  • 比如,如果運動員自身的生理機很好地清除epo基因,他或她的血液會由於過多的紅血球凝聚而變得粘稠,並因此導致中風或者心髒病的發生。
    For example, if the EPO gene cannot be shut off properly by the athlete's own biological mechanisms, his or her blood is likely to begin to thicken as it is bulked out with excess red blood cells, triggering strokes or heart attacks.
  • 老城西端是禦花園,樹木參天,把牛渡小洲遮住了,至於塞納河,從聖母院鐘樓上俯視,幾乎衹看見老城兩側的河水而已。
    The thickets of the king's gardens, which covered the western point of the City, masked the Island du Passeur. As for the water, from the summit of the towers of Notre-Dame one hardly saw it, on either side of the City;
  • 人口持續地增長,伴隨着生活水平的提高,不僅使美國受到資源枯竭的威脅,而且對環境的污染也已達到了如此嚴重的程度,以致居民稠密地區的工業生産不損害當地居民健康就不存在。
    Continued population increase, accompanied by a rise in the level of living standards, not only threatens to exhaust American resources but pollutes the environment to such an extent that production in the thickly settled area is impossible without damaging the health of the local residents.
  • 改變你我相互不全身心擁有這個事實。
    can you change the fact that you are not wholly mine,I not wholly thine.
  • 據目前情況看,我們不按時完成任務了。
    As things stand, we won't finish the job on time.
  • 如果要直接地認識某種或某些事物,便衹有親身參加於變革現實、變革某種或某些事物的實踐的鬥爭中,觸到那種或那些事物的現象,也衹有在親身參加變革現實的實踐的鬥爭中,暴露那種或那些事物的本質而理解它們。
    If you want to know a certain thing or a certain class of things directly, you must personally participate in the practical struggle to change reality, to change that thing or class of things, for only thus can you come into contact with them as phenomena; only through personal participation in the practical struggle to change reality can you uncover the essence of that thing or class of things and comprehend them.
  • 籃球夠讓我在這段所謂“生命”的旅程中為別人做一些好事,我認為這纔是最重要的。
    But the important thing about basketball is that it gives me a way to do good things for others as I move through this journey called life.
  • 一切都有可能。
    No thing is impossidle.
  • 考慮將來可從事的活動
    About Things In The futur
  • 你要是以為我把汽車藉給你,你還是另打主意吧。
    If you think I'm going to lend you my car you can think again!
  • 他經常曠工你想得出有什麽理由進行解釋嗎?
    Can you think of any explanation for his frequent absence from work?
  • 我是靠我所思考的東西而生存的……我也不夠不思考下去。
    I exist by what I think…and I can’t stop myself from thinking.
  • 即使是在一種語言本身,老師也夠訓練學生的思考,文字的推敲是一種很好的思考練習。
    Even within one language, teachers can train their students to think. The careful choice of words is a good practice of thinking.
  • 我覺得重要的是每天我抽出一定時間不去想別的事情,全神貫註練一會香功。
    I think what matters is that every day I can set aside a certain period of concentrating and thinking about nothing else at all.
  • “文人”作上書奏記,完全是文字上筆端上工夫而已。思想傢必須殫精竭慮,直接取材於人生,而以文字為表現其思想之工具而已。
    " I think a specialist graduates into a scholar when his knowledge broadens, and a writer graduates into a thinker when his wisdom deepens.
  • 王充分(一)“儒生”(通一經),(二)“通人”(博覽古今),(三)“文人”(作上書奏記),(四)“鴻儒”(精思著文連接篇章)。(一)與(二)相對,言讀書;(三)與(四)相對,言著作。“鴻儒”即所謂思想傢;
    Wang Ch'ung (A. D. 27-c. 100) distinguished between "specialists" and "scholars, " and again between "writers" and "thinkers.
  • 傑弗裏以為現在賣掉他的房子就得到一大筆錢,但那是癡心妄想。
    Jeffrey thinks that by selling his house now he's going to make a large profit, but that's just wishful thinking.
  • 繼續這項運動直到減肥嗎?
    Will you keep on the course of exercised until you are thinner?
  • 繼續采用這種療法,即運動,直到你變瘦為止嗎?
    Will you remain on his course of exercised until you are thinner?
  • 否繼續這種療程或者運動直到瘦下來為止呢?
    Will you stay on this course or exercises until you are thinner?
  • 頭髮稀疏——這可是甲狀腺分泌過多或過少的跡象。
    Thinning-This could be a sign of either an overor under-active thyroid.
  • 第三,我們希望夠協助各行各業減低營商成本,並且紓解民睏。
    Thirdly, we hope to assist various businesses to reduce their operating cost and to relieve the pain of the people.
  • 第三,通過生産勞動使罪犯盡可地掌握一種或幾種生産技及知識,可以為刑滿釋放後的就業謀生創造條件。
    Thirdly, productive labour enables prisoners to acquire productive skills and knowledge which make it possible for them to earn a living when they have served their sentence.
  • 第三,中國又是一個很大的國傢,地大、物博、人多、兵多,夠支持長期的戰爭,這同日本又是一個相反的對比。
    Thirdly, and again by contrast with Japan, China is a very big country with vast territory, rich resources, a large population and plenty of soldiers, and is capable of sustaining a long war.
  • 三分之二的面積都用來展出高效的機床。
    Two-thirds of the exhibit area was devoted to high-efficiency machine tools.
  • 兩個可中, 後者比前者更可
    Of the two possibilities, this is more likely than that.
  • 今天,寄去三種針織品樣本,貴公司若訂購,則非常感謝。
    We are sending you three samples of textile per sample post and will thank you for an order for them.
  • 你看你寄給我們一些樣品嗎?
    Do you think you can send us some samples?
  • 湯普生先生是如此節儉,以致他省下超過一半的周薪。
    Mr. Thompson is so thrifty that he is able to save more than half of his weekly salary.
  • 在我和尼爾可一起參與的騎車、遠足以及其他任何活動中,我是不佩帶皮帶子的。
    I couldn't cycle, hike and everything else Neil and I seemed to partake in, wearing a thong.
  • 我隨後想到天然礦石中較大的活性可是因為其中含有少量的高放射性物質所致,這種物質不同於鈾、釷或其他已知的任何元素。
    I then thought that the greater activity of the natural minerals might be determined by the presence of a small quantity of a highly-radioactive material, different from uranium, thorium and the elements known at present.
  • 今後5年將按照“多通道、重載化、大力”的新思路,加快建,預計投資380億元。這些項目建成後,“三西”煤炭外運力可增加近億噸,達到3.5億噸,可基本由“滯後”轉變為“適應”。
    In the next five years, efforts will be made to expedite the construction of diversified coal transport thoroughfares with heavy load and large capacity. With combined investment of38 billion yuan, these projects are expected to raise the region's annual coal transport capacity by nearly 100 million tons to 350 million tons, basically meeting the local demand.