  • 在进行了绘画面的探索之后又回到自己领域的雕塑家
    A sculptor back on her own ground after experiments with painting.
  • 杰克自称知道所有关于雕刻面的事情。
    Jack professes to know everything about sculpture.
  • 西世界,特别是美国开动了全部宣传机器进行煽动,给中国国内所谓的民主派、所谓的反对派,实际上是中华民族的败类以很多的鼓励和便,因此才形成了当时那样混乱的局面。
    Western countries, particularly the United States, set all their propaganda machines in motion to fan the flames, to encourage and support the so-called democrats or opposition in China, who were in fact the scum of the Chinese nation. That is how the turmoil came about.
  • 一阵突如其来的雨使大家急忙找地躲避。
    A sudden rain sent everyone scurrying for shelter.
  • 一下起雨来,观众就纷纷找地躲避
    The spectator scurried for shelter as soon as it began to rain
  • 虽然如此,我们相信区议会仍然能够继续发挥重要功能,让市民有更多机会叁与地决策,令政府更能体察民情、向市民负责。
    Nevertheless, we believe that the DBs will still play a vital role in empowering the community and providing more accountable and responsive district services.
  • 另外约有300万立米的污泥则卸置在东沙洲特别开发的海床坑内。
    about 3 million cubic metres of contaminated mud were placed in the purpose-dredged seabed pits at East Sha Chau.
  • 中国是国际海底区域第五大投资国,并在国际海底区域获得了7.5万平公里的专属勘探开发区。
    China is the fifth-largest investor in international efforts for seabed development, and has obtained an exclusive exploration and development area of 75,000 sq km.
  • 中国是国际海底区域开发第五大投资国,并在国际海底区域获得了7.5万平公里的专属勘探开发区。
    China is the fifth-largest investor in international efforts for seabed development, and has obtained an exclusive exploration and development area of 75,000 sq km.
  • 主要的疏浚工作则在北航道、葵涌货柜码头引航道、油麻地和奇力滩碇泊区及城门河进行,处理的物料达300万立米。
    About 3 million cubic metres of material were dredged from the seabed, mainly for the maintenance of the Northern Fairway, the approach channel to the Kwai Chung container terminals, the Yau Ma Tei anchorage area and the Kellett Bank mooring area, as well as from the Shing Mun River.
  • 中国参加了一系列重要的国际军控与裁军条约或公约,主要有:《禁止在战争中使用窒息性、毒性或其他气体和细菌作战法的议定书》、《禁止或限制使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公约》、《南极条约》、《关于各国探测及使用外层空间包括月球与其他天体活动所应遵守原则的条约》、《禁止细菌(生物)及毒素武器的发展、生产及储存以及销毁这类武器的公约》、《禁止在海床洋底及其底土安置核武器和其他大规模毁灭性武器条约》和《不扩散核武器条约》等。
    China has acceded to a series of major international arms control and disarmament treaties and conventions, including the Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare, the Convention on Prohibition or Restriction on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects, the Antarctic Treaty, the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction, the Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Seabed and the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil Thereof, and the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
  • 海鸟的两种,脖子短、羽毛亮丽、扁嘴。
    any of two genera of northern seabirds having short necks and brightly colored compressed bills.
  • 可以挽救信天翁的法包括加重延绳钓线的重量,使它们可以迅速下沉而不会缠住鸟儿;在夜晚布钓线或在钓线上加上彩带惊吓鸟儿,使其不敢靠近等。
    Measures include weighting lines so they sink quickly and do not entice birds, setting lines at night, and setting off bird-scaring lines - made up of multi-coloured streamers to startle seabirds.
  • 当局赞同维持一个公开和负责任的政府,为此,政府必须以合理式公开资料。
    The authorities believe in open and accountable government. This requires reasonable access to government information.
  • 江北的洪泽湖地带、江南的太湖地带和沿江沿海一切敌人占领区域的港汊地带,都应该好好地组织游击战争,并在河湖港汊之中及其近旁建立起持久的根据地,作为发展全国游击战争的一个面。
    As one aspect in the development of our nation-wide guerrilla warfare, we should effectively organize guerrilla warfare in the Hungtse Lake region north of the Yangtse River, in the Taihu Lake region south of the Yangtse, and in all river-lake-estuary regions in the enemy-occupied areas along the rivers and on the seacoast, and we should create permanent base areas in and near such places.
  • 愚人节在4月1日正午正式结束--在世界各地都是如此,只有一个地例外,那就是位于苏格兰爱丁堡北部被海水包围的法夫半岛。
    And there it ends--everywhere,that is,except in Fife,the seagirt peninsula north of Edinburgh,Scotland.
  • 通过问责制组成的特区政府决策团队,目标必定更明确,向更一致,在推动政策时更加善用资源,更顾及优先次序,行政和立法的关系会得到加强。
    Through the establishment of the top echelon of the HKSAR Government under the Accountability System, our objectives will be more clearly defined and our directions more firmly set. In pushing forward our policy initiatives, we will be deploying our resources more effectively; we will be more sensitive in setting priorities; the working relationship between the Executive and the Legislature will be strengthened.
  • 根据问责制,政府最高层的官员,包括政务司司长、财政司司长和律政司司长,以及所有决策局局长,全部都不会是公务员,而是以合约式聘用的问责制主要官员,合约年期为五年,但不超逾提名他们的行政长官的任期。
    Under the Accountability System, the upper echelon of the Government — the Chief Secretary for Administration, Financial Secretary, Secretary for Justice and all Directors of Bureaux — will no longer be civil servants, but will be appointed on contract terms as Principal Officials. They may serve for a term of five years, but not exceeding that of the Chief Executive who nominates them.
  • 家庭都同意了这门亲事。
    Both families have set their seal to the marriage.
  • 以通常的握手式结束了生意。
    sealed the deal with the customary handshake.
  • 封锁该区,禁止示威者出入。
    The police sealed off the area from demonstrators.
  • 把建筑物的所有出口都封锁住了。
    Police sealed off all the exits from the building.
  • 从1996年开始,国家开始在西藏实施长江上中游防护林体系建设工程,截止2000年,共投入资金370多万元,积极支持西藏地因地制宜地开展人工造林、封山育林,累计造林面积达1.3万多公顷,为改善当地群众生产生活条件发挥了良好的作用。
    Since 1996, the State has begun to build a shelter-forest system along the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River. By 2000, it had invested more than 3.7 million yuan in the project, actively supporting Tibet in building man-made forests and sealing off mountainous areas to facilitate afforestation as appropriate to local conditions. The afforested area has topped 13,000 ha, which, as a result, has played a positive role in improving local residents’ working and living conditions.
  • 为达到目标,海关程序小组委员会成员正致力推行集体行动计划,并以"便易行"、"具问责性"、"贯彻统一"、"具透明度"和"简化程序"作为计划的指导原则。
    To achieve its objectives, APEC SCCP member economies are working on a Collective Action Plan (CAP) by taking fully into consideration the FACTS Guiding Principles - Facilitation, Accountability, Consistency, Transparency and Simplification.
  • 裙子中间接缝的地方
    A bind halfway up the seam of the skirt.
  • 裂口破损或撕开的地,尤指沿缝合处
    A torn or split place, especially along a seam.
  • 花式针迹接缝将线在接缝处十字交叉缝边的一种
    A method of joining hemmed edges by crisscrossing thread over an open seam.
  • 惊涛骇浪,显英雄本色。
    The good seaman is known in bad weather.
  • 运货代理商的办公室;雇用海员的地
    the office of a shipping agent; an office where seamen are hired.
  • 在社会价值观面,受访人士都注重社会的秩序、和谐、对权威的尊敬、政府对人民负责、和共识。
    On societal values, the respondents agreed on the importance of orderly society, harmony, respect for authority, official accountability and consensus.
  • 举例来说,我们会探讨如何善用资讯科技,使金融市场的交易可以全面自动化和以「直通式」式完成;
    We will study, for instance, how best to use information technology to facilitate fully automated and seamless transactions in the market.
  • 面的努力在机管局的综合统筹计划下互相配合。机管局实行综合统筹的目的,是为了确保由机场建造、设施与系统测调,以至机场全面运作等各面,都能畅顺交接过渡。
    This major team effort is co-ordinated by the AA within the framework of an integrated programme which aims toachieve a seamless transition from construction, testing and commissioning of facilities and systems to full airport operation.