  • 安吉利斯港美国华盛顿州西北部城市,位于胡安德夫卡海峡,加拿大不颠哥伦比亚省的维多利亚市以南。该市是一个进口港,同时也是一个船运及渔业中心,另外还是个旅游胜地。人口17,710
    A city of northwest Washington on the Strait of Juan de Fuca south of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. It is a port of entry, a boating and fishing center, and a resort. Population,17, 710.
  • 维多利亚加拿大大不颠哥伦比亚省省会,位于温哥华岛东南端的胡安·德福卡海峡的东端。1843年建立被当作哈得孙海湾公司的边远部分,19世纪60年代末它成为省会。人口64,379
    The capital of British Columbia, Canada, on southeast Vancouver Island at the eastern end of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Founded in1843 as a Hudson's Bay Company outpost, it became provincial capital in the late1860's. Population,64, 379.
  • 他们告诉他,先知预言说:“犹大地的伯利恒啊,你在犹大的统治者的眼里,远非是无关紧要的,因为从这里产生一位君王来带领我们以色人民?”
    And they referred him to the prophecy which reads: "Bethlehem in the land of Judah, you are far from least in the eyes of the rulers of Judah; for out of you shall come a leader to be the shepherd of my people Israel."
  • 伊斯雷尔古代巴勒斯坦的一个王国,公元前1025年由扫罗建立,933年后它分裂成北部王国,或以色王国和南部的犹太王国。721年以色被亚述人推翻
    An ancient kingdom of Palestine founded by Saul c.1025 b.c. After933 it split into the Northern Kingdom, or kingdom of Israel, and the kingdom of Judah to the south. Israel was overthrown by the Assyrians in721.
  • 中学时代,她和一群小伙伴去以色旅行,更加深了她对犹太教的认识--对她未来职业的影响。
    In high school, she traveled with a group of peers to Israel, which provided her an even deeper link to Judaism-and to her future career.
  • 他在歌剧虽不太成功,但却以清唱剧而著名,其中有《以色人在埃及》、《参孙》及《犹大·马卡布斯》。
    He had little success with his operas but made his name with his oratorios, among them Israel in Egypt, Samson, and Judas Maccabeus.
  • 他们不单要拼命地工和,还要做饭,洗衣服,还有一系近乎无休止的睡前工作。
    The parents who have to juggle a job along with the meal fixing, clothes cleaning and endless edtime rituals.
  • 这些号码没有按顺序排;全给搞乱了。
    The numbers are not in sequence; they are all jumbled up.
  • 特快车在普林斯顿不停。
    express trains don't stop at Princeton Junction.
  • 测量热辐射的仪器;由几个成系的连在一块的热点偶组成。
    an instrument for measuring heat radiation; consists of several thermocouple junctions in series.
  • 在中国’99昆明世博会184天的会期中,将举行一系丰富多彩的活动。
    During the 184 days of Expo '99, kaleidoscopic activities will be held.
  • 成群的人排在人行道的边上看送葬的队伍。
    Crowds of people lined the kerb to see the funeral procession.
  • 玉米穗上通常一的,上面长有玉米颗粒的坚硬而厚的圆柱中。
    the hard cylindrical core that bears the kernels of an ear of corn.
  • 玉米棒子芯玉米穗上通常一的,上面长有玉米颗粒的坚硬而厚的圆柱中心
    The hard, thick, cylindrical central core on which are borne the grains or kernels of an ear of corn, usually in rows.
  • 番茄一些研究证明,番茄酱、汤类和沙司中含有的烹调过的番茄,能够降低前腺癌和其他消化道癌症的患病率。
    Tomatoes Several studies have linked the cooked tomatoes in ketchup, soups and sauces to a reduced risk of prostate cancer and other cancers of the digestive tract.
  • 电脑的数据输入装置;同控制台打字机键盘一样排
    a keyboard that is a data input device for computers; arrangement of keys is modelled after the typewriter keyboard.
  • 单个字母的键盘操作打字机。
    a keyboard-operated typesetting machine that sets separate characters.
  • 在键盘上按规定顺序排的一行数字键。
    On a keyboard, a row of numeric keys in an ordered sequence.
  • 键盘上由一系琴拴组成的乐器。
    a musical instrument consisting of a series of steam whistles played from a keyboard.
  • 为达到这个目的,要用import关键字准确告诉java编译器我们希望的类是什么。import的作用是指示编译器导入一个“包”——或者说一个“类库”(在其他语言里,可将“库”想象成一系函数、数据以及类的集合。但请记住,java的所有代码都必须写入一个类中)。
    This is accomplished by telling the Java compiler exactly what classes you want using the import keyword. import tells the compiler to bring in a package, which is a library of classes. (In other languages, a library could consist of functions and data as well as classes, but remember that all code in Java must be written inside a class.)
  • “长征”系运载火箭近地轨道最大运载能力达到9200千克,地球同步转移轨道最大运载能力达到5100千克,基本能够满足不同用户的需求。
    The largest launching capacity of the "Long-March" rockets has reached 9,200 kg for near- earth orbit, and 5,100 kg for geo-stationary transfer orbit, able to basically meet the demands of customers of all kinds.
  • 例如,将在2003年5月21日至23日举行的基辅部长级“欧洲环境”会议议程上将水问题于重要地位,包括通过下文书:欧洲经委会水和工业事故公约关于民间对跨国界水域工业事故引致损害应负责任的议定书;以及协助新独立国家的环境战略,包括综合水资源管理和国际河域问题。
    For example, water issues will have a prominent place on the agenda of the Kiev ministerial conference on the theme “Environment for Europe”, to be held from 21 to 23 May 2003, including the adoption of a protocol to the ECE water and industrial accidents conventions on civil liability for damage caused by industrial accidents on transboundary waters, and an environment strategy for the newly independent States that includes integrated water resources management and international river basin issues.
  • 那姑娘独自在公园里散步时碰上了那个系杀人犯。
    The girl who was enjoying a lonely walk in the park fell in with the series killer.
  • 气流烟道为强使气流从上部流到下方而设计的装在砖窑里的一系烟道
    A series of flues in a brick kiln designed to force air down from the top.
  • 九广铁路全长34公里,除了为新界东北部的新巿镇提供郊区车服务外,也供货运车来往香港与内地之用,以及供客车来往九龙与常平/广州及佛山/肇庆之间。
    The 34-kilometre railway provides a suburban service to the new towns in the north-eastern New Territories, a freight service to and from China, and passenger services to and from Changping/Guangzhou and Foshan/Zhaoqing.
  • 在当地小酒店中,王盾形纹章是最差的一家。
    The Kings Arms is the bottom of the league as far as local pubs are concerned.
  • 演讲者头头是道地论述了一系问题.
    The speaker discoursed knowledgeably on a variety of subjects.
  • 中国国防科技工业利用军工技术和设备研制生产了运五、运七、运八、运十二等民用飞机;与外国企业合作生产了md—82、md—90等大型客机;自行研制了10亿次银河ii型巨型计算机及应用软件;设计并建造了30万千瓦的秦山核电站;建造了穿梭油轮、多用途集装箱船和大型风冷集装箱船等一系高新技术产品。
    In addition, these enterprises have used military facilities and technology to bring many products and projects from the drawing board to production including the Yun-5, Yun-7, Yun-8 and Yun-12 civil aircraft, the MD-82 and MD-90 large passenger airplanes (produced in cooperation with a foreign partner), the Galaxy-II supercomputer capable of handling 1 billion operations per second and its application software, the 300,000-KW Qinshan Nuclear Power Station, shuttle oil tankers, multi-function container ships, large air-cooled container ships and other new and hi-tech products.
  • 与2003年3月在京都举行的第三次世界水论坛期间推出该报告有关的所有宣传活动将结合并入其他涉及淡水问题的科学和政治活动、展览和会议。
    Additional and related scientific and political events,exhibits and conferences on freshwater issues will be linked and included in all promotional activities regarding the launch of the Report at the Third World Water Forum, to be held in Kyoto in March 2003.
  • 《考克斯报告》中举了中国政府从劳伦斯-李维摩尔国家实验室和洛斯-阿拉莫斯国家实验室窃取美国情报的事例。
    The Redacted Report purported to document several specific instances of PRC "theft" of Secrets from Lawrence Livermore National Lab and Los Alamos National Lab.
  • 妇女讨厌被为非技术工人。
    Women are tired of being labelled as unskilled workers.
  • 货物现正装上货轮“诹访号”付运,并在本件函内附上该货的提单。
    I am sending you by M.S."Suwa Maru" the under-mention goods, and herewith I enclose a bill of lading for same.