  • 我想是气的问题吧。
    I suppose that's the atmospheric pressure.
  • 所有这些运动都受到军阀政府的镇
    All these movements were suppressed by the warlord government.
  • 叛乱在几小时之内就镇下去了。
    The revolt was suppressed in a matter of hours.
  • 军队向暴徒开枪镇叛乱。
    The troops suppressed the rebellion by firing on the mob.
  • 他继续镇人民,为帝国主义效劳。
    He continued to suppress the people and serve the imperialists.
  • 他们调来军队和警察来镇罢工。
    They called out both military and police forces to suppress the strikes.
  • 我们只能用革命的暴力来镇反革命的暴力。
    We have no alternative but to use revolutionary violence to suppress counter-revolutionary violence.
  • 我们今天怎么可能反过来去制人权?
    So today how possibly could we just reverse our position and suppress human rights?
  • 对某事更严格;利用权势反对某人或防止或制某事
    Come stricter about sth; use one's authority against sb or to prevent or suppress sth
  • 一个政府要制他国的自由,就一定会对该国的公民增加力。
    A government cannot suppress freedom is a foreign country without tightening the screws on its citizens.
  • 当敌人感到游击队对他有了大的危害时,就会派兵镇或举行进攻。
    When the enemy feels seriously threatened by guerrillas, he will send troops to attack or suppress them.
  • 香港海关继续采取严厉的执法行动,以防止及抑非法贩卖、制造及分销危险药物的活动。
    The department continued to take vigorous enforcement action to prevent and suppress unlawful trafficking in dangerous drugs and their manufacture and distribution.
  • 应该坚决地镇那些坚决的汉奸分子和坚决的反共分子,非此不足以保卫抗日的革命势力。
    We must firmly suppress the confirmed traitors and anti-Communists, or otherwise we shall not be able to protect the anti-Japanese revolutionary forces.
  • 职务是镇反革命,保卫乡政权,敌人来了帮助红军或赤卫队作战。
    Its job is to suppress counter-revolution, protect the township government and assist the Red Army and Red Guards in battle when the enemy appears.
  • 为了掩盖视听,制对纳粹当局的反面报道,德国只允许本国摄影师在奥运会上拍照。
    Seeking to put on its best face and suppress any possible negative reporting of the Nazi administration of the Games, Germany allowed only German photographers to record Olympic events.
  • 显示制或受到制。
    manifesting or subjected to suppression.
  • 管制实行一种制的审查,如对新闻消息等
    A suppression, as of news, by censorhip.
  • 对叛乱的镇、对事实的隐瞒
    The suppression of a revolt, the facts
  • 叛乱只用了两天时间
    The suppression of the revolt took a mere two days
  • 具有或者表现出抑冲动或者情感的特点。
    characterized by or showing the suppression of impulses or emotions.
  • 叛乱只用了两天时间。
    The suppression of the revolt take a mere two days.
  • 他们发布了无数法令来镇人民。
    They issued numerous decrees and ordinances for the suppression of the people.
  • 政府用镇的手段来控制抗议。
    the government used suppressive measures to control the protest.
  • 他们肯定对这种力感到苦恼。
    They surely writhe under this pressure.
  • 放在两个平面中间并用重力或
    place between two surfaces and apply weight or pressure.
  • 突然增加烧断了保险丝而使电灯熄灭。
    A sudden surge in the current make the light fuse.
  • 一些物种无法承受这种猖撅的偷猎行为带来的力。
    Some species may not be able to sustain the pressure from such prevalent raids.
  • 我们被工作得透不过气来。
    We are swamped with work.
  • 在瑞典,已逐渐形成了一套极好的制度,以保护公民个人不受专横和不称职的政府官员的欺
    Sweden has evolved an excellent system for protecting the individual citizen from high-handed or incompetent public officers.
  • 对下列动作,裁判员给分:摔倒,摆脱成功,反控制翻上,完全摔倒(两肩着地),接近摔倒(两肩着地)或接近下(两肩着地)。
    The referee awards points for a takedown, an escape position, a reversal of control, a fall, a near fall, or near pin.
  • 他想回嘴,但他姐姐大声吵嚷,倒了他。
    He tried to talk back, but his sister vociferously talked him down.
  • 农民们把幼苗基部四周的泥土实。
    The farmers tamped down the earth around the base of the seedings.