  • 香港会继续扮演友好邻居的角色,在亚洲和国际间动金融经济合作。
    Hong Kong will play its role as a good neighbour in promoting monetary and economic cooperation in the region and internationally.
  • 我把它开,赶忙拉过一张桌子作挡箭牌。
    I flung her back, and hastened to interpose the table between us.
  • 她想调解丈夫和儿子之间的争吵,但是被粗暴地开了。
    She tried to intervene between her husband and son, but she was roughly pushed aside.
  • “别停下,”我妻子一边着静脉注射架,一边对我说:“我们去找一个真正了解病情的医生。”
    “Keep going,” said my wife, pushing the intravenous stand. “We're going to talk to someone who really knows what is going on.”
  • 政府会在二零零二年行改善措施,鼓励幼稚园聘用更多合格幼稚园教师。
    The Administration will be introducing improvements in 2002 to encourage kindergartens to employ more QKTs.
  • 作为首次出产品,我们同意贵方降价要求。
    We accept your request to reduce the price of our products as an introductory line.
  • 论的,论证的通过理而非直觉来得出结论的
    Proceeding to a conclusion through reason rather than intuition.
  • (哲学)通过理或辩论而不是凭直觉得出结论。
    (philosophy) proceeding to a conclusion by reason or argument rather than intuition.
  • 通过理解而不是通过理或直觉获知的任何状态或过程。
    any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoning.
  • 直觉主义通过直觉而不是通过理得出的真理或某些真相的理论
    The theory that truth or certain truths are known by intuition rather than reason.
  • 认识开始知道的事物,如通过知觉、理或直觉;知识
    That which comes to be known, as through perception, reasoning, or intuition; knowledge.
  • 随着时间的移,社会主义的新生事物必然会不断壮大。
    The socialist new things go invariably from strength to strength as time goes by.
  • 那个销员想诱骗老太太给他钱,但她不上当。
    The salesman tried to inveigle the old lady into giving him her money, but she was too clever for him.
  • 作心理分析从心理学角度作调查,断或思考
    To investigate, reason, or speculate in psychological terms.
  • 在对非法贩卖毒品犯罪嫌疑人进行控诉时,调查官员和法官都定违法者知道行为的违法性,与此不同的是,税务调查官员和检察官必须证明违法者了解税法并且知道其行为违反法律。
    Unlike investigations of narcotics traffickers in which the investigator and the judge assume that the violator is aware of the illegality of narcotics trafficking, tax investigators and prosecutors must prove that the violator knew the tax law and was aware that his actions were violations of the law.
  • 这种风险,会随着时间的移而淡化。
    Seen from this perspective, real estate investing can be a high risk venture.
  • 我们要继续坚定不移地进改革开放。这是强国之路。
    We will continue to adhere unswervingly to the policy of reform and opening, which is the only way to invigorate the country.
  • 金管局在电脑公元二千年数位问题关键日子作出的安排,即扩大贴现窗操作并出定期回购协议机制,均未采用。
    The enlarged Discount Window and the term repo facility offered by the HKMA during the Year 2000 critical periods were not invoked.
  • 涉及从一般原则开始的论。
    involving inferences from general principles.
  • 免子到了门外,想开门,但是门是朝里开的,爱丽丝的胳膊肘正好顶着门,兔子不动,爱丽丝听到它自语说,“我绕过去,从窗子爬进去。”
    Presently the Rabbit came up to the door, and tried to open it; but, as the door opened inwards, and Alice's elbow was pressed hard against it, that attempt proved a failure. Alice heard it say to itself `Then I'll go round and get in at the window.'
  • 公布许多核机密被视为这一战略基本的一个部分,因为这表明了一个全新的全球格局,在这样一个格局中,核技术突然间无可挽回地跌价了,真正的安全在于这样一个集体认识:没有人可以将武器的研制到人类知识界限之外。
    Releasing many of America's nuclear secrets was seen as an essential part of this strategy.,since it would signal a new global order in which nuclear know-how was suddenly and irreparably devalued and real security would lie in the collective knowledge that nobody was able to push weaponry beyond the known boundaries.
  • 中国将来一定要发展到社会主义去,这样一个定律谁都不能翻。
    China will certainly go over to socialism in the future;that is an irresistible law.
  • 中国欢迎美俄签署新的削减进攻性战略武器条约,希望美俄采取切实措施,确保核裁军的“可核查”和“不可逆”,并继续进核裁军进程,真正促进世界的和平与稳定。
    China welcomes the new treaty signed by the US and Russia on the reduction of their offensive strategic weapons, and hopes that these two countries will adopt effective measures to ensure the "verifiability" and "irreversibility" of nuclear disarmament, and continue to further the process of nuclear disarmament, so as to genuinely promote world peace and stability.
  • 现时出「港元债务工具发行计划」正合时宜,对按揭证券公司的成功运作极为重要。
    The launching of the Debt Issuance Programme is a timely development crucial to the successful operation of the HKMC.
  • 这个计划,连同我们於今年一月成功出的「港元债券发行计划」,将会成为按揭证券公司在港元债券市场筹集资金的两个主要渠道。
    This Programme, together with the Note Issuance Programme we successfully launched in January this year, will serve as the two main vehicles of the HKMC in raising funds in the Hong Kong dollar debt market.
  • 该公司又于二零零一年十月出通过银行为配售代理发行零售债券的新安排。
    The HKMC introduced a new arrangement of issuing retail bonds through banks as placing agents in October.
  • 借鉴国际上通行的预算方法,全面改革军队预算编制形式、方法和内容,重点行零基预算等方法,以充分发挥预算的宏观调控作用,逐步建立起财权财力集中、军费分配科学、项目具体透明、监督制约严密的预算新模式。
    Drawing on the internationally adopted budgeting method, the PLA reformed its budgeting form, method and content extensively, with emphasis placed on implementation of the zero-base budget method, so as to give full play to the budget's macro-control role and gradually establish a new budgeting pattern featuring the concentration of financial power and resources, scientific distribution of military expenditures, concrete and transparent itemization, and tight supervision and control.
  • 流动散工;巡回表演;销员;旅行公司。
    itinerant laborers; a road show; traveling salesman; touring company.
  • 推,刺,戳
    A push, thrust, or jab.
  • 戳、捅或戳,如用手指或手臂;戳
    To push or jab at, as with a finger or an arm; prod.
  • 荐杰克做这工作。
    I nominate jack for the job.
  • 雅各布辞去公司的职务时,我们感到很遗憾。他本是一位优秀的销员。
    We were sorry when Jacob quit the firm. He was a salesman of the first water.