  • 这些号码是一顺的。
    These are serial numbers.
  • 孩子们希望连续广播剧的续编会更有趣
    The children hope that the continuation of the serial will be more interesting.
  • 孩子们希望连续广播剧的续编会更有趣
    The children hope that the continuation of the serial will is more interesting.
  • 希望这个调整搞得快一,哪怕不完善也可以,以后逐步改进。
    I hope the reorganization will be accelerated even if it is imperfect; improvements can be made step by step later.
  • 规定,方便了当事人,也保证了行政执法和司法审判的一致性、公正性和严肃性。
    These regulations provide convenience to the litigants, and, moreover, ensure consistency, impartiality and seriousness in administrative law enforcement and judicial adjudication.
  • 对于这犯错误的人,每个人错误的性质如何,程度如何,如何认识,如何处理,都要有所区别,恰如其分。
    We must analyse each case on its merits and treat each person who has made errors appropriately, according to the nature and seriousness of the mistakes.
  • 人怀疑那对局势轻描淡写的人是为了掩饰负责者的错误或粗心。
    There were some who suspected that the seriousness of the situation was being played down in order to cover up the mistakes or the negligence of those responsible for it.
  • 带有一些幽默的布道
    A sermon with a trait of humor.
  • 人要求更快速的全盘改变。
    Some people have called for accelerated across-the-board changes.
  • 如果一个人的血液中包含有这抗体,这个人就被称作血清呈阳性者,这就是说,他受到了感染,而且由此可以认为他能够将病毒传染给他人。
    If the blood contains these antibodies,one is said to be seropositive,that is,one is infected and is presumably capable of transmitting the virus to other people.
  • 那头蛇盘起长满鳞片的身躯,把头举过了至高的树,那太尔人给吓得瘫软了,既不能战,又不能逃。有人被咬死,有人被勒死,其余的被蛇的毒气熏死了。
    The serpent, twisting his scaly body in a huge coil, raised his head so as to overtop the tallest trees, and while the Tyrians from terror could neither fightnor fly, slew some with his fangs, others in his folds, and others with his poisonous breath.
  • 即使那行为并不坦白正直的人也会承认坦白正直地待人是人性底光荣,而真假相混则有如金银币中杂以合金一样,也许可以使那金银用起来方便一点,但是把它们底品质却弄贱了。
    it will be acknowledged, even by those mat practise it not, that clear and round dealing is the honour of man's nature; and that mixture of falsehood, is like allay in coin of gold and silver, which may make the metal work the better, but it embaseth it For these winding and crooked courses, are the goings of the serpent;
  • 司复仇的三女神之一三位长有翅膀和蛇发的可怕的女神:阿勒克图、墨纪拉和底西福涅,她们追捕和惩罚那犯下未被雪耻的罪行的人
    The three terrible, winged goddesses with serpentine hair, Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, who pursue and punish doers of unavenged crimes.
  • 思想更解放一,改革的步子更快一
  • 肥料将促进这西红柿秧生长。
    Fertilizer will accelerate the growth of these tomato plants.
  • 轮胎已磨损,但尚可用。
    The tyres are worn but still serviceable.
  • 他说,修理这这锅炉,使之可以使用,需要六周的紧张工作。
    He stated that in six weeks rush work would be required to repair the boilers to make them serviceable.
  • 法规规定:对于牺牲军人家属、革命伤残军人、老复员军人等重点优抚对象实行定期定量补助;对义务兵家属普遍发放优待金;
    These regulations stipulate that a regular and fixed-amount subsidy shall be given to the key recipients, such as dependents of fallen servicemen, disabled revolutionary servicemen and demobbed veterans, that dependents of conscripts be granted special allowances;
  • 我们刚向贵公司提出了订单,我们想要一贵公司的服务方针资料。
    We have just placed an order with your company and we would like to get some information on your servicing policy.
  • 一个用于那对白种人卑躬屈节的黑人的轻蔑的称呼。
    contemptuous name for a Black man who is abjectly servile and deferential to Whites.
  • 我们要敢于藐视美帝国主义,鄙视那怕外国人的奴才相,要发扬正气。
    We should despise U.S. imperialism, look down on servility, such as fear of foreigners, and boost our own morale.
  • 人对学习毫无兴趣,而且除了伺服系统,配电盘,压缩比和凸轮轴便一无所知。
    Learning and knows no studies beyond servo- systems and distributors, compression ratios and camshafts.
  • 叫做水饺,请加一点酱油和麻油在碟子上,吃前沾一下。
    They are called Chinese Dumplings. Please mix a little soy sauce and sesame oil on this plate and dip them into it before eating.
  • 党的十一大制定的路线,也由于实际情况的变化和对于实际情况认识的变化,由历届中央全会特别是三中全会作了一必要的调整,今后也还可能作某必要的调整。
    Owing to the changes in the actual situation and in our own understanding of it, the line formulated by the Party's Eleventh Congress underwent necessary readjustment at the successive plenary sessions of the Central Committee, and particularly at the Third Plenary Session.Further readjustments may also be required in the future.
  • 每一个人都开始做什么事情,而每一个人都做出一事情,可是没有一个人做出当初想做的事情。
    Everybody sets out to do something, and everybody does something, but no one does what he set out to do.
  • 排序操作优先于任何对于结果集的截取(truncation)操作,且该排序操作仅会被应用于那在查询结果集的最顶端的结构层次上的名元素。
    This sort is applied prior to any truncation of result sets. Only applicable on queries that return a name element in the topmost detail level of the result set.
  • 一种数据项,其内容可由计算机字符集中的字符组合而成,有非数字项可以由多个限定字符集形成。
    A data item whose description permits its contents to be composed of a combinati on of characters taken from the computer's character set. Certain categories of nonnumeric items can be formed from more restricted character sets.
  • 碰了钉子以后,他收敛了。
    He has pulled in his horns since that setback.
  • 她病后看来已经好了,但后来病情又突然恶化了。
    She seemed better after her illness but then she had a sudden setback.
  • 我承认在过去半年中,由于世界经济形势受到一挫折,日本人和美国人有时很难卖掉他们的钢铁;但我们德国人则从来也没有这样的问题。
    I grant that in the past half a yeat, the Japanese and Americans have sometimes found it difficult to sell their because of slight setback in the world economic situation. However, we in Germany, have had no problems.
  • 事实上,虽然最近金融市场出现的波动,对一国家造成短暂的冲击,但我相信,这国家在汲取这次教训,并对其政策作出所需的修订后,其经济将会重见增长,而整个亚洲的经济亦会继续向前迈进。
    Indeed, despite the recent turmoil in the financial market which has caused temporarily setback in some of the countries. I am sure, having learned the lesson and after making necessary policy adjustment, these countries will return to the path of growth and Asian economy as a whole will continue to march forward.
  • 这些是电视机。
    These are TV sets.