  • 货物现正装上货轮“诹访号”付运,并在本件函内附上该货的提单。
    I am sending you by m. s."Suwa Maru"the under mentioned goods, and herewith I enclose a bill of lading for same.
  • 货物现正装上货轮“诹访号”付运,并在本件函内附上该货的提单。
    I am sending you by m.s. " suwa maru " the under - mention goods, and herewith I enclose a bill of lading for same.
  • 薄片的有薄片的、由薄片组成的或按薄片排
    Having, composed of, or arranged in lamellae.
  • 以薄片排的;分割成薄片的
    Arranged in laminae; laminate.
  • 用薄片组成的、排的或是覆盖的
    Consisting of, arranged in, or covered with laminae.
  • 那个地主的儿子已被入征兵名册,但出钱免去了服役。
    The landlord's son had enlisted, but he was bought off.
  • xml:lang属性的值由一个或多个部分组成:一个主语言标签,以及一系(可能是空的)的国家或方言的子标签。
    The value of the xml:lang attribute can consist of 1 or more parts: a primary language tag and a (possibly empty) series of sub-tags for country or dialect identification.
  • 中国与朝鲜、蒙古、俄罗斯、缅甸、越南、老挝等国家分别签订了边境管理制度、建立相互信任措施、预防危险军事活动、开展边防合作等一系条约、协定和协议,在双边或多边的法律框架内共同维护边界秩序,保持了边境地区的和平与稳定。
    China has signed treaties, agreements and understandings respectively with the DPRK, Mongolia, Russia, Myanmar, Viet Nam and Laos on border control measures, setting up confidence-building measures, preventing dangerous military activities and promoting border cooperation, jointly maintaining frontier order within a bilateral or multilateral legal framework and preserving peace and stability on the borders.
  • 一系的成功使他沉浸在幸福之。
    A series of successes lapped him in happiness.
  • 这种纸能由晶体管阵供电,如便携机屏幕那样。
    The paper could be powered by a matrix of transistors, such as those in laptop computer screens.
  • 一台运行windows95/98/ntversion4.0或更高版本的膝上型电脑(有关对计算机硬件和软件要求的完整表定义在)。
    A laptop computer running Windows 95/98/NT Version 4.0 or later. (A full list of computer hardware requirements and software requirements are defined in)
  • 支敦士登首都和最大城市。
    the capital and largest city of Liechtenstein.
  • 科学家们很自然地得出了一系结论,但并非所有的结论都可能是对的,也没有一个是确定无疑的。可是人们倾向于接受那些符合他们主观之见的结论。
    Scientists naturally generate a range of results. Not all of these results are eqi uilly likely to be true, and none is defiruitive, but people tend to latch onto those that suit their preconceptions.
  • 教堂中的一部分,且与正厅隔以柱者。
    part of a church divided laterally from the nave proper by rows of pillars or columns.
  • 车员:当然点菜要贵一些。
    Of course the latter is more expensive.
  • 不过在过去15年中,一系引人注目的涉及国家财产的洗钱案已使很多国际银团声名狼藉。
    But over the past 15 years,a series of high? profile cases of the laundering of money taken from national treasuries has led to unwelcome publicity for many international banking groups.
  • 德州仪器公司总顾问阿格尼奇否认该公司已失竞争力,或但求守成。他说,德州仪器1989年所获专利数目名第十七……。
    Richard J.Agnich, general counsel for Texas Instruments, denied that the company had become uncompetitive or was resting on its laurels. Texas Instruments ranked 17th in the number of patents received in 1989, he said …
  • 车员:车站上有公共厕所。
    There is a lavatory at the station.
  • 英国商业柜台在美国人和日本人过于豪华的陈中现穷相。
    The British trade stand cut a poor figure among the lavish displays of the Americans and the Japanese.
  • 印刷品的陈列
    A layout of printed matter.
  • 数据媒体之中或之上数据的排或布局。
    The arrangement or layout of data in or on a data medium.
  • 在符合下文第三十七条第1款前提下,成员应将未经权利持有人〖zw(9〗本节中“权利持有人”一语,应理解为含义与“集成电路知识产权条约”之“权利的持有者”相同。〖zw)〗许可而从事的下活动视为非法:为商业目的进口、销售或以其他方式发行受保护的布图设计;为商业目的进口、销售或以其他方式发行含有受保护布图设计的集成电路;或为商业目的进口、销售或以其他方式发行含有上述集成电路的物品(仅以其持续包含非法复制的布图设计为限)。
    Subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 37, Members shall consider unlawful the following acts if performed without the authorization of the right holder:[9] importing, selling, or otherwise distributing for commercial purposes a protected layout-design, an integrated circuit in which a protected layout-design is incorporated, or an article incorporating such an integrated circuit only in so far as it continues to contain an unlawfully reproduced layout-design.
  • 列车7点开出。
    The train leaves at 7:00.
  • 地中海东部地区的以前的名字,现在由黎巴嫩、叙利亚和以色控制。
    the former name for the geographical area of the eastern Mediterranean that is now occupied by Lebanon and Syria and Israel.
  • 演讲者在地引述了宁的话。
    The lecturer ended his speech with a quotation from Lenin.
  • 进入八十年代以后,西藏自治区先后颁布了《西藏自治区人民政府关于加强文物保护的布告》、《西藏自治区流散文物管理暂行规定》、《西藏自治区文物保护管理条例》、《布达拉宫保护管理办法》等一系文物保护法规和规定,使西藏的文物保护工作走上了法制化、规范化的管理轨道。
    Beginning in the 1980s, the Tibet Autonomous Region has issued successively the Proclamation of the People's Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region on Improving the Preservation of Cultural Relics, the Interim Provisions of the Tibet Autonomous Region on the Administration of Scattered Cultural Relics, the Regulations of the Tibet Autonomous Region on the Protection and Administration of Cultural Relics, and the Measures for the Protection and Administration of the Potala Palace. These laws and regulations have brought the work of preserving cultural relics in Tibet within the orbit of legalization and standardization.
  • 立法机构的标准程序;正规插座。
    following the regular procedure of the legislature; a regular electrical outlet.
  • 我们有丰田和尼桑系供出租,并且都有腿部伸展空间。
    We have Toyota Corollas and Nissan Sentras available for rent. And they all have a lot of legroom.
  • (线等)整理排(线或丝束)以使它们排成纺织中的经线
    To arrange(strands of yarn or thread) so that they run lengthwise in weaving.
  • 纵向的与一结构的长度平行的,如船或房子;纵向排
    Parallel with the length of a structure, such as a ship or house; running lengthwise.
  • 经纱织物中成经线排的,与纬纱成直角交织的线
    The threads that run lengthwise in a woven fabric, crossed at right angles to the woof.
  • 宁恢复了马克思和恩格斯关于国家的看法。
    Lenin restored the views of Marx and Engels in regard to the state.