  • “只要我们支持住到达那个岛上就好啦!”蒂姆低声说。
    "If we can only get to the island before we break down!" whispered Tim.
  • 那个受训者具有领导才
    That trainee is executive timber.
  • 只有时间才证明你是否正确。
    Only time will tell if you are right.
  • 根据德州法律,违反饮酒规定超过两次的话,杰娜有可被处以最高达2,000美元的罚款,并有可被关进大牢。
    If convicted of alcohol offenses two more times under Texas law, Jenna faces fines up to $2,000 and possible jail time.
  • 这些品质可以跨越时间的长河,是终生受用的精神资源。如果你们拥有它们,你们定成为优秀的领袖。
    These qualities are timeless, and if you embrace them, you will become better leaders.
  • 时钟的正面;够告诉人们时间。
    the face of a timepiece; graduated to show the hours.
  • 够调节时钟摆轮的好的螺旋弹簧。
    a fine spiral spring that regulates the movement of the balance wheel in a timepiece.
  • 在赛跑中够精确记录起止时间的钟表。
    a timepiece that can be started or stopped for exact timing (as of a race).
  • 告诉我如何使用自动装置吗?
    Can you show us how to use the self - timer?
  • 告诉我如何使用自动装置吗?
    Can you show we how to use the self- timer?
  • 在我一生中最困难的时期,在我们生活最艰难的日子里,娜佳都留在我的身边,始终如一,所以,现在我惟有尽我所来安慰她,唤起她对我们以前那美好时光的回忆。
    If she could stay committed to me during my worst times, during the hardest time of our life, the least I can do is comfort her now. And remind her of the good times we had.
  • 许多科学家认为一切生物体都按照有规律的时刻表行事。
    Many scientists think that all living things are able to act on a regular timetable.
  • 一个部门、一个企业的领导,不怕这怕那。
    The leaders of a unit or an enterprise must not be so timid.
  • 在生活中他可是个胆小怕事的人,但在书中他却会被写成像狮子一样勇猛。
    He might have behaved timidly in life; in the book he would be bold as a lion.
  • 波斯托洛斯说:"赶上这个时候很走运。
    "The timing is quite fortuitous," says Postolos.
  • 别在同那些女孩子瞎混了,你可再不浪费时间了。
    Stop playing about with those girls, you can't afford to waste any more tine.
  • 对不起,告诉我现在几点钟吗?
    Excuse me, but can you tell me the tine?
  • 一滴墨水就使一杯清水染上一点儿颜色。
    A drop of ink will tinge a glass of water.
  • [谚]如果种种“假如”够变成深锅和浅锅,补锅匠就没有生意了。(意思是:如果人们的主观愿望都实现,天下就太平了)
    If ifs and ans were pots and pans, there'd be no trade for tinkers.
  • 如果我们接受这种修补,那么我们为什么不接受克隆呢?
    If we accept this kind of tinkering, can't we accept cloning?
  • 我敢打赌,即使他修理了发动机,车仍然不发动。
    I'll lay odds that the car still won't start even after he's tinkered with the engine.
  • 美国人喜爱修修补补加以改进,喜欢把那些可会被剩下的人也包括进来,而且不喜欢拒绝,这意味着他们把说英语看作另一项同化工程。
    The Americans' love of tinkering, of making things better, of including those who might be left out, and of avoiding negatives means that they view speaking English as just one more assimilation project.
  • 尽管这些解释也许不很成熟,而事实看起来就是,支付小费并不起到什么作用。
    While such explanations may be crude,the hard truth seems to be that tipping does not work.
  • 我如何取得游乐券?
    How can I get those tips?
  • 我踮著脚才刚够著架子.
    I can (only) just reach the shelf, if I stand on tiptoe.
  • 跷着脚我刚够着那个架子。
    By standing on tiptoe , I can just reach the shelf.
  • 帮我检查一下胎压吗?
    Would you check the tire pressure, too?
  • 你不以疲劳为理由就这样对待职工。
    Tiredness cannot possibly justify your treating staff this way.
  • 各位悉心栽培我们的青年,协助在学和已踏足社会的同学发挥有用的才,这是我们推动/科技发展必不可少的成功因素。
    Your tireless effort to equip our students and graduates with the right qualities will be an integral part of our success in promoting technology development.
  • 人力是我国的主要财富,要跟得上市场的竞争,我们有必要学习瑞士人的勤劳,不断改进,以高技的人力去增加生产。
    We must be ready to learn and acquire the hard-working attitudes of the Swiss, especially their tireless efforts to seek improvement and their creative use of specialised skills.
  • (许多美国人都要在车流量极大的时候开上三十英里去上班,持续使用离合器是很烦人的。)美国男人可会买一辆手动汽车,这样他妻子就开不了了。
    (Con-tinually pressing on the clutch can get tiresome if one drives 30 miles each way to work in heavy traffic, as many Americans do. ) An American man might buy a non-automatic so his wife won't be able to drive it.
  • 给我们留一条生路?《泰坦尼克号》
    Will you give us a chance to live?-"Titanic"