  • 1995年,全国农村开发与推广省柴节煤灶、沼气、太阳、风、地热和小水电等技术,形成了年新增和节约8000万吨标准煤的力,其中建成农用沼气池569万户,推广省柴节煤灶1.7亿户。
    In 1995 fuel-saving stoves, methane, solar, wind and geothermal energy sources and small hydropower stations began to develop and were popularized in rural areas throughout the country. In this way, annually 80 million tons of standard coal equivalent can be saved and additionally produced. Methane-generating pits for agricultural use were dug to benefit 5.69 million households and fuel-saving stoves were in use in 170 million households.
  • 另外,在公司和雇员之间的双向忠诚度似乎已成为陈年旧事的今天,通用电器在提供公司培训项目,积极帮助员工自身发展和提高领导力方面已经成为公认的业界领袖。
    Additionally, in a day and age when bi-directional loyalty between companies and their employees seems to be a thing of the past, GE has been the acknowledged leader in providing corporate training programs that actively develop its people and their leadership skills.
  • 其次,无线平台必须支持任意internet内容,不管该应用程序是用java、visualbasic、perl、pl/sql、php、服务器端脚本还是其它任意网站的开发语言所构建。
    Additionally, the wireless platform must also be able to support any Internet content whether the application has been built using Java, Visual Basic, PERL, PL/SQL, PHP, server-side scripting, or any other web site development language.
  • 此外,单位可没有地址空间来实现完整的平面网络。
    Additionally, organizations may not have the address space to implement a completely flat network.
  • 去调查一下这次暴乱?
    Will it be possible for you to investigate the riot?
  • 去调查一下这次暴乱?
    Will it is possible for you to investigate the riot?
  • 老虎在几分钟内把一只雄獐撕成碎片。
    A tiger can rip a roebuck to pieces in a matter of minutes.
  • 有一股海潮怒吼着,这可使小船出现危险。
    There's a tide rip out there that can give small boats a rough passage.
  • 我们马上可看到这台发动机是否要好些-继续下去,让它转得尽可地快。
    We'll soon see if the engine runs better now – go on, let her rip.
  • 通过加衬垫之类的方法变柔软。
    not softened by the addition of padding.
  • 而不是苦干、钻研的去打开他成功的大门。他曾这样说:「有若干人,开始一桩事业的时候,怀着极大的希望和兴趣,所以在早期获得部份的成就。
    This industrial leader doesn’t put much faith in the old adage that hard work alone is the magic key that will unlock the door to our desires, “I have known people,” he said,“who succeeded because they had a rip-roaring good time conducting their business.
  • 我们摘了许多还未熟得吃的桃子。
    We have picked many cherries not ripe enough for eating.
  • 强者同命运的风暴抗争。--爱迪生
    A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate. -- Thomas Addison
  • 强者同命运的风暴抗争。--爱迪生
    A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.-- Thomas Addison
  • 美国肿瘤研究协会的一份研究报告表明,每天服用一定剂量的番茄红素和使西红柿成熟变红的抗氧化剂,不仅预防前列腺癌,而且使已存在肿瘤缩小。
    American Association for Cancer Research shows that daily doses of lycopene, and antioxidant that ripens tomatoes and gives them their red color, may not only prevent prostate cancer but shrink existing tumors as well.
  • 最后分化的过程生物系统的最后变异过程,例如种子成熟或细胞、组织、器官功达到完善
    The final differentiation processes in biological systems, such as the final ripening of a seed or the attainment of full functional capacity by a cell, a tissue, or an organ.
  • 波恩的科学家已经解开了这个谜底:肉眼往往区分不出水果的成熟度,但通过水果释放出的乙烯,从声学角度探测,就做到这一点。
    The scientists in Bonn have solved this mystery: differences in ripeness are often invisible, but can be detected acoustically in the form of ethylene.
  • 踏入二十一世纪,各行各业的竞争力在於其增值力。
    Competitiveness in the 21st Century is about adding value.
  • 很可,那“斩人魔杰克”,是以人性(所使然)为理由来替自己辩解的。
    No doubt jack the ripper excuse himself on the grounds that it is human nature.
  • 很可,那“斩人魔杰克”,是以人性为理由来替自己辩解的。
    No doubt Jack the ripper excused himself on the grounds that it was human nature.
  • 很可,那“斩人魔杰克”,是以人性(所使然)为理由来替自己辩解的。
    No doubt Jack the ripper excuse himself on the grounds that it were human nature.
  • 这台机器撕碎旧布为制造新布提供纤维。
    This machine rips up old cloth to provide fibres for new material.
  • 我们在水的表面架起一台摄像机,光照到装水的小盆里,这样荧屏显示出水波纹的慢动作。
    We're constructed a kind of ripple cinema here--a shallow basin of water which is lit so that the ripples slow up particularly well on the screen.
  • 我们在水的表面架起一台摄像机,光照到装水的小盆里,这样荧屏显示出水波纹的慢动作。
    We're constructed a kind of ripple cinema here -- a shallow basin of water which is lit so that the ripples slow up particularly well on the screen.
  • 从电脑以至特殊功集装箱船,由于[科技]推陈出新,销售机会已经增加而不须增添劳工。可是直到现在,各公司遭受压力才认真利用科技。
    From computers to specialized shipping containers, innovation has created opportunities to increase sales without adding labor. But it is only now, when companies are under the gun, that they are really exploiting technology.
  • 最严重的后果可是性传染病的迅速蔓延、卖淫现象及艾滋病患者的增多。
    Perhaps the most serious consequences center on the rapid spread of sexually transmitted diseases ( STDs ) , rising prostitution and the rise in AIDS cases.
  • 非医学原因(通常对于改变心的效应来说)服用的一种药;药物滥用导致身体和精神损害(用一些物质)甚至产生依赖、上瘾。
    a drug that is taken for nonmedicinal reasons (usually for mind-altering effects); drug abuse can lead to physical and mental damage and (with some substances) dependence and addiction.
  • 好在这十年来中国有了可喜的发展,人民生活有所改善,对风险的承受力有一定的增强。
    Fortunately, over the past ten years China has made gratifying progress in economic development, the standard of living has risen and the people can tolerate some price rises.
  • 农业综合生产力显著提高。
    The overall production capacity of agriculture has risen notably.
  • 因为水涨了,我们不渡江了。
    We cannot cross the river because the water has risen.
  • 你本该达到克制自己不做那事的高度了。
    You should have risen above doing that kind of thing.
  • 这个建议完全是荒唐可笑的,根本不可采纳.
    The entire proposal is risible: it will never is accepted.