  • 过着艰难的生活
    Led a hard life.
  • 连辛格总统进入体育场都很别致,他是乘坐敞篷汽车在一队红衣骑兵的护卫下进场的。
    Even the entering of President Singe was very unique. He came into the stadium by an open car escorted by a group of cavalrymen in red.
  • 歌唱家身着盛装。
    The singer wears rich attire.
  • 她是着名的歌手。
    She is noted as a singer.
  • 他们开始跟唱了起来。
    They began singing along.
  • 她骑自行车一路上引吭高歌。
    She bicycled along singing loudly.
  • 我们骑脚踏车前进,大声歌唱
    We bicycled along, singing loudly.
  • 无独有偶,60年后,奥运会又出现了一位和尤里有同样命运的女冠军,她就是被人称为“黑羚羊”的美国.黑人女人短跑选手鲁道夫。
    Not come singly but in pairs, 60 years later, a fe-male champion, who had the same destiny as Ray Ewry, appeared at the Olympics Games. She was the American black female sprinter Ru-dolf, who was called the "black antelope".
  • 这个村庄的建筑风格独树一帜,一半似西班牙风格,一半似摩尔风格,别有情趣,现在的居民就是当初那些人的后代,他们还是说他们祖先的语言。
    This village, constructed in a singular and picturesque manner, half Moorish, half Spanish, still remains, and is inhabited by descendants of the first comers, who speak the language of their fathers.
  • 他的目光落在了一个娇小美丽的身躯,一大堆金色的秀发,一双用询问的神色迎接他的蓝色眼睛,还有一个那么年轻光洁、却具有那么独特的能力、可以时而抬起时而攒聚的前额上。那额头所露出的表情不完全是困惑、迷惘或是惊觉,也不仅仅是一种聪明集中的专注,不过它也包括了这四种表情。他一看到这一切,眼前便突然闪过一种强烈的似曾相识之感。那是一个孩子,他在跨越那海峡时曾抱在怀里的孩子。那天很冷,空中冰雹闪掠,海里浊浪排空。那印象消失了,可以说像呵在她身后那窄而高的穿衣镜上的一口气一样消失了。镜框上是像到医院探视病人的一群黑种小爱神,全都缺胳膊少腿,有的还没有脑袋,都在向黑皮肤的女神奉献盛满死海水果的黑色花篮--他向曼内特小姐郑重地鞠躬致敬。
    As his eyes rested on a short, slight, pretty figure, a quantity of golden hair, a pair of blue eyes that met his own with an inquiring look, and a forehead with a singular capacity (remembering how young and smooth it was of lifting and knitting itself into an expression that was not quite one of perplexity, or wonder, or alarm or merely of a bright fixed attention, though is included all the four expressions--as his eyes rested on these things, a sudden vivid likeness passed before him, of a child whom he had held in his arms on the passage across that very Channel, one cold time, when the hail drifted heavily and the sea ran high. The likeness passed away, like a breath along the surface of the gaunt pier-glass behind her, on the frame of which, a hospital procession of negro cupids, several head-less and all cripples, were offering black baskets of Dead Sea fruit to black divinities of the feminine gender--and he made his formal bow to Miss Manette.
  • 顶点向上的左旋腹足贝壳在面对观察者时向左打开;左侧比目鱼躺时左边的眼睛在最上面。
    a sinistral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the left when facing the observer; a sinistral flatfish lies with the left eye uppermost.
  • 他们注视太阳沉入地中海。
    They watched the sun sink into the Mediterranean.
  • 木头在水中不沉,而漂浮
    Wood does not sink in water, it floats.
  • 李:作为著名的汉学家和有丰富经验的外交官,你对两国文化有深入的了解。
    Li:As a famous sinologist and a diplomat with wide range of experience,you have a thorough understanding of both sides' culture.
  • 这药有人急着要用。
    The drug is wanted bitterly.
  • 蜿蜒而流;江水围绕小丘流动。
    to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course: the river winds through the hills..
  • 那中士是个沉的人,炮弹在我们阵地旁边爆炸,但他仍然继续看他的书,呷他的茶。
    The sergeant is a cool hand; shells were exploding close to our position but he just continued to read his book and sip his tea.
  • 总是看别人狼吞虎咽地吞下令人口水直流的美味佳肴,而自己却嚼薄脆饼干,喝淡淡无味的柠檬汁,这该是多么大的折磨!
    What utter torture it is always watching others tucking into piles of mouth-watering food while you mouth a water biscuit and sip unsweetened lemon juice!
  • 大部分球迷一边慢悠悠地喝饮料,或者手抓一大袋爆米花,一边欣赏两支女子球队在球场上来回奔跑。
    Most fans sip a cold drink, or possibly dip into a large bag of popcorn, while watching the women's teams race back and forth on the court.
  •  已在美国出版了4千万册迷你书的runningpress出版社称,《心灵鸡汤》迷你版多年来一直保持畅销地位。
    Running Press, who have published 40 million minibooks in the US, said that "A Little Sip of Chicken Soup for the Soul" has been one of the top-sellers for years.
  • 坐下后,我们各自抿杯中的咖啡。
    We sat, sipping our coffee.
  • 在母亲的住处,他整日啜饮台湾乌龙茶。
    He spent his days sipping Taiwan Oolong in his mother's apartment.
  • 谈话的鸡尾酒会。
    Stand - up Cocktail Party
  • 收获季节就快要结束了。一天晚上,他和奶奶坐在餐桌旁,一边咂苦咖啡,一边想对策。
    One autumn night, while harvest time was running out, he and his wife sat at the kitchen table sipping bitter black coffee trying to figure a way out of their dilemma.
  • 警报声响到了极点接突然消失。
    The siren reaches its top and then suddenly goes off.
  • 司机不该朝迎面开来的车辆闪灯。
    A driver is not supposed to flash his lights at the coming vehicles.
  • 他们望阳光下起伏小浪上的闪光。
    They looked at the sparkle of litlle dancing waves in the sunlight.
  • 当姐姐的都这样,20岁的维纳斯·威廉姆斯正狠狠教训妹妹。
    Venus Williams,20,was beating up on her little sister,which is what big sisters do.
  • 她整理好花茎,把它们插进一个特别的花瓶,然后,将花瓶放在他满脸笑容的像片旁,她会在她丈夫喜欢的椅子上坐上好几个小时,看他的相片,玫瑰花放在那儿。
    She trimmed the stems, and placed them in a very special vase. Then, sat the vase beside the portrait of his smiling face. She would sit for hours, in her husband's favorite chair. While staring at his picture, and the roses sitting there.
  • ……坐或者站
    sit or stand astride of.
  • 另一是g,潘杰思,他就是在环境剧《七彩学堂》里讲半咸不淡华语而闹出不少笑话的“红毛”。
    Another ang moh, Mr John Scott Parker, acted in a local TV sitcom, The School Days, as a Westerner who makes lots of funny mistakes with his amusingly faulty Mandarin.
  • 斜倚物,躺的人斜倚或斜躺的人或物,如被坐的人放下了椅背抬高了椅座而斜倚的扶手椅
    One that reclines, as an armchair that reclines when the sitter lowers the chair's back and raises its front.