  • 一個優秀的領常預知敵軍的行動,並設法應付。
    A good general tries to anticipate the enemy 's movement.
  • 預期雙方會在來的會議上取得更豐碩的成果。
    This is an excellent start and I anticipate more good news from future meetings.
  • 我們設法預測考試中會問些什麽問題。
    We're trying to anticipate what questions we'll be asked in the examination.
  • 我們可以預見,有一個持續增長的對可用土地的不同使用之間的競爭,而保持生物多樣性的需要不會比其他需要更能得到足夠的重視。
    We can anticipate an ever-increasing competition among different uses of the available land, and the maintenance of biodiversity may not rank high in the face of other, more obvious demands.
  • 到二零一六年,預計這些新發展區的人口增加約35萬人。
    These studies involve an anticipated increase in population of about 0.35 million by 2016.
  • ??十年前,原子能似乎能夠解决預料發生的能源危機。
    Ten years ago it appeared that nuclear power would solve the anticipated energy crisis.
  • 全軍動員以應付即來臨的戰爭。
    All troops have been mobilized in anticipation of the coming war.
  • 對此次厚誼,讓我表示謝意。今後無論何時,貴方如有吩咐,我們同樣為貴公司服務。
    We thank you in anticipation of your kindness, and always at your disposal for similar service.
  • 準備調不和諧音作為和諧音引入前一和弦以此來調和該不和諧音
    The anticipation of a dissonant tone by means of its introduction as a consonant tone in the preceding chord.
  • 留出以備來或意外情況使用;儲備。
    hold back or set aside, esp. for future use or contingency: reserve: they held back their applause in anticipation..
  • 由於預期政府製定新的《版權條例》,臨時市政局計劃在圖書館內提供更多自助影印機。
    More self-service photocopying machines in the libraries are planned in anticipation of the enactment of the new Copyright Ordinance.
  • 基於預測的預期指令帶有很高的確定性。
    Anticipatory clearances, for example, are given on the basis of expectations that are held with a high degree of certainty.
  • 辯護律師們滑稽的動作審判變成了對正義的滑稽的模仿
    The antics of the defense attorneys turned the trial into a burlesque of justice.
  • 引用諾貝爾評奬委員會的話來說,這一國際運動“開啓了一個進程,在短短幾年內,禁止使用這種殺傷性地雷從一種設想變成了一種可能的現實”。
    In the words of the Nobel Committee, the International Campaign "started a process which in the space of a few years changed a ban on antipersonnel mines from a vision to a feasible reality."
  • 利用它的抗感染特性,可榨好的純生蒜汁塗抹到唇邊泡疹、擦傷、瘡疹或真菌生長的地方如香港腳。
    To benefit from its antiseptic properties, rub the neat juice from a crushed clove on cold sores, scratches, spots or fungal growths such as athlete’s foot.
  • “technology”當今的第一層意思定義為“科技”是很確切的。它既和“科學”很對偶,又很體現具體內容。
    It is appropriate to define the first meaning of Technology in Chinese as "keji", not only as an antithesis to match "Science", but also to reflect its complete meaning.
  • 然而我們是在革命戰爭中,革命戰爭是一種抗毒素,它不但排除敵人的毒焰,也清洗自己的污濁。
    But we are in the midst of a revolutionary war, and revolutionary war is an antitoxin which not only eliminates the enemy's poison but also purges us of our own filth.
  • 隨着越來越多的人使用因特網和其他環球網絡,現有的反毒方式不再有效。
    As more and more people use the Internet and other global networks, existing antivirus methods won't be able to keep up.
  • 人們不再相信你們的法律。威尼斯不久就會喪失它的偉大。安東尼奧是我的敵人,我恨他。
    No one will trust your laws any more. The greatness of Venice will soon be lost. Antonio is my enemy, I hate him.
  • 國際奧委會主席鬍安·安東尼奧·薩馬蘭奇金牌授予中國第一位奧運會冠軍——許海峰——並說那是“中國五千年歷史中的大喜日子”。
    IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch presented the gold medal to China's first Olympic champion, Xu Haifeng, saying that it was "a big day in china's 5,000 year history."
  • 一位民主黨首要參議員和一位裏根政府官員今天說:既然讓巴拿馬領袖下臺的談判已經失敗,他們不排隊使用武力趕走諾列加軍。
    A key Democratic Senator and a Reagan Administration official said today that they would not rule out military action to oust Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega now that negotiations had failed so far to get the Panamanian leader to step down.
  • 命令艦隊在海岩打敗安東尼和剋利奧帕特拉的羅馬軍(公元前63-12)。
    Roman general who commanded the fleet that defeated the forces of Antony and Cleopatra at Actium (63-12 BC).
  • 布魯圖,馬庫斯·朱尼厄斯85?-42古羅馬的政治傢和軍,圖謀暗殺凱撒。在後來與馬剋·安東尼和屋大維的爭權戰中,在菲利皮戰役中失利並自殺
    Roman politician and general who conspired to assassinate Julius Caesar. In the subsequent power struggle with Mark Antony and Octavian, Brutus was defeated at the Battle of Philippi and committed suicide.
  • 通過肛門腸內存住的氣體排出。
    expel intestinal gases through the anus.
  • 明天當她長途遊往英國時,他密切關註她。
    Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she swims the long distance to England.
  • 在世界各地,中國人正在熱烈期待2月1日即來臨的春節。
    Around the world, Chinese and many non-Chinese wait anxiously for the arrival of the Spring Festival and the Chinese New Year beginning on February the 1st.
  • 不管怎樣,我們渡過睏難。
    We shall scrape through anyhow.
  • 按你喜歡的任何方法來烹製它。他們是以各種方式來的--乘船、乘火車或乘飛機
    I'll cook it anyhow you like. They came anyhow they could梑y boat, train, or plane.
  • 人們不用再隨身帶着錢包了。
    "A lot of people won't have to carry wallets anymore," he says.
  • 我將隨時為您效勞。
    I'll is glad to is at your service anytime.
  • 使用戶用一個因特網傳真地址在任何地方、任何時間接收傳真,而此傳真地址對用戶電子郵件地址是一個補充。
    This would enable users to receive faxes anywhere, anytime with an Internet fax address that complements their e-mail address.
  • 一旦這個語句執行完畢,date就不再需要。隨之而來的“垃圾收集器”會發現這一情況,並在任何可能的時候其回收。
    As soon as this statement is finished, that Date is unnecessary, and the garbage collector can come along and get it anytime.