening of Vietnamese migrants was effectively completed in October 1994.
  • 位于埃及东北的一个半岛;红海的端。
    a peninsula in northeastern Egypt; at north end of Red Sea.
  • 埃及的白色睡莲;生长在从埃及到东非洲地区的睡莲;被埃及人视为神圣的花。
    white Egyptian lotus: water lily of Egypt to southeastern Africa; held sacred by the Egyptians.
  • 土豆产于南美。
    The potato is indigenous to South America.
  • 马铃薯当属美植物。
    The potato plant properly belongs to South America.
  • 产于非洲部和中部的深黄褐色大羚羊。
    dark fawn-colored eland of South and East Africa.
  • 一种电磁体或永磁体的北磁极之间的区别。
    A distinction between positive(north) and negative(south) magnetic poles of an electromagnet or permanent magnet.
  • 平顶山一种宽阔的平顶高地,一面或多面呈绝壁状,多见于美国西
    A broad, flat-topped elevation with one or more clifflike sides, common in the southwest United States.
  • 6月12日非对西班牙的球赛吸引了数百名非球迷,尽管结果不尽人意,非队最终被淘汰出居,但是这些在约翰内斯堡市中心观看比赛的球迷还是为自己国家的球员感到无比骄傲。
    Hundreds of South African football fans in downtown Johannesburg showed their pride in Bafana Bafana (The Boys) Wednesday despite their elimination from the World Cup.
  • 今天,洋大学毕业生是组成华文精英的中坚分子。
    Nantah graduates form a large part of the Chinese cultural elite today.
  • 但是位于达拉斯的得克萨斯大学西医学中心的癌症免疫生物中心主任艾伦·维提塔医生说:“研究到目前为止非常有前景。”
    "But the research so far has been extremely promising," says Dr. Ellen Vitetta, director of the Cancer Immunobiology Center at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.
  • 美国部和东部的一种大红栎,叶椭圆形,七至九裂,槲果大,木材具粗纹理,中等硬度。
    large deciduous red oak of southern and eastern United States having large 7- to 9-lobed elliptical leaves, large acorns and medium hard coarse-grained wood.
  • 瓜皮黄色、瓜肉淡黄色的瓜,通常有长长的颈。
    squash having yellow skin and yellowish flesh and usually elongated neck.
  • 严格说来,它算不上是一封情书,实际是只是几页内容详尽的行动指。信里称"我最亲爱的菲娜"该怎么摆脱她父亲的监视,夜里逃出家门,詹杰会在浅滩上牵马等着她,然后将她驮到史密斯多普,到了那里再去找理查德的"知心朋友亨利·威尔逊",他会给她钱为她作好安排,使她能跟随她的情人到开普敦,随后转道英国。"亲爱的,这样我们就可以在英国结婚了。
    It was not a love letter in the true sense of the word, but pages of the minutest directions of how"my sweetest Phina"was to elude her father's vigilance, creep down to the drift at night and there meet Jantje with a horse which would take her to Smitsdorp. There she was to go to "my true friend, Henry Wilson",who would give her money and make arrangements for her to follow her lover to Cape Town and from there to England ," where, my love, we can he be married at once.
  • 在伊拉克部宁静的美索不达米亚沙漠这片年前文明初现曙光的土地上空,两架美国战斗机像老鹰搜寻躲藏的猎物一般盘旋着。
    High above the unruffled Mesopotamian sands of southern Iraq,over the land where civilization dawned 8000 years ago,two American fighters circled like hawks in search of an elusive prey.
  • 六千万就是西地区人口中百分之九十的基本群众,要把他们发动起来,搞土改闹翻身。
    The 60 million referred to the working masses, who accounted for 90 per cent of the population in the Southwest. We had to arouse them to carry out land reform and emancipate themselves.